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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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GIVING UP THE GAME: “Even before attorney Debra Katz took on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s primary accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, as a client, she was someone the abusive and unscrupulous should have feared. At least, that’s how she was portrayed in the press:”

As it turns out, Katz wasn’t as opposed to a “highly politicized environment” as she maintained.


“In the aftermath of these hearings, I believe that Christine’s testimony brought about more good than the harm misogynist Republicans caused by allowing Kavanaugh on the court,” Katz told attendees at the University of Baltimore’s Feminist Legal Theory Conference this past April. “He will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade, we will know who he is, we know his character, and we know what motivates him. And that is important; it is important that we know, and that is part of what motivated Christine.”


Only someone with a lawyer’s gift for prevarication could fail to comprehend Katz’s meaning. In this textbook definition of the Kinsley gaffe, Katz has revealed that not only was she motivated to litigate the claims against Kavanaugh for the advantageous political effect they would have but that her client was, too. And what was that desired effect? Affixing an “asterisk” to Kavanaugh’s record so that his judgments and decisions would be regarded as animated by biases and prejudices and would be, therefore, suspect if not entirely illegitimate.


This is an admission entirely against interest, in part, because you do not have to announce the presence of an asterisk if it truly exists. The Democratic partisans who insist Justice Clarence Thomas has been similarly undermined are screaming into a void.


His concurrences and dissents still carry as much moral and intellectual weight as any other justice.


He still influences the evolution of legal thought as much as or more than his colleagues on the bench.


His clerks still get confirmed to federal judicial appointments in striking numbers.


The notion that Kavanaugh’s reputation had been irreparably tarred in some way by his confirmation hearings isn’t an observation. It’s a self-affirmation.




Read the whole thing.

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On 9/4/2019 at 6:29 PM, B-Man said:

WE ALWAYS KNEW THATChristine Blasey Ford’s Lawyer: Okay Fine, Protecting Abortion Was Part of Why She Accused Kavanaugh. 


And so did all the people eagerly promoting her bogus victimhood.



Democrats will always kneel at the altar of Abortion.


More like they use it as an excuse.  I've been hearing the 'overturn abortion' hysteria since Reagan and yet 40 years later.....abortion is still legal.

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On 9/8/2019 at 12:19 PM, KD in CA said:


More like they use it as an excuse.  I've been hearing the 'overturn abortion' hysteria since Reagan and yet 40 years later.....abortion is still legal.


the GOP doesn't want to overturn it



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3 minutes ago, B-Man said:



The FBI talked to Ramirez, followed what they could find credible, but likely found what Ronan Farrow found— one of the main pushers of Ramirez’s story had only ever heard it secondhand... from someone who has no memory of it. Nonsensical hearsay. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/will-the-fbi-ignore-testimonies-from-kavanaughs-former-classmates …




Read this paragraph from the New York Times, then re-read it. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/23/us/politics/brett-kavanaugh-christine-blasey-ford-testify.html 





The Ramirez/Kavanaugh story completely fell apart under scrutiny and the reporters who wrote it despite embarrassing sourcing took major reputations hits.


That it still somehow found it’s way into a book with even the slightest editing and scrutiny should be shocking, but isn't







The desperation  of the Left is apparent for all to see..............

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There’s also a crucial bit of information in the book not included in the article, “The book notes, quietly, that the woman Max Stier named as having been supposedly victimized by Kavanaugh and friends denies any memory of the alleged event. Seems, I don’t know, significant.”


So, Max Stier named the alleged victim of the incident, but she denies the story. Wow. Why are we even talking about this?




Exit question from Sean Davis of the Federalist: “Is that the same Max Stier who was one of Clinton’s defense attorneys? Yes, yes it is.”




“And yet liberals wonder why public trust in the media has plummeted.”



Edited by B-Man
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NYT explains why the Kavanaugh story wasn’t in the news section of the paper (Hint: It’s not even close to being good enough)




So Journolist is back?? See if you notice a common refrain in the latest Brett Kavanaugh outrage


Democrats and the press (to traffic in redundancy) are bleating loudly today about nothing new regarding the allegations we have all heard — and which have been disproven. Now we do not intend to suggest that there is coordination at play in all of this. That would be journalistically wrong. So instead we will do something the press avoids doing — we will show evidence.


More at the link




Liberals are scum.









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15 minutes ago, B-Man said:

NYT explains why the Kavanaugh story wasn’t in the news section of the paper (Hint: It’s not even close to being good enough)




So Journolist is back?? See if you notice a common refrain in the latest Brett Kavanaugh outrage


Democrats and the press (to traffic in redundancy) are bleating loudly today about nothing new regarding the allegations we have all heard — and which have been disproven. Now we do not intend to suggest that there is coordination at play in all of this. That would be journalistically wrong. So instead we will do something the press avoids doing — we will show evidence.


More at the link




Liberals are scum.










Interesting perspective: 




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The stupid of this story, it really does burn.

Ruthie must not be doing very well if they are going this route... someone said something happened to someone who said "no it didn't" so let's push it anyway and hope for a SCJ  impeachment, seems reasonable. :blink:  6-3 decisions after she is gone (I'm betting Roberts gets a spine once it no longer matters) are going to make the Trump election night meltdowns seem tame. 

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