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I hope to check out where they shoot. There has been a lot of rain and heavy winds since I've been here. The weathermen are complaining because it's so cold(down into the 50's in some places on Oahu). Funny to hear them say back to you in the warm studio! ;)




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Here is the latest schedule for Lost, new episode titles and dates:


March 30: Deux Ex Machina


April 6: Do No Harm


April 20: The Greater Good


April 27: Born To Run


That brings the 1st season of Lost to a total of 22 episodes. Which is usually how many a show makes in 1 season.

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In other LOST news, I was reading that there was a convention thingie last week. Most of the stars and writers were on stage to take some questions, etc.


So, Abrams came out and said that they are not in purgatory, this is a theory he wants to nip in the bud. And in the Locke: Good or Evil debate, the stars were all asked to raise their hands if they thought Locke was a Good character. They all kind of looked at each other. No one raised their hands. Then the guy who plays Boone started smiling/laughing and raised his hand, kind of a joke b/c his char and Locke are tight.

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I love LOST but I have to admit that them showing two or three repeats between one or two new episodes is really starting to wear thin on me. I like a show to run the season like it's supposed to. It's starting to piss me off ala The Sopranos on HBO with their year and a half hiatuses. On the bright side I'm getting DVR finally for my Hi Def box today so I can just record everything and watch it later if I want. :w00t:


Oh, and on a side note. Stephene on Survivor is HOT!!!!!! Damn, she's fine... :w00t:

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Here is the latest schedule for Lost, new episode titles and dates:


March 30: Deux Ex Machina


April 6: Do No Harm


April 20: The Greater Good


April 27: Born To Run


That brings the 1st season of Lost to a total of 22 episodes. Which is usually how many a show makes in 1 season.



And there's two more after born to run. Probably shown together as the season finale. So that brings the total to 24. Nothing for anyone to complain about.

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Which LOST Character Are You?


I got Jack. (Hence the avatar).


Oops. It readeth:

"Ah, the classic co-dependent. You are the person people love to have around in a crisis because you know what to do and how to do it. You'll get all the chicks --- until the bad boy flexes his muscles."


Interesting note, I didn't see before that his name is Jack Shepard. Piecing this together, his father said Jack was "a good man".... --> Jack is "The Good Shepard." In the Bible, "the Good Shepard lays down his life for his flock."


I wouldn't expect this until the end of the series, if it happens at all. Just a musing.

Edited by UConn James
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