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President Donald J. Trump's Supreme Court Associate Justice Kavanaugh

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3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The prog-fascists continue to push the country towards the tipping point. It's not about Kavanaugh or his accuser. It's not even about scoring a political win on this issue. It's about resetting the people's expectations and understanding of the principles of our justice system to more of a totalitarian/mob rule one. That way they win even when they lose. 




They've been pushing this for about a decade publicly...more like three decades, privately.

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More American voters now oppose Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination than support it after he was accused of committing sexual assault while he was in high school, with opposition increasing 9 points since last month, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

This is working for Dems, it looks like 



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13 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


That's exactly correct.


It's about undoing the Enlightenment, and reverting to a time before human rights, and liberal democracy.


I've said it before, but it's worth repeating, it's the same fight we've always had:  it's a battle between republicans and monarchists.

I suggest you take a look at Eric Voegelin's From Enlightenment to Revolution. There's an interior connection between the deracinated reason proclaimed by champions of Enlightenment and the violence of the mob that reacts to the will-to-power ambitions of a small, pseudo-intellectual cadre. Liberal democracy simply has an inherent weakness towards subversion because its understanding of the Good is inadequate. Plato, for instance, recognized that democracy generally provided the freedom for the philosopher to pursue excellence, but it was unstable and could easily shift towards demotic forms of totalitarian regimes. Tocqueville was equally prescient in diagnosing both the "middle virtues" that would likely thrive in America and the forms of excellence that would not even register as a possibility to most. The contemporary Left increasingly aspires to a level of irrational zeal exemplified in the reign of terror, but the old style liberal humanists had nothing in them to really prevent a tilt in that direction.

9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

This is working for Dems, it looks like 



Not even truth by plebiscite, but by polling that is easily manipulated by the manner of sampling and the nature of the questioning. But by all means, let's smile about it.

Edited by Dr. Who
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2 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:


I have seen the actual photos of Biden and the hands. It is strange for sure. That photo looks fake as crap, and is that Steve Carrell in the back (with the hat that does not match). 

If Joe Biden had one incident, photo shopped or not, it would be a non issue for me. He's a blathering dolt at times, but an extremely effective politician.  He will say or do anything that needs to be said or done, I don't doubt he's a tough guy from the old neighborhood, but he got the pass from the media that Trump never did. 



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23 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:


Not even truth by plebiscite, but by polling that is easily manipulated by the manner of sampling and the nature of the questioning. But by all means, let's smile about it.

Sure, anything that says something bad about Trump is a lie, blah f'n blah 

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28 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

I suggest you take a look at Eric Voegelin's From Enlightenment to Revolution. There's an interior connection between the deracinated reason proclaimed by champions of Enlightenment and the violence of the mob that reacts to the will-to-power ambitions of a small, pseudo-intellectual cadre. Liberal democracy simply has an inherent weakness towards subversion because its understanding of the Good is inadequate. Plato, for instance, recognized that democracy generally provided the freedom for the philosopher to pursue excellence, but it was unstable and could easily shift towards demotic forms of totalitarian regimes. Tocqueville was equally prescient in diagnosing both the "middle virtues" that would likely thrive in America and the forms of excellence that would not even register as a possibility to most. The contemporary Left increasingly aspires to a level of irrational zeal exemplified in the reign of terror, but the old style liberal humanists had nothing in them to really prevent a tilt in that direction.

Not even truth by plebiscite, but by polling that is easily manipulated by the manner of sampling and the nature of the questioning. But by all means, let's smile about it.


"Deracinated."  I learned a new word today.  That is awesome, thank you.  

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14 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

Well, that's not what I said, but given that your criteria is that of a sophist, I am not surprised by your puerile response.

My criteria? Do I know you? Are you a former poster under a  new name or something? 


And you were challenging the veracity of the poll, claiming it was manipulated to yield the desired (anti-Trumpian) results. 






Well, that hearing coming up just got a little more interesting. Was frat boy Brett involved in concocting this banana's story about the attack?? 





The Post reports these details on Whelan’s relationship with Kavanaugh, and crucially, on private conversations Kavanaugh has been having with his strategists:

Whelan has been involved in helping to advise Kavanaugh’s confirmation effort and is close friends with both Kavanaugh and Leonard Leo, the head of the Federalist Society who has been helping to spearhead the nomination. Kavanaugh and Whelan also worked together in the Bush administration.

Kavanaugh and his allies have been privately discussing a defense that would not question whether an incident involving Ford happened, but instead would raise doubts that the attacker was Kavanaugh, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

What this says is that Whelan has helped advise Kavanaugh’s strategy, and that Kavanaugh has been involved in developing a strategy of acknowledging that the attack did happen while saying it wasn’t him, but it does not directly connect Kavanaugh to Whelan’s particular strategy of publicly accusing someone else of the attack.

Democratic aides tell me it’s likely that questioning about these topics will come up at the hearing.



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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

No, he's using his reading comprehension to determine you aren't a serious person capable of having a rational discussion. You aren't here for any other reason but to troll. 

You post the tweets of known liars, so stfu you total loser. 


Are you a loser in real life, too? 


I think so 

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Proving my point yet again. All you can do is lie and troll. You run from any substantive conversations, you have the comedic timing and wit of an empty paint can, and push only the most transparent propaganda. 


A prog-fascist who doesn't know he's a prog-fascist (because he's too dim to understand he's being used) is what you represent yourself as on this board day in and day out. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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56 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

This is working for Dems, it looks like 



com'n Tibs... even you have to understand that if these fascists are successful, it won't be long before they come for you.

Edited by Foxx
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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


The prog-fascists continue to push the country towards the tipping point. It's not about Kavanaugh or his accuser. It's not even about scoring a political win on this issue. It's about resetting the people's expectations and understanding of the principles of our justice system to more of a totalitarian/mob rule one. That way they win even when they lose. 

This actually speaks to the most fundamental characteristic that defines the left. They believe in rule of man rather than rule of law.


They prefer the ruler to have absolute power to do whatever they think is right in any situation, without limitations or parameters, as long as the ruler is on their side. When the ruler is not on their side they want broad and flexible power to depose him.

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56 minutes ago, Dr. Who said:

I suggest you take a look at Eric Voegelin's From Enlightenment to Revolution. There's an interior connection between the deracinated reason proclaimed by champions of Enlightenment and the violence of the mob that reacts to the will-to-power ambitions of a small, pseudo-intellectual cadre. Liberal democracy simply has an inherent weakness towards subversion because its understanding of the Good is inadequate. Plato, for instance, recognized that democracy generally provided the freedom for the philosopher to pursue excellence, but it was unstable and could easily shift towards demotic forms of totalitarian regimes. Tocqueville was equally prescient in diagnosing both the "middle virtues" that would likely thrive in America and the forms of excellence that would not even register as a possibility to most. The contemporary Left increasingly aspires to a level of irrational zeal exemplified in the reign of terror, but the old style liberal humanists had nothing in them to really prevent a tilt in that direction.


I'll take a look at it. 


I don't disagree, at all, that the tenants of liberal democracy are frail for the exact reasons you put forward.   Franklin refined that belief better than I ever could with the simple statement, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

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