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California (again)

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15 hours ago, LABillzFan said:

Screw you, CA parents. First grade is the perfect time to discuss sexual identity of historical figures.


I hope they don't bring up Justin Trudeau. Even he's confused about his sexual preference.


Should nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.

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On 3/20/2019 at 7:08 AM, Joe in Winslow said:




Did you check the shoes and the makeup compacts?


Anyway now that you're in, you'll have to stick to the plan.  


The fact that the Padre Cadre is still keeping track of you is surprising given your looks and personality but it also gives us a clue into their standards, which are clearly low.  This will work to our advantage.  That said, they have enough resources to assign you a "fiancee" so they are also relentless.  I can help turn these lemons into lemonade for you.  At the end of the process you will maintain your fiancee but she will now actually be allied with you, not the Cadre and they will be off your back.


Step 2 is convincing them that you have found a suitable replacement who will supply them with food, leather goods and various accessories made from body parts originally designed to be yours.  I think we can do this and if we catch a few breaks we can even have your fiancee talk to them about the credibility of the offer.  When the time comes, and not before, I'll signal you to tell your fiancee that you know me.  I will use my code name and trust me you'll know by the look on her face and the quick calls she makes to the 619.


Step 3 is convincing them you will keep quiet about the whole thing.  The backup plan will be to cut off all your fingers and remove your vocal cords but this is a last resort so don't you fret.  Let's face it, discretion and discipline to not project as your strong suits.  We have to change that.  It will be tricky but I have a few ideas to explore.


Step 1 is selecting the proper candidate to offer up.  As you may have noticed by reading between the lines on this board, there is much desperation to get laid which leads to being easily duped.  I see no reason to befriend someone at the dry cleaners, we'll just pick from here.  Still, there needs to be something unique about the candidate and it needs to be someone they cannot just snap their fingers and lure.  This means no Poojer.  The way I see it we have some good ones.  I've encoded their names here to protect their anonymity.  Send me a PM and I'll give you the cypher key:


TC Dom - High risk high reward.  I doubt she'd get through her whole ritual without getting super angry.  He could end this whole thing by convincing the redhead her to put an end to it all.  He could also spin her into a rampage that would make John Wayne Gacy seem like Tim Tebow.


Reranged Dhino - Not a good candidate because she'd never get credit for the murder.  It would all be on the Illuminati or aliens


/Nev/dull - A possibility.  Super nerdy and some of these chicks get off on that.  Let me think this through.


CD in KA or BA Lilz fan- maybe she likes vanilla ice cream but redheads usually don't go that way. 


Others - I'm open to your ideas.


I also have a wild card candidate I'm holding back.


Top candidate so far:


Meginner's Bind - Stupid poems could make her curious, at least initially.  Maybe we could buy enough time that she gets through the whole cycle without realizing he is Tom Tuttle.




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2 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said:

Meginner's Bind - Stupid poems could make her curious, at least initially.  Maybe we could buy enough time that she gets through the whole cycle without realizing he is Tom Tuttle.



Best sacrificial lamb ever.


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I guess this goes here. At first I thought this was a perfect example of rich NIMBY’s but this is a real stupid place to put a homeless shelter. There are so many other places in the city that would be a better idea. It’s a great idea but not there. And what does this this have to do with Pelosi?





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On 3/29/2019 at 5:51 AM, Chef Jim said:

I guess this goes here. At first I thought this was a perfect example of rich NIMBY’s but this is a real stupid place to put a homeless shelter. There are so many other places in the city that would be a better idea. It’s a great idea but not there. And what does this this have to do with Pelosi?






Of course, only SF would propose a giant homeless shelter in a beautiful waterfront area.  How about building it in the tenderloin?  Would cut down on commute time for the residents.

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2 minutes ago, KD in CA said:


Of course, only SF would propose a giant homeless shelter in a beautiful waterfront area.  How about building it in the tenderloin?  Would cut down on commute time for the residents.


I’m thinking Treasure Island and tear down the entrances to the island from the bridge. 

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3 hours ago, /dev/null said:


Y'know, there are a lot of things to dislike about CA, but in my almost 30 years here, I've never had anything but a good experience with CA DMV.  You can make an appointment for pretty much anything, and you're in and out with relatively little down time.

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1 minute ago, LABillzFan said:


Y'know, there are a lot of things to dislike about CA, but in my almost 30 years here, I've never had anything but a good experience with CA DMV.  You can make an appointment for pretty much anything, and you're in and out with relatively little down time.


Must be nice to be allowed into the private DMV branches, you elitist something something something!

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17 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


Y'know, there are a lot of things to dislike about CA, but in my almost 30 years here, I've never had anything but a good experience with CA DMV.  You can make an appointment for pretty much anything, and you're in and out with relatively little down time.


I was in line to get my Real ID a few months ago.  Didn't make an appointment.  The line was out the door.  A woman came by and asked "did everyone fill out the paperwork first?"  Most had bewildered looks on their faces.  I said yes.  She took mine and held it up and said "you need to have this filled out first"  She walks back to her desk and says "where's the guy with the glasses?"  I raised my hand and she said "you're next!"  There were probably 10-12 people ahead of me at the time.  LOL

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21 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


I was in line to get my Real ID a few months ago.  Didn't make an appointment.  The line was out the door.  A woman came by and asked "did everyone fill out the paperwork first?"  Most had bewildered looks on their faces.  I said yes.  She took mine and held it up and said "you need to have this filled out first"  She walks back to her desk and says "where's the guy with the glasses?"  I raised my hand and she said "you're next!"  There were probably 10-12 people ahead of me at the time.  LOL

You had glasses, filled out the form first like a nerd and were in California.  She probably thought you were Harry Potter and gave you special treatment.

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