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Jeff Gannon: White House press room scandal?

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While the mainstream media completely skirted around the "Gannon" story it's good to see our finest cartoonists still haven't let up on this funny Bush/McClellan faux pas.








Lord knows the mainstream media always does whatever it can to help out George W. Bush. :doh:

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While the mainstream media completely skirted around the "Gannon" story it's good to see our finest cartoonists still haven't let up on this funny Bush/McClellan faux pas.









If by 'finest cartoonists' you mean 'cartoonists that are just slightly to the left of Chairman Mao', then I'd agree with you.

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If by 'finest cartoonists' you mean 'cartoonists that are just slightly to the left of Chairman Mao', then I'd agree with you.




I guess you'd only feel that way if you're to the right of Attilla the Hun.


Doonesbury is reprinted in thousands of daily's around the country.


Toles is a Pulitzer prize winner who cut his teeth at the Buffalo News before moving to the Washington Post a few years back.


And Tom Tomorrow is just a genius.

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Absolutely, what with the media helping him sell his war based on BS WMD claims.


Now you're starting to get it.



Ahh, the BS WMD is very powerful. I believe it was the BS WMD that Saddam used on the Kurds...


Those darn BS WMD...just another Republican lie


The pictures are said to have been taken in the aftermath of Saddam's attack using chemical weapons and cluster bombs on the Kurdish city of Halabja (population estimated at 70,000) on March 17, 1988. Halabja is located about 150 miles northeast of Baghdad and 8-10 miles from the Iranian border. The attack, said to have involved mustard gas, nerve agent and possibly cyanide, killed an estimated 5,000 of the town's inhabitants. The attack on Halabja took place amidst the infamous al-Anfal campaign, in which Saddam brutally repressed yet another of the Kurdish revolts during the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam is also said to have used chemical weapons in attacking up to 24 villages in Kurdish areas in April 1987.

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Ahh, the BS WMD is very powerful. I believe it was the BS WMD that Saddam used on the Kurds...


Those darn BS WMD...just another Republican lie


The pictures are said to have been taken in the aftermath of Saddam's attack using chemical weapons and cluster bombs on the Kurdish city of Halabja (population estimated at 70,000) on March 17, 1988. Halabja is located about 150 miles northeast of Baghdad and 8-10 miles from the Iranian border. The attack, said to have involved mustard gas, nerve agent and possibly cyanide, killed an estimated 5,000 of the town's inhabitants. The attack on Halabja took place amidst the infamous al-Anfal campaign, in which Saddam brutally repressed yet another of the Kurdish revolts during the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam is also said to have used chemical weapons in attacking up to 24 villages in Kurdish areas in April 1987.




I seem to remember an announcement a few months ago that came from the White House (so who knows if it's believable or not) that stated for all intents and puropses that we've given up trying to find anything that could even be construed as a WMD.

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You can blame "Gannongate" on me. It was my newspaper that called on Rep. Louise Slaughter to launch the investigation.


You can read our open letter here: Open Letter



What, weren't there enough cats stuck in trees that day?


Gotta love objective journalism...from BOTH sides.

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Absolutely, what with the media helping him sell his war based on BS WMD claims.


Now you're starting to get it.


So now you're saying the media helped him sell a war only to completely misrepresent that war by covering only the negative news coming out of Iraq and the Middle East? Good plan, another conspiracy uncovered.

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Toles is a Pulitzer prize winner who cut his teeth at the Buffalo News before moving to the Washington Post a few years back.


Yeah, so is Maureen Dowd - who gives a rat's ass? I don't know why anyone should care if the liberal media gives itself awards.


As for WMD, maybe you should read the Duelfer report when you're not snacking on Hot Pockets or getting your news from cartoons.

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What, weren't there enough cats stuck in trees that day?


Gotta love objective journalism...from BOTH sides.



Course "Gannongate" got him fired up while another tax increase just merited a bored yawn I suppose...until of course it didn't pass and then it was open season on the children from all the pedophiles that were out walking the streets...



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So now you're saying the media helped him sell a war only to completely misrepresent that war by covering only the negative news coming out of Iraq and the Middle East?  Good plan, another conspiracy uncovered.




The media were cheerleaders right from the onset. There was very little "negative news' (ie: truthful news) coverage until it became so glaringly obvious that things weren't going as planned that the media had no choice. Substitute what you mistakenly call "negative news" for "truth" and there may be hope for you yet.

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Yeah, so is Maureen Dowd - who gives a rat's ass?  I don't know why anyone should care if the liberal media gives itself awards.


As for WMD, maybe you should read the Duelfer report when you're not snacking on Hot Pockets or getting your news from cartoons.




What the hell does Maureen Dowd have to do with political cartoonists?


As for reading the Trent Dilfer report yeah, I'll get right on that.

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The media were cheerleaders right from the onset. There was very little "negative news'    (ie: truthful news) coverage until it became so glaringly obvious that things weren't going as planned that the media had no choice. Substitute what you mistakenly call "negative news" for "truth" and there may be hope for you yet.


When you say "cheerleaders right from the onset" are you referring to the NYT declaring "Quagmire!" about a week before the fall of Baghdad?


Or, more recently, how about all those articles about what a bloodbath and failure the Iraqi elections would be?


And if the media was so helpful to Bush in pushing his agenda, why did he need to hire Jeff Gannon Guckart?


Try making up your mind about Bush's relationship to the media.

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When you say "cheerleaders right from the onset" are you referring to the NYT declaring "Quagmire!" about a week before the fall of Baghdad?


Or, more recently, how about all those articles about what a bloodbath and failure the Iraqi elections would be?


And if the media was so helpful to Bush in pushing his agenda, why did he need to hire Jeff Gannon Guckart? 


Try making up your mind about Bush's relationship to the media.


The supposed "liberal" NY Times had to publish a retraction in its editorial page for falling for the nonsense WMD line hook, line and sinker, just like every other "mainstream" media outlet.



Oh, so now you're saying "Gannon" was hired by Bush? I didn't know that but it is fitting with the kind of crap this administration pulls.



By the way CNN/USA Today has Bush at 45% approval rating, the lowest his rating has been since he took office. Got to give him and the extremists in congress credit about sticking to their guns on this Schiavo thing, no matter how ridiculous the rest of the country views it. Now these dimwits are starting to attack the polls because they aren't saying what they want them to say.


Sounds a lot like what goes down on this board.

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The supposed "liberal" NY Times had to publish a retraction in its editorial page for falling for the nonsense WMD line hook, line and sinker, just like every other "mainstream" media outlet.

Oh, so now you're saying "Gannon" was hired by Bush? I didn't know that but it is fitting with the kind of crap this administration pulls.


Actually I was mocking you, for starting a thread about a "White House press room scandal" - where the administration "pulled crap" by hiring a reporter to lob softball questions - and by page four you're asserting that the media only lobbed softball questions at Bush leading up to the war (and through the war), thus making such a 'scandal' completely unnecessary.


By the way CNN/USA Today has Bush at 45% approval rating, the lowest his rating has been since he took office. Got to give him and the extremists in congress credit about sticking to their guns on this Schiavo thing, no matter how ridiculous the rest of the country views it. Now these dimwits are starting to attack the polls because they aren't saying what they want them to say.


Sounds a lot like what goes down on this board.

There are two types of people on this board with regard to polls:

1. People who cite them - you and RCow

2. People who recognize them as statistically insignificant and irrelevant - everyone else.

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Actually I was mocking you, for starting a thread about a "White House press room scandal" - where the administration "pulled crap" by hiring a reporter to lob softball questions - and by page four you're asserting that the media only lobbed softball questions at Bush leading up to the war (and through the war), thus making such a 'scandal' completely unnecessary.

There are two types of people on this board with regard to polls:

1.  People who cite them - you and RCow

2.  People who recognize them as statistically insignificant and irrelevant - everyone else.




You're right. Politics POLLS and Pundits is no place to bring up a poll. The Stadium Wall would probably be a much better place.

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While the mainstream media completely skirted around the "Gannon" story it's good to see our finest cartoonists still haven't let up on this funny Bush/McClellan faux pas.










Too bad Tom Toles left the Buffalo News for the Washington Post. I used to love that guy's cartoons.


One of my favorites was when I was back in college, around 1985. Toles drew a cartoon over a reporter interviewing Kay Stephenson after a Bills game, with the score in the background something like 52-3 in favor of some made-up girls high school football team. Kay is saying something to the effect of "Well, we were keeping it pretty close up until about the second half, when they finally showed up..."

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Ahh, the BS WMD is very powerful. I believe it was the BS WMD that Saddam used on the Kurds...


Those darn BS WMD...just another Republican lie


The pictures are said to have been taken in the aftermath of Saddam's attack using chemical weapons and cluster bombs on the Kurdish city of Halabja (population estimated at 70,000) on March 17, 1988. Halabja is located about 150 miles northeast of Baghdad and 8-10 miles from the Iranian border. The attack, said to have involved mustard gas, nerve agent and possibly cyanide, killed an estimated 5,000 of the town's inhabitants. The attack on Halabja took place amidst the infamous al-Anfal campaign, in which Saddam brutally repressed yet another of the Kurdish revolts during the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam is also said to have used chemical weapons in attacking up to 24 villages in Kurdish areas in April 1987.


If our intentions were so pure and we were so very concerned about what went on in Halabja in 1988, we should have done something about it the first time we invaded Iraq in 1991. Gee, that's only 3 years later! These crimes were horrible - a black mark against humanity. Why did we wait nearly 15 years before doing something about it? Hindsight being 20/20, of course, you'll use anything to justify this administrations actions. Do you think you're fooling anyone but yourself?


As it turns out, despite any good that may have come from this colossal blunder, our fine leaders were flat out wrong (or simply lied) about Iraq's WMD capabilities. I don't care how many news articles you show about the atrocities Saddam committed against his people. This is not why we were told we were invading Iraq. Hey, if they told us the truth, we might have supported it! We were told that Iraq posed a clear and present danger to the USA. That was a flat-out lie, but you already know all this. It's been beaten to death like RJ behind our 2001 O-Line.


A link in case you missed it: PROOF!!!

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Hey, if they told us the truth, we might have supported it!  We were told that Iraq posed a clear and present danger to the USA.

I guess we are supposed to believe you would have supported invading Afghanistan prior to September 2001.

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