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1 hour ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:


Ahh...reminds me of the time I forgot about the bowl I left in my suit pocket.  I can't believe it made it through security.  It still had a few hits left in it.


Bowl in a suit pocket? You must have been coming from a high level meeting.

7 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:


Bowl in a suit pocket? You must have been coming from a high level meeting.


Forgot it in there from a wedding a couple weeks prior.  I had a lot of paraphernalia at that time in my life. 

7 minutes ago, Canadian Bills Fan said:

Once... for not saying "thank you"

How much time did you get?

18 minutes ago, Johnny Hammersticks said:


You mean behaviour?


he is sentenced to another 5 years for that



  • Haha (+1) 1
41 minutes ago, Canadian Bills Fan said:

Sorry. Your American spelling is rubbing off on me


can't let that happen, my Glaswegian friends all double down on their accent when they are living in Canada....




1. Got a criminal trespassing (me and some friends climbed on to a roof of the school)

2. Got a DWI (not long after turning 21)

3. I was riding in a car at college, and my buddy screamed at some pedestrians, cops pulled us over and I had a 40 (was underage), later that night, after we got released, I was walking back to the dorms from the bars (was in Fredonia, so small town) saying F the Police to all people walking on the side walk, both middle fingers in the air. Turns out cops were undercover walking too, was one of the guys who arrested us earlier, they tacked on a disorderly conduct to my charges, but released me on the spot.

4. Up visiting my gf at college, we were walking from one frat to the next a couple houses down. She brought a beer. It got cold so I gave her my hoody, while shes putting it on, a cop rolls up and asks for ID. I gave him my fake, (was my brothers so we looked similar and new all the info, was hoping he'd let me go). He asked if I had another form of ID, I go into my wallet for more and he pulls out my real ID and goes here it is, arrests me for false impersonation (felony). Had to lawyer up, explained the circumstances, and he got it dropped down to a disorderly conduct.


I think thats it


IDK if anyone else is aware but firing a shotgun on your property is fine (in my city), but firing over a county road is a misdemeanor.  It will get you put in the cop car while your wife pleads for them not to take you downtown.   They will then let you go but take said shotgun.   Which you can retrieve later after a stern talking to by the Barney Fife running the local PD.   


Now the people who throw crazy parties blaring music every friday saturday and Sunday night from 6pm to 4 am 3 houses down....the ones you have called the police on several times, the ones who tried grabbing your wife while she was trying to tell them to keep the racket down....they won't get a ticket for a noise violation, or anything for the first 10 times you call the police on them.  But fire that bang stick off 2 times (the first one they won't even hear because the music is so &#+! loud) they'll get you for that.  But not the neighbors.  


However, after such an incident, you are now known as the unhinged gun nut of the neighborhood, and people tend to leave you alone in peace, which is all you ever wanted in the first place.  

On 6/18/2018 at 3:53 PM, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

I should have been arrested once. Few years ago after a Bills Thursday Night game. Got smashed. Stopped for gas on the way home, Houston cop pulls up to the pump next to mine. At this point, my registration had been out by a few months. I got out of the car and intentionally dilly dallied in the gas station for about ten minutes. He was out there waiting for me, but I refused to get into the car. He then lectures me to stop wasting my money on drinking "and get your f*cking car inspected." No ticket, no warning. Drove off. 

What game was that? I dont recall, just curious...

54 minutes ago, Bray Wyatt said:

1. Got a criminal trespassing (me and some friends climbed on to a roof of the school)

2. Got a DWI (not long after turning 21)

3. I was riding in a car at college, and my buddy screamed at some pedestrians, cops pulled us over and I had a 40 (was underage), later that night, after we got released, I was walking back to the dorms from the bars (was in Fredonia, so small town) saying F the Police to all people walking on the side walk, both middle fingers in the air. Turns out cops were undercover walking too, was one of the guys who arrested us earlier, they tacked on a disorderly conduct to my charges, but released me on the spot.

4. Up visiting my gf at college, we were walking from one frat to the next a couple houses down. She brought a beer. It got cold so I gave her my hoody, while shes putting it on, a cop rolls up and asks for ID. I gave him my fake, (was my brothers so we looked similar and new all the info, was hoping he'd let me go). He asked if I had another form of ID, I go into my wallet for more and he pulls out my real ID and goes here it is, arrests me for false impersonation (felony). Had to lawyer up, explained the circumstances, and he got it dropped down to a disorderly conduct.


I think thats it


I did that and I got lucky.  He bought my story I was from Oklahoma.

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Royale with Cheese said:


I did that and I got lucky.  He bought my story I was from Oklahoma.

Cops worldwide steer clear of them boys from Oklahoma. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DuJOWe02uBIw&ved=0ahUKEwjc_sHUrOPbAhX1CTQIHY8KDHoQ3ywIODAC&usg=AOvVaw36QwjTth_0srLZCZ4LC19W


FYI: Most Okies roll a fine joint. This song is not about Oklahomans, it is OK State vs OU and other rivals. The band is from Stillwater.

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I have a buddy who went to UGA in Athens, GA and was in his best friend’s wedding there. The groom had a great wedding and a fantastic reception........ before getting a DUI heading a few blocks back to the hotel. Honeymoon interuptus. 


I wasn't technically arrested, but my then-girlfriend (now wife) and I were "detained" at the Canadian border while we were en route to a Pink Floyd show in Toronto. You can probably guess the reason.


Cost me $43 ($50 Canadian). We still made it to the show on time.



Yes, a couple times!

1st time was wrong place wrong time with a crazy chick. Car chase, guns, the whole magilla. Spent a short time(hour maybe) behind bars but because I was injured in the chase and eventual wreck and was completely innocent, they let me go. Still needed a lawyer, which crazy chicks parents paid for because I was innocent and just happened to be just trying to get laid.

Charges dropped


2nd time was for calling a spade a spade in cheektowaga, even though I didn’t, it was his word against mine and apparently cheektowaga jerk off cops are afraid of any confrontation with welfare system scumbags of a minority, so it’s easier to jack up the white guy from out of state.

Charges dropped, apparently it’s not uncommon in that sh!thole town for dirtbags and jerk off cops to f**k with people.


3rd was thinking I could drive home from a bar after a 1pm Bills game at around 9pm or so(pre Uber but too cool for a cab I guess).

This one cost me some cash on a good lawyer but got out of it.

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