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Official "GO COLTS - BEAT THE PATS" thread


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Why don't you guys just worry about Jacksonville and let the Patriots worry about the Colts?



Bone - those words are kind of ironic coming from Pats fans on a Bills board already, don't you think? :rolleyes:


I always welcome good smack talk balanced with a Boston outsiders' perspective.

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I don't like Manning's game at all, but I'll admit that my view of him is colored of him as (1) a great player on a playoff rival and (2) his likeness (in my eyes, anyway) to Bledsoe, although the Tin Manning's best years are better than The Cer... err, Drew's.  :unsure:



And you will win the Division at 9 and 7. :rolleyes:

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Bone - those words are kind of ironic coming from Pats fans on a Bills board already, don't you think?  :rolleyes:


I always welcome good smack talk balanced with a non-Boston point of view.




Well I do not understand this obsession with the Patriots, all during the last year's playoffs, we had post after post on how the Titans/Colts/Panthers were going to beat the Patriots....now before the season has started we have an official go Colts beat the Patriots thread...now if this was during the season when the Bills are 0-8 I can understand it...but this early when the Bills might still win some games???


Just does not make any sense to me.

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Well I do not understand this obsession with the Patriots, all during the last year's playoffs, we had post after post on how the Titans/Colts/Panthers were going to beat the Patriots....now before the season has started we have an official go Colts beat the Patriots thread...now if this was during the season when the Bills are 0-8 I can understand it...but this early when the Bills might still win some games???


Just does not make any sense to me.



Don't you have some erection drug you should be testing you vomitous mass? :rolleyes:

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It doesn't make any sense to me that a team represented by a homosexual Minuteman could have won 2 of the past 3 superbowls.  Just go with it man!




MASS, the land of the free and the proud...I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is as long as they win those Super Bowls baby....

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MASS, the land of the free and the proud...I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is as long as they win those Super Bowls baby....



Amen!! To paraphrase a poster on a Pats board, "I don't care if he wears tutus at a gay pride parade in the South End during the off-season, just keep bringing home the bling, baby!" :rolleyes:

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T-Bone, you know what? Everytime I get to a point where it's not necessary to bitchslap you everytime you post a thought, you come out and say some of the dumbest things in the world.


Well I do not understand this obsession with the Patriots


Says the guy who spends a crapload of time on a Bills message board.


all during the last year's playoffs, we had post after post on how the Titans/Colts/Panthers were going to beat the Patriots


What's this WE stuff, Kimosabe. Mouse in your pocket? When you say "we" are you talking about when you were a Bills fan before you were a Patriots fan or a Bills fan after you were a Patriots fan, of is this just a ubiquitious 'we' you're using in a John Kerry sort of way?


now if this was during the season when the Bills are 0-8 I can understand it


You're probably dizzy from all the team-swapping, but let me explain this to you in a language you understand: Crayola. The Bills and Pats are in the same division, and as much as we need to win, we need you to lose. We have preferences for your losses. We prefer you first and foremost lose to an AFC East team, followed by losing to an AFC team, followed by losing on a primetime game, followed by losing for no apparent reason, followed by losing to an NFC team.


All of this is fueled by the fact that it is a primetime game, and virtually everyone from this board will be watching it.


I swear, T-Bone. Sometimes you're an enigma wrapped in a mystery stuffed in a jelly donut.

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We prefer you first and foremost lose to an AFC East team


Of course, provided that the AFC East team they're playing isn't the Felons...

in which case, if you're an old-school Bills fan, you have to root for the Pats. :rolleyes:

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Of course, provided that the AFC East team they're playing isn't the Felons...

in which case, if you're an old-school Bills fan, you have to root for the Pats.  :rolleyes:



Not this year when the Dolphins pose no real threat to win the division...I want the Bills to win a division title and the Pats are the main obstacle to that goal.

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