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Jeff Gannon: White House press room scandal?

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Once again Wow! I had no idea concerning the lack of knowledge on this board.

Guckert/Gannon/Joe Friday/Armstrong Williams or whoever else is able to sneek in to a White House breifing under an assumed name should draw attention to a White House hung up on "National Security".  To allow someone like Guckertt/Gannon/Fridayinto these conferences/briefings either displays a total breakdown of National Security or shows the blatent partisanship of the current administration to allow a "reporter" who is consistantly called on by McLellan and Bush to lob soft ball/rhetorical questions (cribbed from the Rush Limbaugh radio program yet) concerning such important issues as Social Security. As a matter of fact Guckert/Gannon quoted the Limbaugh show in regard to a fictional "joke" that Rush had attributed to Senator Reid of Nevada concerning "soup lines". It turns out Gannon didn't even realize Reid never said the line, Rush was joking and used the "soup line" joke as a question directed towards the President.

If you can't see the problem with this enroll at your local community college in an ethics/journalism class immediately.


Is it just me or did Helen Thomas lob softballs at dem presidents and hammer republicans for about 40 years?


Have you read any of her editorials? They are far from unbiased. I know she made the switch to editorials from "news" a relatively short time ago, but it would be hard to make a case that her bias miraculously showed up then. There are many more examples than just her.


I'm not saying this guy isn't a hack or even that he belongs. I'm just wondering why the throng of Washington Post/NYT/ABC News reporters are ok, and one Republican hack isn't.

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So much for a "liberal" bias.


Indeed, the reporter who no one has ever heard of who asked the easy questions really tops the collective efforts of the "mainstream" media.


Everyone please ignore the fact that the New York Times trumped up some loony "missing explosives" story the week before the election and never mentioned it again when it didn't have the intended effect on the voters. :rolleyes:

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He didn't sneak in under an assumed name!! He got daily press passes under his real name and wrote under a pen name. What is so confusing about that?





If that's the LEAST he did and you don't see the problem then why is Guckert's sanctimonious website so defensive, why did Talon News shut down operations?

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If that's the LEAST he did and you don't see the problem then why is Guckert's sanctimonious website so defensive, why did Talon News shut down operations?


Probably because the internet was suddenly flooded with liberal blogs posting X-rated pics of their only reporter, or at least the guy who did all the writing.


Who cares? What does that prove anyway? Blogs are started and fold every day. That's the internet media. Take it or leave it.

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Quit while you're ahead. In case you can't tell, there's an EXTREME right lean on this board. It's really best to just read it and laugh at the fact that such little thought goes into opinions they will defend to the death. There is no debate here, only attacks. They are here to make each other feel good about being Righties.

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Quit while you're ahead.  In case you can't tell, there's an EXTREME right lean on this board.  It's really best to just read it and laugh at the fact that such little thought goes into opinions they will defend to the death.  There is no debate here, only attacks.  They are here to make each other feel good about being Righties.




Oh c'mon! You didn't think I knew that going in? Just a cursory preview of a couple days can turn anyone onto that fact.



Besides, I'm in it to score hot sexy military studs ala Jeff Gannon.

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Quit while you're ahead.  In case you can't tell, there's an EXTREME right lean on this board.  It's really best to just read it and laugh at the fact that such little thought goes into opinions they will defend to the death.  There is no debate here, only attacks.  They are here to make each other feel good about being Righties.


Yeah, I sure wish I could think with as much depth as you do.


Pretend you're somehow above the fray and actually "debate" things instead of bringing the same tired stereotypes that are what is killing the country. You're just so darn different, "Gene." :rolleyes:

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Quit while you're ahead.  In case you can't tell, there's an EXTREME right lean on this board.  It's really best to just read it and laugh at the fact that such little thought goes into opinions they will defend to the death.  There is no debate here, only attacks.  They are here to make each other feel good about being Righties.



What "attacks"? All anyone is saying is that this is typical fare in today's media and a BS story reported using the same, tired, biased BS tactics employed by both parties.


THAT is an attack? Give it a rest.

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Who was paid off by Clinton?


So far there's been four confirmed "reporters"  who recieved payola from the Bush White House...and possibly a fifth but who considers Jeff Guckert a reporter?

So much for a "liberal" bias.



For someone who is such an elitist and likes talking about how ignorant others are, your knowledge is severely lacking. Try paying closer attention to things before commenting and also remove the partisan blinders. You would be suprised how much you will actually learn about things when you do not look at only one side of the story.


Partisan hacks lack credibility.

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Oh c'mon! You didn't think I knew that going in? Just a cursory preview of a couple days can turn anyone onto that fact.

Besides, I'm in it to score hot sexy military studs ala Jeff Gannon.


Still hung up on the man's personal life?

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Yeah, I sure wish I could think with as much depth as you do.


Pretend you're somehow above the fray and actually "debate" things instead of bringing the same tired stereotypes that are what is killing the country.  You're just so darn different, "Gene."  :w00t:


I don't pretend to be above anything, but I do not blindly support the company line like many here. All I'm saying is that you should be prepared for severe intolerance if your views tend to fall on the left. If I respond to this intolerance in kind, well, I guess that's (one of) my shortcomings - at least I admit this. There is no constructive debate on this board, so why bother? I think the responses to my first post prove this conclusively, "Alaska." :w00t:

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For someone who is such an elitist and likes talking about how ignorant others are, your knowledge is severely lacking. Try paying closer attention to things before commenting and also remove the partisan blinders. You would be suprised how much you will actually learn about things when you do not look at only one side of the story.


Partisan hacks lack credibility.




And once again another issue goes unanswered (who did Clinton pay off in the media) amidst a torrent of partisan foaming and blatther amounting to absolutely nothing.

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I don't pretend to be above anything, but I do not blindly support the company line like many here.  All I'm saying is that you should be prepared for severe intolerance if your views tend to fall on the left.  If I respond to this intolerance in kind, well, I guess that's (one of) my shortcomings - at least I admit this.  There is no constructive debate on this board, so why bother?  I think the responses to my first post prove this conclusively, "Alaska." :w00t:




Once again it's obviously a right wing circle jerk here. That's part of the fun.

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And once again another issue goes unanswered (who did Clinton pay off in the media)  amidst a torrent of partisan foaming and blatther amounting to absolutely nothing.


Yeah, Ken's a big fan of the current President. Which is why he ran against him this past election. Try again.

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And once again another issue goes unanswered (who did Clinton pay off in the media)  amidst a torrent of partisan foaming and blatther amounting to absolutely nothing.


Why would he have to pay? The majority of them report exactly what the Left wants during the course of their "coverage."

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Yeah, Ken's a big fan of the current President.  Which is why he ran against him this past election.  Try again.



And why I mentioned a REPUBLICAN attack machine in my initial response.


But we are all just "partisan hacks" jerking off to those "perfect" Republicans.




And whats even MORE funny is that this thread was a pretty good debate of the issue and what we all think about it until GENE stepped in and told Bishop to take his ball and go home. So in essense, the guy that killed the thread is the same person who is bitching that threads around here die too often!



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And why I mentioned a REPUBLICAN attack machine in my initial response.


But we are all just "partisan hacks" jerking off to those "perfect" Republicans.




And whats even MORE funny is that this thread was a pretty good debate of the issue and what we all think about it until GENE stepped in and told Bishop to take his ball and go home. So in essense, the guy that killed the thread is the same person who is bitching that threads around here die too often!






Don't know about you but I find this discussion and perspectives interesting and sometimes humourous.



Who's Gene?

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