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2 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


It's hitting the wall.


The backlash is already beginning to hurt women in the workplace, as men are becoming less willing to work with them, and is doing so in a way that is already measurable, which is extraordinary given the newness of the #metoo nonsense.


Natural demographics alone work against this as roughly half the population is male, and a sizable portion of the female population are mothers to sons.


It won't be much longer before this is tossed on the scrap heap with "racist".


You're assuming they're trying to expand their base of support.  But that's clearly not their goal.

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

Women are not oppressed in the United States in 2018



Right. Because I've never been in a professional setting where men openly discussed women sleeping their way to the top, attacked a woman's intelligence because she's a woman, and gave women less of a chance because she was young and likely to get pregnant. To quote Daniel Carver, "Wake up." 


Are things better? Certainly. Are they fixed? Not even close. The US still has tons of boys club pockets that will not admit women and to think otherwise is fantasy.



What would lead you to believe that there are a greater proportion of bad actors amongst men, willing to rape a woman; then there are bad actors amongst women, willing to make false or grossly exaggerated claims (an unreciprocated attempt of a kiss is not a sexual assault) if it provides them a tangible benefit?


Women are not powerless; quite the contrary, women use the weapons they have been trained in for thousands of years, developed during times when they were oppressed:  guile and deceit.



And there are shark attacks. I'll take my chances in the water instead of a room with Harvey Weinstein. Stop it. There are bad actors and false accusers, of which this woman may well be one, but that is not the norm, and never has been. We are still combatting a culture where rape is an underreported crime due to victim-shaming. 


And as to the underlined, seriously? Women are trained in "guile and deceit?" Did this come out of a DnD/WoW session? 

Edited by BeginnersMind
3 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


You're assuming they're trying to expand their base of support.  But that's clearly not their goal.


No, what I'm doing is coming to the realization that roughly 3/4 of the population is not going to allow the fringes of a dying political movement (and it is dying) to permanently weaponize their own existence against them.



Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


It's hitting the wall.


The backlash is already beginning to hurt women in the workplace, as men are becoming less willing to work with them, and is doing so in a way that is already measurable, which is extraordinary given the newness of the #metoo nonsense.


Natural demographics alone work against this as roughly half the population is male, and a sizable portion of the female population are mothers to sons.


It won't be much longer before this is tossed on the scrap heap with "racist".


Yeah, I feel so oppressed, poor white male that I am. Time for me to organize a march: I'm thinking Charlottesville. 

Edited by BeginnersMind

I hope they push him onto the court with all these problems. That actually would be the best result from the Democratic POV. Then having this alleged rapist, Clarence "Animal Sex" Thomas and the rest of the old men declare women shouldn't control their own bodies, as that's the government's responsibility. 

1 minute ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


No, what I'm doing is coming to the realization that roughly 3/4 of the population is not going to allow the fringes of a dying political movement (and it is dying) to permanently weaponize their own existence against them.




Which is what they want.  They WANT that fight.  That "oppression" justifies their revolution.

1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

I hope they push him onto the court with all these problems. That actually would be the best result from the Democratic POV. Then having this alleged rapist, Clarence "Animal Sex" Thomas and the rest of the old men declare women shouldn't control their own bodies, as that's the government's responsibility. 


What Justice Thomas went through was a disgrace. 



Speaking as a woman who is old enough to have gone to a school that was all male just two years before I started attending... women in the United States who do not want to be oppressed, are not oppressed in 2018.  Are more men still in power in the boardroom and politics than women? Yes. Is it changing? Yes. Is hard work rewarded? Er... sometimes (who you know is still a real thing). 

And if you think women who were second wave feminists (I am too young for that) are not super pissed at the shenanigans going on today with "new feminists", think again.  


4 minutes ago, B-Man said:
Democrats´ sleazy attack on Kavanaugh comes from an old playbook
by Noemie Emery


Original Article









Kavanaugh meets Kafka in kangaroo court
by Rich Lowry


Original Article

Sleezy is Kavanaugh's questions he wrote to ask Bill Clinton. All vagina stuff. Live by the sword, die by the sword. 


No one to blame but yourselves 

Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:

Right. Because I've never been in a professional setting where men openly discussed women sleeping their way to the top, attacked a woman's intelligence because she's a woman, and gave women less of a chance because she was young and likely to get pregnant. To quote Daniel Carver, "Wake up." 


Your experience with women is drastically limited if you don't think there are cabals of women who do the same exact thing in the absence of men.


Women, until they reach the age of 30, and often decide to take different life paths and raise children, earn more than men do in the same professions.  Women are more likely to go to, and graduate from, college than men.  Men have almost no rights in legal issues surrounding custody and adoption of their own children.  This is only a short, and not nearly comprehensive list.



Are things better? Certainly. Are they fixed? Not even close. The US still has tons of boys club pockets that will not admit women and to think otherwise is fantasy.


And women have women's clubs that won't admit men.  The difference?  The women's clubs are legally sanctioned, and publicly endorsed.



And there are shark attacks. I'll take my chances in the water instead of a room with Harvey Weinstein.


This is a horseshit argument in which you substitute a well known predator for "men in general" and a rare but spectacular event like a shark attack for "women in general".  It's a logical fallacy, and I outright reject it as such. 


You'll have to demonstrate that bad actors amongst men are more prevalent than bad actor amongst women.



Stop it.


!@#$ you.  You're making a poor and intellectually dishonest argument.


You've opened this door, now stay here for the beating.



There are bad actors and false accusers, of which this woman may well be one, but that is not the norm, and never has been.


Demonstrate this.


You've made a claim, now back it up.


You're claiming a "rape culture" which impugns men in general as bad actors, and are making an additional claim that women are somehow different, and their malfeasance "is not the norm".


Defend your "women are as pure as the driven snow" narrative.





We are still combatting a culture where rape is an underreported crime due to victim-shaming.




This has been debunked numerous times, and relies on reporting in which an unwanted touch or kiss (normal explorative human sexuality) is considered sexual assault.  It's disingenuous garbage used to advance an intersectionalist narrative at the behest of Third Wave Feminism, which is a supremacy movement.  And again, I reject it outright.



And as to the underlined, seriously? Women are trained in "guile and deceit?" Did this come out of a DnD/WoW session?


Are you so stupid and naïve that you think women haven't developed their own weapons, as men have, over the centuries?  This is not my opinion:  this is mainstream psychology and human development studies into the pathology of the sexes.


However, if you want to continue to advance your ignorance of accepted normal human psychology in snarky tones place of an argument, I'm happy to laugh at you while I kick your ass.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
56 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:


Yeah, I feel so oppressed, poor white male that I am. Time for me to organize a march: I'm thinking Charlottesville. 

I thought you wanted all of us to be polite.  And then you start calling people Nazis.  It's almost as if you're a phony.


Grassley: Hearing set for Monday — but “we still haven’t heard from Dr. Ford”






[Ford’s] is simply too distant and uncorroborated a story to warrant a new hearing or to delay a vote.


We’ve heard from all three principals, and there are no other witnesses to call. The only purpose of another public hearing would be a political spectacle in which Democrats could wax indignant for the cameras while Mr. Kavanaugh repeated his denials.


The timing and details of how Ms. Ford came forward, and how her name was coaxed into public view, should also raise red flags about the partisan motives at play. The Post says Ms. Ford contacted the paper via a tip line in July but wanted to remain anonymous. She then brought her story to a Democratic official while still hoping to stay anonymous.


Yet she also then retained a lawyer, Debra Katz, who has a history of Democratic activism and spoke in public defense of Bill Clinton against the accusations by Paula Jones. Ms. Katz urged Ms. Ford to take a polygraph test. The Post says she passed the polygraph, though a polygraph merely shows that she believes the story she is telling.




“Senator [and Judiciary Chairman] Grassley must postpone the vote until, at a very minimum, these serious and credible allegations are thoroughly investigated,” declared Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Sunday. “For too long, when women have made serious allegations of abuse, they have been ignored. That cannot happen in this case.”


His obvious political goal is to delay the confirmation vote past the election, fan the #MeToo political furies until then, and hope that at least two GOP Senators wilt under political pressure. Already Senators Jeff Flake andBob Corker are playing into Mr. Schumer’s hands by calling for a delay.


GOP Senators should understand that the political cost of defeating Mr. Kavanaugh will likely include the loss of the Senate. Democrats are already motivated to vote against Donald Trump, and if Republicans panic now their own voters will rightly be furious. They would be letting Democrats get away with the same dirty trick they tried and failed to pull off against Clarence Thomas.


It would also be a serious injustice to a man who has by all accounts other than Ms. Ford’s led a life of respect for women and the law. Every #MeToo miscreant is a repeat offender. The accusation against Mr. Kavanaugh is behavior manifested nowhere else in his life.


No one, including Donald Trump, needs to attack Ms. Ford. She believes what she believes. This is not he said-she said. This is a case of an alleged teenage encounter, partially recalled 30 years later without corroboration, and brought forward to ruin Mr. Kavanaugh’s reputation for partisan purposes.


Letting an accusation that is this old, this unsubstantiated and this procedurally irregular defeat Mr. Kavanaugh would also mean weaponizing every sexual assault allegation no matter the evidence. It will tarnish the #MeToo cause with the smear of partisanship, and it will unleash even greater polarizing furies.







14 minutes ago, Tiberius said:
The GOP had hoped that the appointment of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court could encourage turnout by the party's voters. Now some worry the sexual assault accusation could refocus attention on an issue that could drive up the Democratic vote in November.


Which is the entire purpose of the accusation.

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