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Mixed Couple TV Commercials

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7 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:

No I'm saying that the frequency with which we see this in advertising now is due to the ad creators who view their work through the lens of race which is a liberal trait. 


4 minutes ago, keepthefaith said:


Is there any medical research or marketing research to support that?  If there is then that would be a business reason to do so. 


Viewing work through the lens of race is a liberal trait.  That is gold.


And they're all business decisions.  It's about connectivity; the only agenda is to connect to people who they think are more likely to buy the product.  That's not liberal; nor is it conservative.  It's marketing.

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Ever known anyone in advertising?  They're the biggest bunch of pacifist pussies out there.


They think only in ways that they can provoke and press agendas whilst believing their cause is great enough for socirty and the advancement of social issues that it is absorb. 


Ad execs cant cast all white because thats raysis. Can't cast all black because that's too scary to the inner city old ladies. Can't cast Asians because gender appropriation of cultural identities in the Anglo saxoan Paleo diet standard something bull ****.


Ever notice that they brand so not to offend and be inclusive?  It's marketing to reach all demographics. It's cheesy but it works. 

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I think it speaks to several things:


First of all, black Americans have developed more economic power over time.  As they have begun to join the working and middle class, they are now being marketed to.


Secondly, marketing firms aren't going to stop marketing to their largest demographics, and in America that's white people.


Third, and socially more important, on a personal level, between the economic groups being targeted, the comingling of races is no longer frowned upon, and people are free to love who they want, as they should be.


A combination of these three factors would lead to a situation where advertisers can market to multiple demographics using the same add dollars, hence mixed race couples in commercials.


With all of that said, I haven't studied the trend, and this is a very raw and off the cuff analysis, so take it for what it is.

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14 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

I think it speaks to several things:


First of all, black Americans have developed more economic power over time.  As they have begun to join the working and middle class, they are now being marketed to.


Secondly, marketing firms aren't going to stop marketing to their largest demographics, and in America that's white people.


Third, and socially more important, on a personal level, between the economic groups being targeted, the comingling of races is no longer frowned upon, and people are free to love who they want, as they should be.


A combination of these three factors would lead to a situation where advertisers can market to multiple demographics using the same add dollars, hence mixed race couples in commercials.


With all of that said, I haven't studied the trend, and this is a very raw and off the cuff analysis, so take it for what it is.



someone recently did a podcast about TV ads on prime time network shows, expecting SJW diversity and found that there was practically none of it at all.



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Honestly, it does appeal to more than one race. Why have a commercial just target the whites, blacks, Asians, etc.? One race sees a person of their race holding some Charmin Ultra-Strong, while their partner of a different race is the one who brought it home. Boom, now folks other than nasty cartoon bears can enjoy the greatest TP ever invented. I suppose one possible reason that enabled this targeting would be the non-acceptance v. the demographic it reaches. Sure, there are people across ALL races who are against "mixing" but they are quite possibly outnumbered by the demographic targeted, namely red bears. 




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1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

Personally I don't care, it is just an observation on my part. I do wonder what the motivation is by the people creating the commercials though. I have the tv on in the background as I work from my desk and I've noticed it's quite prevalent.  The amount of interracial couples in tv commercials is many times the amount in actuality. Do these commercials even have a purpose? I can't imagine that the use of interracial couples sells more product.

My God you are a moron! 


Maybe the Deep State is making them just to piss off Trumptards that want to reverse Loving vs Virginia! 



Image result for loving vs virginia

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48 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


No, just the notion of portraying it as more common than it actually is.


How many new marriages are interracial today?
The number of interracial marriages has increased 5 times since 1967. Today, approximately 17% of married couples are interracial.


I'm not sure how reliable the source is ... https://www.creditdonkey.com/interracial-marriage-statistics.html.


These numbers seem to support it, though ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracial_marriage_in_the_United_States





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and again, someone actually observed the TV ads during AGT and other prime time shows, expecting it to be deviant and it wasn't remotely near that


but he actually watched the TV and wrote it down


far better to make it up and hold to it, even when proven dead wrong




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1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


No, just the notion of portraying it as more common than it actually is.





My wife watches Law and Order SVU and we have a running joke about how almost every judge on the show is a African American female.....


apparently that is the dominant trait of NYC judges.





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3 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

I think it speaks to several things:


First of all, black Americans have developed more economic power over time.  As they have begun to join the working and middle class, they are now being marketed to.


Secondly, marketing firms aren't going to stop marketing to their largest demographics, and in America that's white people.


Third, and socially more important, on a personal level, between the economic groups being targeted, the comingling of races is no longer frowned upon, and people are free to love who they want, as they should be.


A combination of these three factors would lead to a situation where advertisers can market to multiple demographics using the same add dollars, hence mixed race couples in commercials.


With all of that said, I haven't studied the trend, and this is a very raw and off the cuff analysis, so take it for what it is.


I would add (to echo Boyst's point):


Fourth, they're trying to advertise in a way to avoid the negative publicity that comes with SJW accusations of lacking diversity and being racist by featuring solely white people in their commercials.

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19 minutes ago, Just Jack said:

I've noticed it too. And now I'm noticing more gay couples in commercials.....


Delta Airlines, about the 25 second mark of this commercial, one man is leaving while the other sleeps




Visit Vegas...


Ben Shapiro did a remarkable piece of investigative journalism about this phenomenon a few years back. before he was a household name.  Media executives told him directly that they intentionally over-represented homosexuality in programming in order to drive an agenda.

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45 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Ben Shapiro did a remarkable piece of investigative journalism about this phenomenon a few years back. before he was a household name.  Media executives told him directly that they intentionally over-represented homosexuality in programming in order to drive an agenda.


Of course they do.

There's LITERALLY a playbook for this sort of thing, written in the 90s by prominent gay authors about how to make homosexuality mainstream. Their plan worked.

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2 hours ago, ShadyBillsFan said:

It’s because that is what life is today.  

My daughter in law is Hatian. 



Some people would call it the blackening of America.  


Most accept is as a life.  We are all children of god.  


I don't believe the commingling of races to be a good thing, and I don't believe it to be a bad thing.  I find it to be neutral.


What is, I believe objectively, a good thing is the empowering of individuals to make more choices about who they want to take as their partner by removing oppressive laws and social sigmas which prior restricted human freedoms.


But that's not what the thread is about.  The thread is about the over representation of mixed race couples in advertising, and why it's happening.

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I can just imagine the argument Archie Bunker and Meathead would be having if these mixed couples commercials would have happened yesteryear.

22 hours ago, Just Jack said:

I've noticed it too. And now I'm noticing more gay couples in commercials.....


Delta Airlines, about the 25 second mark of this commercial, one man is leaving while the other sleeps




Visit Vegas...




I would like to think I have an open mind about anything.


I don't have a daughter, but I wouldn't know how I would react to a daughter being in a same sex relationship.


I would hope that I wouldn't be a total piece of crap about it and just be happy for my daughter.


I guess I would have to be put in that situation to truly find out if I am a homophobic scumbag or not.

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