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Happy Pi Day!

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3/14 = 3.14 = pi!


Today, March 14th, we celebrate the number pi. Without you, we would be unable to relate diameter to circumference of a circle, the radius squared to the area of a circle, and our math solutions would look a lot less "cool" if 'pi' did not exist.


Happy Pi Day to all!

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3/14 = 3.14 = pi!


Today, March 14th, we celebrate the number pi.  Without you, we would be unable to relate diameter to circumference of a circle, the radius squared to the area of a circle, and our math solutions would look a lot less "cool" if 'pi' did not exist.


Happy Pi Day to all!


Yeh, but a true geek would commemorate the day by renting the movie.



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3/14 = 3.14 = pi!


Today, March 14th, we celebrate the number pi.  Without you, we would be unable to relate diameter to circumference of a circle, the radius squared to the area of a circle, and our math solutions would look a lot less "cool" if 'pi' did not exist.


Happy Pi Day to all!



I was always more of fan of e...





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