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Report: Biden Losing Ground With Working Class, Blacks and Latino Voters

by Mike LaChance


Joe Biden is reportedly losing his footing with working class voters, as well as black and Latino voters.


Democrats and the media can’t be surprised about white working class voters. That ship sailed long ago. These voters know that the Democrat party does not care what happens to them. It’s why these voters became a core part of the Trump coalition.


Black and Latino voters turning away from Biden, on the other hand, has got to have alarm bells going off at the DNC. Axios reports:










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More on the above.





Ruy Teixeira: The Democrats’ Nonwhite Working-Class Problem Re-Emerges.


The latest New York Times/Siena poll has made an impact and underscored the Democrats’ vulnerabilities on many fronts. The poll found Trump and Biden tied in a 2024 trial heat 43-43, with 16 percent saying they are undecided, would vote for another candidate or not vote at all. There are many striking demographic patterns in this result but one of the most striking has been little talked about: Biden’s weakness among nonwhite working-class (noncollege) voters. Biden leads Trump by a mere 16 points among this demographic. This compares to his lead over Trump of 48 points in 2020. And even that lead was a big drop-off from Obama’s 67-point advantage in 2012.


This evolving weakness among nonwhite working-class voters is a direct threat to the massive margins Democrats need to maintain among nonwhite voters to achieve victory. That is because these working-class voters are two-thirds to three-quarters of the nonwhite vote so the direction they trend in will drive the nonwhite vote as a whole.


Why is this happening? The beginning of wisdom is understanding that the nonwhite working class is not particularly progressive while the Democratic Party has become more so. In the Times poll, these voters overwhelmingly say they are moderate-to-conservative, with less than a quarter identifying as liberal. This has created increased contradictions between the Democratic Party and the nonwhite working-class voters they have relied upon for huge margins to make up for shortfalls elsewhere. . . .



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7 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

Imagine being part of a party, where they actually make up a slur whenever they believe that you don’t fall in line

The Republicans have rhino


What do the Democrats have again?

um. the DEMS call anyone outside the umbrella, MAGA, Nazi, racist and so on.



Edited by Chris farley
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Just now, redtail hawk said:

you should write a song.  Do you have a resonator guitar and an average voice.  You clearly have the requisite victim mentality.  you could maker it big!

What a mess.  

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Hispanic voters say they're 'running away' from Biden
by Elizabeth Heckman


A new Fox News poll shows President Biden is struggling to maintain support among Hispanic voters, as a panel of voters told "Fox & Friends" on Friday that inflation is driving them away from the party.


According to the poll, only 46% of Hispanic voters currently choose Biden for president in 2024 compared to 63% of the same group in 2020.


In comparison, 37% of Hispanic voters support Donald Trump for 2024 compared to 35% in 2020. 







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  • 3 weeks later...



Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and
Hispanic Support for Biden

New York Times, by Nate Cohen


President Joe Biden is underperforming among nonwhite voters in New York Times/Siena College national polls over the last year, helping to keep the race close in a hypothetical rematch against former President Donald Trump.


On average, Biden leads Trump by just 53% to 28% among registered nonwhite voters in a compilation of Times/Siena polls from 2022 and 2023, which includes over 1,500 nonwhite respondents.




Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade, even as racially charged fights over everything from a border wall to kneeling during the national anthem might have been expected to produce the exact opposite result. (Maybe to you)



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Just now, B-Man said:



Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and
Hispanic Support for Biden

New York Times, by Nate Cohen


President Joe Biden is underperforming among nonwhite voters in New York Times/Siena College national polls over the last year, helping to keep the race close in a hypothetical rematch against former President Donald Trump.


On average, Biden leads Trump by just 53% to 28% among registered nonwhite voters in a compilation of Times/Siena polls from 2022 and 2023, which includes over 1,500 nonwhite respondents.




Democrats have lost ground among nonwhite voters in almost every election over the last decade, even as racially charged fights over everything from a border wall to kneeling during the national anthem might have been expected to produce the exact opposite result. (Maybe to you)



About time to pull the covid emergency to get mass mail voting and ballot harvesting going again.



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3 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

Will they dust off blm or get some new company to help with the ground game. 

Could be a number of potential groups.  On thing is certain.  As long as the people rioting have the backing of the Democrats running the government and law enforcement where the riots are happening they will face no consequences.  

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5 minutes ago, Chris farley said:

Sorry.  I don't think the gop has the billionaire and corporate support to pull off anything close to the blm/dnc summer of rage 

More importantly, not having the ability to get away with it without suffering legal and other consequences unlike the democrat's cult of chaos which gets away with all sorts of riots and plunder.  Mostly peaceful protests!  Remember that whopper of a lie?  

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