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(OT) Runner's

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Dawg--i started at 5.5 or so and no incline four years ago--after 10 years away from running and gaining 50 lbs..


now my training runs on the mill are at 7:30 pace (8.1) and varying the incline between 1 and 7 to add spice to the run...I usually get in 7 miles in 52 minutes of run time--do a 3 minute warm up and cool down on each end of that....again--its taken me 4 years to get here...I have lost 40 lbs of the weight I put on since college...


The other thing i didn't skimp on was the treadmill--bought a health club quality one for home...one of the nicer Keys fitness models...i have beat the heck out of it..3500 miles in 20 or so months--but it is still in great shape...


Jester--you are my hero man--you will get over this rough patch and be back at it....I never knew how much I missed running during those 10 years of couch potato city and now I think I am hooked for life (however long the big man upstairs gives me).

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I run as much as I can. Usually 5 days a week 21-25 mile range right around a 7:00-7:15 minute mile. It really is addicting. When I was training for the marathon last year it was around 8:00-8:30 due to the length of the run. Good to see there are other runners out there!



What kind of insoles do you guys think are the best? I use Spenco's polysorb.



Sorry to hear about that. Everything will work out in the long run. :w00t:

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