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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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8 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


Wait. I had smart people telling me that Kav perjured himself on this Devil's Triangle thing.


It's almost like people are so eager to push a narrative that they don't have time to wait for the truth.

Have to admit. I was questioning him not backing off that it was a drinking game. But then thought “why would someone, who’s a judge of all things and know what the implications were, lie about something that a good portion of the country would call into question?” 

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6 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

Looks like Blumenthal has finally found the truth.



When in the hell did the GOP old farts decide to start fighting back?


Hatch is freaking hysterical. Watch this.




"Grow up"


That's exactly how my 11 year old daughter argues with me.

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9 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

Looks like Blumenthal has finally found the truth.




When in the hell did the GOP old farts decide to start fighting back?


Hatch is freaking hysterical. Watch this.




I actually laughed out loud.

Is it sad that I assumed they were paid protestors getting the backhand, and not actual victims of sexual assault? That is what the Democrats have brought me to.

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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8 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:

Looks like Blumenthal has finally found the truth.



When in the hell did the GOP old farts decide to start fighting back?


Hatch is freaking hysterical. Watch this.



Yup, the sexes are equal

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Bears repeating in this thread.................................




The Kavanaugh Allegations Are Psychological Terrorism, And It’s Time They End. 


“Vilification is a form of psychological terrorism. Because the fury displayed by those leveling the charges is so relentless and uncompromising, it carries its own threat.”







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2 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

I would never wish those restrictions on anyone.


That's the point: deterrence. Let them register for life. Let their address be published. Let the communities they reside in all be sent notices that they, a registered sex offender, are moving in. Let them register their email accounts and social media accounts.


Accusing someone falsely of a sex offense is a damned serious thing. Anyone remember the Duke Lacrosse team? That B word tried to ruin (and almost succeeded) multiple lives. For what? It was damned lucky that one of the accused players was able to conclusively prove he was on the other side of the city at the time of the supposed rape.


Whatever good #metoo has done to embolden actual victims to speak out (and heal) is undermined by vindictive pieces of Schiff who are abuse the process for pettiness such as attention or revenge.

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