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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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34 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




And NO it would not have: 




The move now is to deligitimize the courts because the DNC and the left do not believe in peaceful transitions of power. They want a war. And if they're not careful, they'll get one and it won't go the way they envision. 

At some point in time the Left is going to realize it's not very smart to start a war with the people who have all the weapons. It's like the Left is made up of all Iranian Mullahs.

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1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

At some point in time the Left is going to realize it's not very smart to start a war with the people who have all the weapons. It's like the Left is made up of all Iranian Mullahs.


Their projection is starting to wear thin even for the NPC's in their own camp. Those people are starting to see through the fog of war and realize that one side of the aisle has been resisting a peaceful transition of power -- not out of loyalty to country but out of greed and the desire for power for themselves. 


The DNC is determined to make themselves extinct. 



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The Real Reason for That Kavanaugh Smear

by Kyle Smith


Original Article


The New York Times on Saturday joined The New Yorker and many other media outlets in upending a dumpster full of garbage on its own reputation in an effort to smear Brett Kavanaugh.


After more than a year of digging, the Democrats and their media allies still have no supported allegations of sexual misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh at any point in his entire life.


Why would the media do this? Call it the asterisk strategy. This is a coordinated, full-on effort to undermine the legitimacy of Brett Kavanaugh’s work on the Supreme Court. The reputations of news outlets are so many eggs that must be broken in pursuit of this omelet.

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37 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Because the NYT isn't about journalism anymore. It's about narrative engineering and activism for the progressive fascist movement. 


You know...if you have a corrections page, then maybe you should be looking into your editorial processes.  

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33 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:




Pogrebin and Kelly reported that at least seven people had heard about an incident in which Kavanaugh put his penis in the face of Ramirez, a former Yale classmate.


You know...I remember my junior year in college, when I started hearing stories about how a girl freshman year entered my dorm room, stumbling drunk, mistakenly thinking it was hers (she was one floor directly below), took her clothes off, and jumped in to bed with me.  I heard that story from at least a dozen people.


What actually happened was she mistook my room for hers, and was trying to unlock the door (with a guy in tow), and I had to point out to her she was on the wrong floor.  Then she dropped her beer and didn't spill any, which was the only thing that made the story notable (red Solo cup, nearly full, landed perfectly flat, didn't lose a drop).


I still don't understand how that became "random mistaken drunk sex" two years later by multiple people.  I also don't understand why, when she and I both denied it, everyone thought we were wrong, based solely on the "Well, that's what I heard!" logic.  But they did.


And "Well that's what I heard!" is still really stupid ***** logic.

5 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Aw, Jesus.  Now we have a week of "First Amendment violation!  IMPEACH" shrieking to look forward to.  

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The Assault on the Supreme Court: The revival of smears against Kavanaugh is part of a campaign.


Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will apparently receive continuing education in the politics of personal destruction, and this weekend came another round of rumor-mill accusations over his conduct in college. It’s important to understand that this assault on the Justice is part of the left’s larger campaign against the legitimacy of the current Supreme Court and an independent judiciary.


By now readers have seen Democrats running for President calling for Justice Kavanaugh to be impeached, including Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke. These Democrats know there is zero chance of a Republican Senate voting to remove Mr. Kavanaugh from office.


The attacks on Justice Kavanaugh are an attempt at intimidation to influence his opinions. But if Democrats fail in that, they want to portray conservative opinions of the current Court as illegitimate. Even Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota now says the Judiciary confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh was “a sham.” She knows better but so much for her self-styling as a “moderate.” . . .


This is the most radical attack on the judiciary in decades. These aren’t crank voices like those posting “Impeach Earl Warren ” billboards in the 1950s. This campaign is led by the power center of the Democratic Party, including Members of the Judiciary Committee such as Ms. Harris who vet judicial nominations. Their attack on a core democratic institution is exactly what they claim President Trump is doing, but Mr. Trump is mostly bluster.


This assault on the judiciary is being carried out with conviction and malice, as the character assassination against Justice Kavanaugh shows. One motivation is that everything on the left’s new agenda, from the Green New Deal to a wealth tax, depends on favorable court rulings. The left is used to running the nation’s law schools and controlling the courts.


But the Senate has confirmed more than 150 judicial nominees since President Trump took office. And progressives would now rather attempt a hostile takeover of Article III courts than wait to win the old-fashioned way: at the ballot box.




Chief Justice John Roberts, by yielding to bullying over ObamaCare and telling himself he was preserving the reputation of the Court, instead invited this assault. The only solution now is to refuse to give in further.

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