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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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3 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Text messages sent by Kavanaugh about the Ramirez attack were sent by him before he said he knew about it. 


And you make posts on topics before you know anything about them.  What's your !@#$ing point?

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1 hour ago, LSHMEAB said:

I can't find the post, but someone referred to Brett Kavanaugh as "dreamy." If that's "dreamy," I'd hate to see a nightmare.


Since it's fair game to attack Ford's looks, lets just call a spade a spade; Brett Kavanaugh is one ugly dude.

I don’t think he’s be interested in dating you. 

1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


No.  Republicans can tell the Democrats to go pound sand up their ass.  Used to be the Democrats had leverage for negotiation...but thanks to Harry Reid, they don't even have that any more unless they appeal to mob hysteria.


And the Senate asking for an FBI investigation means nothing.  They don't control the executive branch.  They have leverage ("Give us an investigation, or your nomination's borked.") but not authority.


He looks like a slightly less doughy Ted Cruz.  

He could use some time in the sun. Maybe Trump can give him some tips on getting his tan buffed up a bit. :ph34r:

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2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Text messages sent by Kavanaugh about the Ramirez attack were sent by him before he said he knew about it. 


Not true.  Messages were possibly sent before her story was public.  It's likely BK knew the accusations were coming before the Ramirez reports came out because he learned about it through something other than a print or TV news story.  He's kind of an insider on this whole deal. 

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12 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


Not true.  Messages were possibly sent before her story was public.  It's likely BK knew the accusations were coming before the Ramirez reports came out because he learned about it through something other than a print or TV news story.  He's kind of an insider on this whole deal. 


Well, hell.  Democrats already trashed presumption of innocence and due process, why the hell not get rid of discovery as well?

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1 hour ago, Cinga said:

So then the next one up might be this guy?

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I didn't know how many of them it was going to take to whip my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. That's a handy piece of information to have, right there.

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8 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

Ford claims that 36 years ago Kavanaugh shoved her in a bedroom at a party and got on top of her on a bed. He then tried to take her clothes off but Mark Judge who was in the room also jumped on Kavanaugh and they all fell off the bed and she escaped. Oh, and Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth. She doesn't know when or where this happened or how she got to the home or how she left it.


Has she ever put a timeframe on how long this "assault" went on for?  I don't think serious rapists/assaulters are actually laughing and falling all over themselves when doing said rape/assault. 



7 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

Marjie Lewis

Written by a Female Physician who was wild in college. "This is not Justice. This is Wrong... I was immersed in the party scene in college. I drank to excess. I... had black out nights. I WAS GROPED AT FRAT PARTIES. If advances were unwanted I pushed the person away and set personal boundaries. I chose to be a part of the party scene. Because of this I had fun and I have regrets. I HAVE BEEN ASSAULTED AND NOT RAPED. I could replay a scenario like Christine Ford described as very similar to things that happened when excessive drinking occurred in my own experiences.
At the age of 25 I settled down and now my idea of excitement is Netflix and yoga pants. If any of my current patients saw my behavior back then, I could understand why they wouldn’t want me to care for them.
I feel like being a physician is every bit as important as being a Supreme Court Justice. The decisions we make over the span of our careers could change the lives of thousands of people and their descendants for years to come. The same can be said for the Supreme Court or any other political office held. The thing is, poor choices in the past does not, and should not disqualify them. I chugged bankers club whiskey in a cornfield and peed behind a dumpster 25 years ago. But Friday I used tiny instruments to remove infected bony partitions from the ethmoid sinus a few millimeters away from the brain. Should I have a right to operate on humans despite my past? You are damn right I do. You know why? Because I spent 20 years educating myself and sacrificing countless hours to get there. I gave up so much to be good at what I do, to be confident enough in myself to put myself out there to care for people who put their lives in my hands. My hands are capable in spite of my weaknesses of the past.
Character is built partially on learning from mistakes. Brett Kavanaugh has devoted his life to public service and the past 20 years of his life is the definition of integrity. He deserves this appointment.
I AM AGAINST THE WEAPONIZATION OF VICTIMHOOD. Believing unequivocally the woman is right every single time no matter what is giving women power to take out anyone in their path. That is not equality. This radical position is not the answer to gender discrimination and victims rights.
No one can even place Brett Kavanaugh and the Christine Ford IN THE SAME ROOM at a party that zero people recollect except for the woman making the accusations.
If every single woman must be believed every single time, we all know there will be circumstances by which someone will use this power for selfish reasons. It sets women back so far. This is not breaking the glass ceiling. THIS IS NOT JUSTICE. THIS IS WRONG.

You need to read up on this. Kavanaugh has not been accused of rape. Google is your friend best way to find out the facts.


This is great.


9 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


Weed is legal in DC.


I'm pretty sure beer is, too.

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