B-Man Posted October 16, 2024 Posted October 16, 2024 Why Historic Numbers Of Black Men Like Me Are Voting Trump In 2024 Adam B. Coleman Black Americans are the only racial demographic told rather than persuaded how to vote. I stopped blindly supporting Democrats for many reasons, but their obsession with identity politics tops the list. Race has always been a component of political discussion. But even as a black man, it always seemed to me like an appetizer, not the entrée. Now instead of aiming for common-sense policies that benefit the most people, Democrats carve out niche superficial interests that benefit barely anyone. Kamala Harris is both a beneficiary and the perpetrator of the Democrat Party’s identity infatuation. Harris plays the identity politics game, pretending she’s authentic but changing her accent and mannerisms whenever she enters a different environment. However, when you question the substance of her advocacy and question her authenticity, especially as a black man, you’re the one who will be chastised for attempting to treat her the same way as any other person who is seeking power in office. During Joe Biden’s election run, I was turned off by the party I had felt emotionally attached to for well over a decade. I discovered that the media’s Charlottesville narrative — that Trump called white supremacists and neo-Nazis “very fine people” — was a disingenuous fable spread by propagandists masquerading as journalists. Then during his 2020 campaign, Biden flippantly remarked, “I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” In other words, my blackness was contingent on supporting Biden over Donald Trump — a true slap in the face. I was already feeling politically on the fence, but hearing this declaration plus the enabling replies coming from other Democrat pundits turned me off faster than the lights with an unpaid electric bill. My old party had worked tirelessly to convince me Trump was a racist and obsessed with repeating history to enslave me, but the only people I ever heard talking about race were Democrats. It was like realizing that the killer of rational political discourse was actually calling from inside the house. The Democrats are the curators of this fear narrative, and they’ll even travel back to our country’s oldest sin to gain power. Democrats have pornified slavery so much that it’s all they see within black men like me. Everything is in measurement to chattel slavery. They manufacture scenarios only to compare it to their politicized slavery fan fiction. https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/16/why-historic-numbers-of-black-men-like-me-are-voting-trump-in-2024/ . 1
joshypoo Posted October 16, 2024 Posted October 16, 2024 54 minutes ago, B-Man said: Why Historic Numbers Of Black Men Like Me Are Voting Trump In 2024 Adam B. Coleman Black Americans are the only racial demographic told rather than persuaded how to vote. I stopped blindly supporting Democrats for many reasons, but their obsession with identity politics tops the list. Race has always been a component of political discussion. But even as a black man, it always seemed to me like an appetizer, not the entrée. Now instead of aiming for common-sense policies that benefit the most people, Democrats carve out niche superficial interests that benefit barely anyone. Kamala Harris is both a beneficiary and the perpetrator of the Democrat Party’s identity infatuation. Harris plays the identity politics game, pretending she’s authentic but changing her accent and mannerisms whenever she enters a different environment. However, when you question the substance of her advocacy and question her authenticity, especially as a black man, you’re the one who will be chastised for attempting to treat her the same way as any other person who is seeking power in office. During Joe Biden’s election run, I was turned off by the party I had felt emotionally attached to for well over a decade. I discovered that the media’s Charlottesville narrative — that Trump called white supremacists and neo-Nazis “very fine people” — was a disingenuous fable spread by propagandists masquerading as journalists. Then during his 2020 campaign, Biden flippantly remarked, “I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” In other words, my blackness was contingent on supporting Biden over Donald Trump — a true slap in the face. I was already feeling politically on the fence, but hearing this declaration plus the enabling replies coming from other Democrat pundits turned me off faster than the lights with an unpaid electric bill. My old party had worked tirelessly to convince me Trump was a racist and obsessed with repeating history to enslave me, but the only people I ever heard talking about race were Democrats. It was like realizing that the killer of rational political discourse was actually calling from inside the house. The Democrats are the curators of this fear narrative, and they’ll even travel back to our country’s oldest sin to gain power. Democrats have pornified slavery so much that it’s all they see within black men like me. Everything is in measurement to chattel slavery. They manufacture scenarios only to compare it to their politicized slavery fan fiction. https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/16/why-historic-numbers-of-black-men-like-me-are-voting-trump-in-2024/ . that’s my brotha! lets pornify everything!
joshypoo Posted October 28, 2024 Posted October 28, 2024 On 10/23/2024 at 5:12 PM, B-Man said: I hope Kamala loses. Not because I'm gaga for Trump, or because of misogynoire, or because of her past or proposed policies. I want her to lose, and lose badly, because on her behalf an entire political regime has unleashed a level of vitriol against black men that I've never seen before. That @TheDemocrats --and the pols, pundits and celebrities prostituting themselves for them--are so comfortable openly disrespecting black men shows such deep disdain that it borders on evil. Black men are killing and dying in cities controlled by DEMOCRATS. Black boys are graduating with non-educations from public schools controlled by DEMOCRATS. Black men are experiencing economic hardship thanks to policies favored by DEMOCRATS. But worst of all, Black are currently experiencing the most venomous vitriol I've ever seen from BLACK WOMEN...who are now being weaponized against them BY DEMOCRATS. Black communities already suffer from disunity and dysfunction, and here is Kopy Kat Kamala's party utilizing and exacerbating the problem for cynical politics. Not since Jim Crow have Democrats been so obviously keen on destroying black America. But at least in the past the destruction was done with no pretense of benevolence; today it's insidious, done under the guise of "fighting fascism" or "saving democracy" or "destroying white supremacy." Despicable. So I hope the Harris campaign continues its strategy of shaming black men. I hope they keep trotting out twerking, tap-dancing ***** --I mean "celebrities"--to keep condescending to me. I hope Barack Obama keeps running his ***** mouth. All it's going to do is radicalize more black men into rejecting this bull####. Then we'll see what "Black Liberation" TRULY means. as a black man, this is truly some insane thinking here. how much time have you spent volunteering in our community? you speak like someone that doesn’t know what it’s like to be black.
B-Man Posted October 31, 2024 Posted October 31, 2024 On 10/28/2024 at 1:50 PM, GMB 8888 said: as a black man, this is truly some insane thinking here. how much time have you spent volunteering in our community? you speak like someone that doesn’t know what it’s like to be black. Imagine. A Black man not thinking the way YOU think that he should. Clifton Duncan @cliftonaduncan Classically-trained actor with 20+ years on stage & screen. Born November 10 Joined January 2020 74 Following 160.5K Followers Meanwhile. 1
B-Man Posted November 3, 2024 Posted November 3, 2024 The Amish Don't Vote. Why This Year Could Be Different Sarah Arnold The Amish traditionally don’t vote in presidential elections due to their faith-based beliefs and Christianity’s historic separatism from mainstream society. Still, this year brings a whole new ball game as the candidates seek support from the horse and buggy riding group. Since the Amish are a reliably conservative group given their faith-based convictions, reluctance to engage with people outside of their culture and lack of eagerness to conform to modern-day technology, the group can drastically shift the outcome of some rural states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. A report from Elizabethtown College recorded that about 90,000 Amish live in Pennsylvania, 84,000 live in Ohio, 26,365 live in Wisconsin, and a decent amount live in Indiana, New York, and Missouri— which could make the election results sizeable. In addition, GOP Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) said that there were about 1,500-2,000 new voter registrants in his state’s 11th district who are Amish— noting that most are business owners who appeal to former President Donald Trump’s economic policies that benefit small business owners. Smucker pointed out that the Amish are becoming increasingly more involved in politics than in the past. In 2020, Trump lost Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes. This means that even if half of the Amish ballot in this year’s election, the former president could gain a favorable lead just by the group’s votes alone. Contrary to Vice President Kamala Harris's offering, the Amish are receptive to Trump’s talking points, including his promise for a smaller government, less regulation, and religious freedom. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2024/11/02/pennsylvania-amish-for-trump-n2647148 .
B-Man Posted November 4, 2024 Posted November 4, 2024 Former VP of Navajo Nation Endorses Trump: “President Trump We Want to be Invited to the American Dream!” (Video) by Margaret Flavin Myron Lizer served as the 10th vice president of the Navajo Nation under President Jonathan Nez from 2019-2023. On Thursday, Lizer spoke before an enthusiatic crowd in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to declare his endorsement of President Donald Trump. Myron Lizer: President Trump…..and I want to thank him for his leadership, back in 2019. He signed the Executive Order that launched Operation Lady Justice, which helped and alleviated and sent resources to help us prosecute and find our missing and murdered Indigenous women. Yes. So we thank President Trump for that leadership. It’s that leadership that’s going to lead Indian country and our native and tribal nations https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/former-vp-navajo-nation-endorses-trump-president-trump/ .
B-Man Posted November 16, 2024 Posted November 16, 2024 Native Americans Shift Right Economic issues, not apology tours, pushed them toward Trump. Naomi Schaefer Riley Many ethnic groups moved rightward in the 2024 election, and Native Americans are among them. Seventeen counties with majority-Native American populations swung toward President-elect Donald Trump by ten or more percentage points. Just as with black and Hispanic voters, Native Americans had concerns that extended beyond the identity politics and left-wing virtue signaling of Democrats and the Kamala Harris campaign. Nationally, a whopping 65 percent of Native American voters went for Trump. The shift is striking because a Brookings Institution analysis published after the 2022 midterm elections found Native Americans still “solidly Democratic in their voting preferences.” Looking at data from an African American Research Collaborative poll with a nationally representative sample of Native American voters, the Brookings authors noted that in “House races across the country, Native Americans supported Democratic candidates at 56% relative to 40% of Native Americans who reported voting for Republicans.” It’s hard to determine what portion of the overall electorate Native American voters accounted for in 2024, but we do know that these voters are concentrated in a handful of states—including Arizona, Wisconsin, and Montana. Thus, a swing of ten points in Republicans’ favor in the majority Native American counties in these states is significant even if it didn’t likely change the election’s outcome. What made Native Americans switch? https://www.city-journal.org/article/native-americans-shift-right
Beast Posted November 16, 2024 Posted November 16, 2024 Look at how much happier former Democrats are when they walk away. 1 1
B-Man Posted November 17, 2024 Posted November 17, 2024 The farm raid that mobilized Amish behind Bad Orange Man By Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack FTA: In all the hullabaloo over election analysis and attempting to find reasons for defeat other than the fact that Harris and Walz were terrible candidates, there is one group who have slipped below the radar, the Amish. The Amish are a conservative Anabaptist Christian community who have resolutely turned their back on modern technology. They are renowned for their self-sufficiency, the simplicity of their lifestyle, and plain dress. They much prefer face-to-face communication to telephones and don’t use television, preferring to spend time together as a family. Fleeing persecution in 18th century Europe, they arrived in the New World where William Penn offered them refuge in Pennsylvania. Due to their work ethic and emphasis on family ties the community boomed over the years. It is estimated that of the 400,000 Amish in America 92,000 live in Pennsylvania. The largest of the swing states with 19 votes in the electoral college, after going Democrat in 2020, it swung Trump’s way 2024. It was not the Amish vote which pushed Trump over the line, but it exemplifies why many did vote for Trump. The Amish like to keep themselves to themselves and their political involvement is usually minimal. Their stance changed this year largely due to a government raid on the Bird-in-Hand farm of Amish farmer Amos Miller. Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture found that Miller didn’t have a permit to sell milk in the state, despite the fact that he and his family had been selling milk for generations. Agents from the Department of Agriculture raided his farm and seized much of his food and dairy products. In the ensuing case, Miller was banned from selling milk in Pennsylvania, with the case ongoing. The case was seen by the Amish community as government tyranny and helped mobilize them against the party of Governor Josh Shapiro, a Democrat. The Republicans grasped their opportunity and initiated a serious registration drive, the first in Amish history, and the Amish responded by voting for Trump in ‘unprecedented numbers’. What was viewed as an overzealous government was rejected by the Amish who responded by voting for Donald Trump, whose Republican party favor's less government intervention in the life of the people. ‘That was the impetus for them to say, “We need to participate”,’ a source said of Amish voters. ‘This is about neighbours helping neighbours.’ The Amish are people of high moral principle, who value family life and who view gambling as a sin. Yet they voted for the much-married, casino-owning Donald Trump. They are not hypocrites, they are simply people who want to get on with their own lives without being badgered by an overweening government which thinks it knows best about everything. For the Democrats, as other progressives, it is all about control. From pronouns, DEI, required quotas, to mandatory speech and enforced gender ideology, Democrats demand the right to control what people say and do. Let us hope they and other progressives have learned that ordinary people do not like to be controlled by power hungry ideologues and they will rebel, even Christians. https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/you-must-be-bad-if-even-the-amish-are-up-in-arms/
B-Man Posted December 13, 2024 Posted December 13, 2024 Election Day was pretty red in Texas and a Democrat is switching parties. Check this out: A Texas judge representing a county flipped by Donald Trump in this year's presidential race announced he is leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican on Tuesday. Trump, who defeated Vice President Kamala Harris in November, made substantial gains this year in South Texas, home to a high Latino population that has traditionally leaned toward voting Democratic. Nationwide, he cut into Democrats' margins in several voting groups -- including among Latino, Asian and young voters -- leaving the Democratic Party questioning how it can regain trust from these communities in upcoming elections. Democrats were dealt another political blow on Tuesday in South Texas after Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina announced he would switch his party to Republican during an interview with Fox & Friends. Webb County sits on the U.S.-Mexico border and has become integral to the national debate surrounding immigration. "Over the years, I've watched the Democratic Party shift further and further to the left, and leaving the values that I hold dear to my heart. I've always been a conservative, and the radicalization of the national Democrats pushed me away a long time ago. For that reason, I'm proud to announce I will be leaving the Democratic Party and joining the Republican Party," he said. Judge Tijerina is fed up with a party moving to the Left. Where have we heard that before? The move came after a Florida lawmaker, one day earlier, announced she was leaving the Democratic Party to join the GOP. State Representative Susan Valdes, who represents a district near Tampa, wrote in a statement that she did not want to be part of a caucus "whose leadership expects me to ignore the needs of my community." "I know that I won't agree with my fellow Republican House members on every issue, but I know that in their caucus, I will be welcomed and treated with respect," she wrote. https://www.newsweek.com/tano-tijerina-becomes-republican-texas-webb-county-1998619
B-Man Posted December 15, 2024 Posted December 15, 2024 The Democrats’ Hispanic Voter Crash: It’s not as bad as you think—it’s worse. “It’s been widely noted that the Democrats fared very poorly with Hispanic voters in the November election. But I believe that the scale of the Democrats’ crash among Hispanic voters has not yet been fully processed nor the extent to which this crash undermines Democrats’ plans for the future. . . . The Hispanic shift to the right was concentrated among the younger generations of Hispanics who of course are the future of the Hispanic vote. Among Hispanics under 45, the Democratic margin dropped by a shocking 26 points. Trump actually carried working class Hispanic men in this age group by 7 points.” As I’ve been saying for years, the GOP is now the multiracial party of the working class. https://www.liberalpatriot.com/p/the-democrats-hispanic-voter-crash
B-Man Posted December 27, 2024 Posted December 27, 2024 In some rather big news, Florida State Representative Hillary Cassel has announced that she is SWITCHING her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. She is now the second Democrat to swap parties ahead of the 2025 session, along with Representative Susan Valdes of Tampa.
B-Man Posted January 5 Posted January 5 Former DNC Fundraiser Says She’s Been Appointed to Trump Inaugural Committee: ‘I Am Done’ With Democrats by Rusty Weiss Lindy Li, a former major Democratic National Committee fundraiser, tells RedState she has been appointed to the Trump Vance Inaugural Committee. From raising funds for the resistance party to raising money for President-elect Trump's inauguration — the transformation appears to be complete. Li has been one of the most vocal critics of the Democrat Party following the election, particularly blasting the Harris campaign repeatedly for essentially setting close to $2 billion on fire and ending her campaign in significant debt. Now, she's excitedly revealed she "was just appointed to Trump’s inaugural committee!" https://redstate.com/rusty-weiss/2025/01/05/former-dnc-fundraiser-says-shes-been-appointed-to-trump-inaugural-committee-i-am-done-with-democrats-n2183967 .
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