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Trash Talk: NYJ Safety Jamal Adams "Can't Wait to Catch Passes from Josh Allen"

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39 minutes ago, Buddy Hix said:

What? I didn’t know that but just looked it up, he’s broken his collar bone twice and the last one that you mentioned required a plate and screws. God I hate this pick....


He'd better learn to slide instead of taking on Linebackers.

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Yes yes Jamaal. Keep telling yourself that...


that is exactly why Kyle Williams has better ball skills than you at this point ?


man, trash talking is changing... That would be like me getting absolutely steamrolled, while telling the linebacker he hits like a girl , while Searching for my mouthpiece 

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I love trash talk from losing teams. All you have to tell them is to come back when they have a winning season.


I mean, the Bills are usually in that boat too, but the Bills don't usually trash talk much.

16 hours ago, White Linen said:

@TheAdamsEra - my apologies to #Jets and #Bills.  Thought we drafted @JoshAllen - was told I'd play both some offense


Is that real?! 

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