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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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7 minutes ago, Rob's House said:

It will also deter false accusers from coming clean. Although that's easily remedied by making an exception for those who come clean on their own.


The other impracticality is that, without a confession, it would be almost impossible to prove. Especially when the accusation is made weeks or months (or 36 years) after the alleged incident.

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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


The other impracticality is that, without a confession, it would be almost impossible to prove. Especially when the accusation is made weeks or months (or 36 years) after the alleged incident.

  But that is what this debate is wrapped around.  There is a portion of America that wants Draconian penalties absent any confession or direct contact.  Just looking at a woman from across the street would be intent of sexual misconduct to these people.

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3 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


The other impracticality is that, without a confession, it would be almost impossible to prove. Especially when the accusation is made weeks or months (or 36 years) after the alleged incident.

As an everyday schlump, it is unlikely I'd ever believe an uncorroborated witness (and I mean corroborated with medical tests and photos) on something that happened 36 years ago.  I always scratch my head on how someone can be convicted using only witnesses from 40-50 years ago. 

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8 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

As an everyday schlump, it is unlikely I'd ever believe an uncorroborated witness (and I mean corroborated with medical tests and photos) on something that happened 36 years ago.  I always scratch my head on how someone can be convicted using only witnesses from 40-50 years ago. 

  Same mentality that brought us the Salem Witch Trials centuries ago.  In a lot of ways we are not as evolved as we believe ourselves to be.

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6 hours ago, Alaska Darin said:

Please, tell me where I stand on health care.  I can’t wait to find out what I think.


You don’t get to pretend that the “Affordable Care Act” wasn’t sold as being a cheaper solution to what was in place...it’s literally in the name.  Welcome to consequences.



Alaska Darin, well played. It was out of line to presume something.  I never let you know my feelings at to the abomination of a law Obamacare in it's finality.  The Who said it best, "meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."  Nothing changed, the insurance companies just made more money.



4 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

The problem with declarations that start with "This is the reason that...." is that where human beings are concerned, there are an infinite number of reasons and rationales to explain why people choose to handle things a certain way.  You're oversimplifying an incredibly complex issue to the extent that you're arguing against using logic and reason to analyze the veracity of one individuals claims v another.  To suggest that your commentary has nothing to do with these hearings, while on a message board specifically discussing this hearing seems a bit shallow.  Here's the reason my thoughts on Ford's allegations are not "the problem" ..my thoughts on Ford v Kavanaugh have nothing to do with my thoughts on any other case involving allegations of sexual assault. 


I do maintain that people unwilling to consider the totality of the information available at the click of a button and defer to "everyone should be believed every time" are a much bigger problem than what I post on a message board. 


The good news is you are consistent. There are many, many powerful people in government and beyond that are hoping that a large number of people think that health insurance can be boiled down to "we are all one pool of healthy and sick" which then obviously and definitively means lower cost. 


Seriously, read a book or two about actuarial science, risk management and human behavior. 

You're right, I do oversimplify. How else am I to communicate with those that are too dumb otherwise? /s 


I have not argued for a lack of reasoning. In fact I will always argue FOR reasoning. Just because I left a comment stating that women have been repressed does not assume that I am without reason.


What is the old addage? Oh yes, "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." And what has this administration been saying since day one about those that made accusations? These are people looking to make money. So surprise that same line of thinking comes out with this accusation.


I'm not going to say that this may not be the reason. Heck, even Hitler knew that in a "big lie there is always credibility; because the broad masses of a Nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than conciously or voluntarily" (Mein Kampf).  So that lends me to ask, which side is making the broad lie that reached down to the emotional nature? It could be partisan in nature, or it could be the administrations lie told over and over too.  Interesting thoughts no doubt.


Healthcare- how has capitalism helped with the insurance industry?  Where are the checks and balances of a neutral capitalistic society? Oh yes demand is so high that it commands a higher cost?  How about limiting the supply by having a form of medice that treats the human, not the symptoms?  We have moved too far away from treating the entire body as a whole toward a system that treats each symptom with a pill, that may cause a side effect for which another pill exists. I really do feel that we can simplify it down that far.


4 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


There is an entire thread dedicated to the health care discussion here, so I'm sure we should keep that discussion isolated, but I can't let this go: one of THE primary selling points of Obamacare was that it was going to reduce annual health insurance costs, on average, $2500 per year. The promise was never to get it to $20K a year for everyone since we were well on our way to that number already.


THAT is revisionist history. It's like arguing that yes, Obama said if you like your doctor, you could keep your doctor, but if you lost  your doctor, that must mean you didn't like your doctor.

I will go to the healthcare thread to post more if need be. Yup, it was a sorry attempt to stifle the rising costs.  The original bill, as proposed would have worked, however the final outcome was terrible but exactly what the insurance companies wanted. I will not lie and say that Obamacare worked, cause I don't believe that's what I said. I just wanted to make it clear that the insurance issue has not changed with the exception that the insurance carriers are making more money.



And how much time do you all have to make these posts? Jeeze these forums move fast!

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1 minute ago, nkreed said:

And how much time do you all have to make these posts? Jeeze these forums move fast!


All of us are, this very moment, engaged in a global (dis)information war. We're all combatants in this fight, even when we're not online. The (dis)information is coming from all angles, both sides of the political spectrum (and beyond) - the only way through it is to hone your own discernment and not outsource it to even trusted media sources. That takes time and effort - which a lot of people do not have to give as they're too busy providing for their families or otherwise living their lives. 


There are others who have more time, due to either not having kids or having jobs that allow them a great deal of freedom, who feel it is their responsibility to help share information with the communities they care about. Even (gasp) the dungeon here in PPP. :beer: 


Things are going to move even faster as we get towards November 6th.

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5 minutes ago, nkreed said:


And how much time do you all have to make these posts? Jeeze these forums move fast!


The other day when the Ford/ Kavanaugh testimony was on, someone likened this thread to the game day thread.  :lol:   I laughed.

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3 minutes ago, nkreed said:



And how much time do you all have to make these posts? Jeeze these forums move fast!


There have been occasions when PPP has actually accumulated more posts than TSW in the same period of time.  These occasions have become more common over the last year.

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7 minutes ago, nkreed said:

Alaska Darin, well played. It was out of line to presume something.  I never let you know my feelings at to the abomination of a law Obamacare in it's finality.  The Who said it best, "meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."  Nothing changed, the insurance companies just made more money.



You're right, I do oversimplify. How else am I to communicate with those that are too dumb otherwise? /s 


I have not argued for a lack of reasoning. In fact I will always argue FOR reasoning. Just because I left a comment stating that women have been repressed does not assume that I am without reason.


What is the old addage? Oh yes, "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." And what has this administration been saying since day one about those that made accusations? These are people looking to make money. So surprise that same line of thinking comes out with this accusation.


I'm not going to say that this may not be the reason. Heck, even Hitler knew that in a "big lie there is always credibility; because the broad masses of a Nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than conciously or voluntarily" (Mein Kampf).  So that lends me to ask, which side is making the broad lie that reached down to the emotional nature? It could be partisan in nature, or it could be the administrations lie told over and over too.  Interesting thoughts no doubt.


Healthcare- how has capitalism helped with the insurance industry?  Where are the checks and balances of a neutral capitalistic society? Oh yes demand is so high that it commands a higher cost?  How about limiting the supply by having a form of medice that treats the human, not the symptoms?  We have moved too far away from treating the entire body as a whole toward a system that treats each symptom with a pill, that may cause a side effect for which another pill exists. I really do feel that we can simplify it down that far.


I will go to the healthcare thread to post more if need be. Yup, it was a sorry attempt to stifle the rising costs.  The original bill, as proposed would have worked, however the final outcome was terrible but exactly what the insurance companies wanted. I will not lie and say that Obamacare worked, cause I don't believe that's what I said. I just wanted to make it clear that the insurance issue has not changed with the exception that the insurance carriers are making more money.



And how much time do you all have to make these posts? Jeeze these forums move fast!

Look if you want low IQ posts, go to the shout box, you'll find 20 of your unhinged Trump hating rere friends

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1 minute ago, LeviF91 said:


There have been occasions when PPP has actually accumulated more posts than TSW in the same period of time.  These occasions have become more common over the last year.

  You can whine over McBeane for only so long before you crave fresh meat.

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4 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  You can whine over McBeane for only so long before you crave fresh meat.

Image result for true gif

2 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


Wait. I had smart people telling me that Kav perjured himself on this Devil's Triangle thing.


It's almost like people are so eager to push a narrative that they don't have time to wait for the truth.


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13 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  You can whine over McBeane for only so long before you crave fresh meat.


That place makes this place look completely sane. I can 't count the number of nuts who have made that side of the board completely unreadable.

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