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23 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Howe do you think it plays with non-costal Democrats, in the bible belt, and rust belt?  In the swing states that Trump carried? States considered Purple, or that Democrats carry by narrow margins?



Most college towns, this plats very well for Democrats.


It's still an urban vs. rural civil war, regardless of how the voting sorts out.

Just now, LSHMEAB said:

Not all with a leg up financially are undeserving, but many are. My brother was the poor kid at Yale, so it was interesting from a sociological perspective. I would classify 95% of the silver spooners as piss poor morally and many wouldn't have amounted to sh*t it weren't for their birth fortune. Roughly 1/20 were exceptional people who didn't need the advantage.


Kavanaugh strikes me as the kind of guy who thinks he's above reproach. His histrionics today were not a good look. My view is that his mentality stems from a sense of entitlement. It's what I believe based on anecdotal evidence and life experience, and merely an opinion. That's rather the purpose of a message board.


Ah, the ugly politics of greed, bigotry, and hate.


All with a leg up financially are deserving because those who came before them worked to earn and save, are entitled to what they have earned and saved through the fruits of their labor, and are entitled to do with their justly acquired wealth what they see fit.


Those who they then bequeath their legacy to are deserving solely because those whom have left them whatever sums they have been left have deemed them to be.


There is no absurd left-leaning moral barometer by which this justice is judged.


It's how private property works, quite literally.


You're an admittedly hateful bigot, you argument should be left as that.  There's no window dressing capable of "prettying up" that truth.



17 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Sooo apropos of nothing... or maybe calendars...we are cleaning out my MIL's house, and hubby called me over to look at his 8th grade brag book signed by the graduating class. Then I got to see all his awards, scholarships, yearbooks, etc from high school - his letters, crap signed by Ronnie Reagan, etc.


His stuff has been sitting in a box for about... 35 years. While he may not of saved this crap, his mom sure did. People save the darndest things.




Cleaning out my grandmother's stuff last month, we found her third grade report card.


Didn't find a calendar of everything she did, though.


So Hirono emphasizes that this isn't a criminal proceeding, it is a job interview.

Then she proceeds to grill him on his alcohol use


If this is a job interview, she just violated the American with Disabilities Act.


Now I'm entering in letters saying that you're a douchebag from all the Democrats, and these letters here say you're bad by all us and our gang!   


We got letters!

7 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


What the hell was that?


What a pig.


The left is now doxxing the families of Hatch, Graham and Lee.


Fair game to turn the tables on the Democrats and do worse in return 

15 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Ah, the ugly politics of greed, bigotry, and hate.


All with a leg up financially are deserving because those who came before them worked to earn and save, are entitled to what they have earned and saved through the fruits of their labor, and are entitled to do with their justly acquired wealth what they see fit.


Those who they then bequeath their legacy to are deserving solely because those whom have left them whatever sums they have been left have deemed them to be.


There is no absurd left-leaning moral barometer by which this justice is judged.


It's how private property works, quite literally.


You're an admittedly hateful bigot, you argument should be left as that.  There's no window dressing capable of "prettying up" that truth.



Zero hate involved. 


I'd prefer a meritocracy where wealth begetting wealth begetting privilege isn't the norm.


To see a guy like Kavanaugh go down on charges of immorality is pretty damn remarkable considering his involvement in the Clinton Witch Hunt. Almost restores ones faith in cosmic justice.

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