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Any phases you went through when you were younger?

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I went through a MMA phase when I was 17-18


i was training and sparring almost daily. Getting into 3 round fights at 18


i had to stop because I realized I was getting brain damage. My right ear is still black and blue on the inside


on the plus I was 5-1!


(then to alleviate all the migraines and Brain Trauma I turned to the medicinal marijuana game ?)

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in grade 3 they made us do an all-day reading comprehension test thing


i didn't really put much care or effort into it and was put into the lowest category, i think it was the "colour black" set of things to read


my parents went on a "what is wrong with you!!!" rant for a few hours when they found out


when i tried i progressed right to the gold set at the top, an amazing improvement demonstrating how valuable the reading program was


did this lack of caring thing a few more times as well, turned out fine i think


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When I was in high school I started listening to an oldies station. To this day I enjoy hearing songs like Pretty Little Angel Eyes or Blue Moon if I get the chance. 

I don’t remember much from my sophomore, junior and senior years in college because I spent a lot of time being in a haze. That was a phase. 

I occasionally get into a fitness phase that lasts a few years, but it doesn’t last so then I go from waning to waxing gibbous, which is what I am now.  Maybe in another year or so I’ll get ambitious and start getting into a waning mode again. 

I went camping, hiking and canoeing for several years. Having kids made that harder. 

I used to go downhill skiing several times each winter, but my knees started to hurt so I stopped. 

Now I’m starting to enter into my old man phase: woodworking, gardening, cooking, long walks.

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I went through a Doors phase in like 8th grade, I believe.  I listened to all their stuff over and over, to the exclusion of almost everything else.  That lasted about a year, and then I got out of it.


I don't dislike their music now, but I don't really listen to it anymore either.



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On 8/1/2018 at 1:50 PM, teef said:

i'm surprised royal didn't mention the phase where he decided to date men.  some phases are more memorable than others i suppose.


...and some phases - especially in college - are just vague recollections...almost ghostlike. 

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On 8/1/2018 at 1:50 PM, teef said:

i'm surprised royal didn't mention the phase where he decided to date men.  some phases are more memorable than others i suppose.


10 minutes ago, Augie said:


...and some phases - especially in college - are just vague recollections...almost ghostlike. 

And some turn into a lifestyle. 

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I cannot state on the internet any illegal activities I may or may not have (absolutely not) tried, experimented with, or openly embraced in any phase of my of life.


I can say that I don't regret any of it (except for one time, that one thing at that place, with those people). I had a lot of fun, pushed a lot of boundaries, and learned a lot about life.


So, to answer the OP: the only "phases" in my life is the crap I quit doing. That certainly does not include fornication, pharmaceuticals, and loud upbeat, rebellious,  mind expanding music!

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The phase I never fell into was loud, heavy rock stuff. NEVER liked it. Later in life we became acquainted with  a (R&R HOF) star in that arena, and that helped us get along famously. He was so popular, it was rare to meet folks who didn’t want to be with him just for his music. Being in a fishbowl is not all it’s racked up to be. Rich can be great, and famous can be OK too, But happy and healthy is the big EVERYTHING! 

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