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Do you ever stutter?

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As a youth?  Did you ever go to "speech therapy?"


Honestly... Myself, yes.  But years of "speech" in elementary school MAY (some may argue this, but you never met me Tom, /dev, et al... And you probably don't want to;)) have helped. Why I can have a 1,000 words lined up ready to go.  I still will stutter, if I slow down.  Same with the crazy thought train... :wub:


Now... NOT much now...  Just when I post. :mellow:   Contrary to belief around here, it isn't dyslexia... That's just bad spelling, trying to type on a Galaxy 6S, use AutoCorrect, and then editing... And crazy train of thought, thanks W.Seneca Schools! :lol:


Any methods you use to relax while still jamming the mind into "high gear" and think of other words you can use?


PM if you want...

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It's not the same thing as "stuttering" but Bulldog on WGR-550 stammers so badly it has become hard to listen to him.


He really struggles to speak cleanly (in the manner Mike Schopp speaks, as an example), especially when he is excited or passionate about the point he is making.


Mike Schopp will say something like "The Sabres are so bad their games have become virtually unwatchable for me."


If Bulldog had the same thought, he would say "The..the ...Sabres are, uh, they..they..they....are, uh, so bad, uh, their games have, uh, become virtually unwatchable for me."


Don't start to focus on this if you listen to these guys on the radio!  Once you tune into it, it becomes very frustrating very quickly.




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If I get excited or heated about something I'll mispronounce a word and have this odd compulsion to say it right before I continue.  Luckily I don't get excited very often

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43 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

It's not the same thing as "stuttering" but Bulldog on WGR-550 stammers so badly it has become hard to listen to him.


He really struggles to speak cleanly (in the manner Mike Schopp speaks, as an example), especially when he is excited or passionate about the point he is making.


Mike Schopp will say something like "The Sabres are so bad their games have become virtually unwatchable for me."


If Bulldog had the same thought, he would say "The..the ...Sabres are, uh, they..they..they....are, uh, so bad, uh, their games have, uh, become virtually unwatchable for me."


Don't start to focus on this if you listen to these guys on the radio!  Once you tune into it, it becomes very frustrating very quickly.




Agree,but I let it slide since I met him twice....you talk about a down to earth,nice guy..he's just that.I never met Schopp,I bet his arrogant just like he is on the radio.

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47 minutes ago, mead107 said:

The guy that has a major stutter is Fergy. 

Sometimes you just want to put something in his mouth.  ????


Is that how the Stromboli thing got started? 


My father apparently stuttered as a kid. Years of speach therapy with some nuns mostly resolved it but when flustered he could struggle. He also became fiercely loyal to the Catholic Church. 

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50 minutes ago, LeviF91 said:

If I get excited or heated about something I'll mispronounce a word and have this odd compulsion to say it right before I continue.  Luckily I don't get excited very often

You are always excited to sit next to Fergy at our lunch dates?

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Stuttered in high school except when concentrating (i.e. Model UN, debate class, etc), it got better in college but still happened on occasion and then I stumbled in solution - alcohol.  When I drink moderately my stuttering stops; doctor explained that my mind was going faster than my mouth could process and that what was causing the stuttering.  Results showed up in scientific study at college.  I used to drink some vodka before big presentations and fortunately never needed to work in any dry counties.

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4 hours ago, JR in Pittsburgh said:

My wife is a speech therapist. When she was in grad school, she had a project where we had to go to a restaurant and she had to stutter the entire time to the waiter. 


It was a fascinating experience. The waiter felt super awkward the entire time and he never once looked at her, always looking at me, even when she was talking and ordering. 


We told him about the experiment after and he was pretty cool about it. 

Interesting.  Usually the person that stutters has a hard time making eye contact.


On the other hand, children can be merciless with other children who stutter.  One of the reasons I have such thick skin.  You learn to deal with the attacks.


God bless people like your wife, they really do help... That I am truly grateful!

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I stuttered a lot as a small child. My parents took me to the stuttering clinic at Children's at age 4.. They gave me  complete physical  (because it was the first time there). They found that I had the BP of a 30 year old! Doctors determined it was due to constricted vessels in my kidney. Tried to unblock it, but the bP didn't go down.  They removed my kidney  and the BP went back to normal. Docs  told my parents I couldn't play tackle football or hockey (don't get hit in the back) so my remaining kidney wouldn't't get injured. If they hadn't took me I may have had a stroke at a long age and possibly died.. 

Had speech therapy in elementary school.  I could read out loud fine without stuttering but stutter otherwise.  over time it got less and less. Totally went away in college when I had to give journal club talks .  Realizing that you are the expert in the room about what you are talking about really helped.

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15 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

No, but I have a lateral lisp that is worse some days. Very frustrating.

Here on Southern Lake Michigan, there is a Coastie that broadcasts on VHF, Marine radio... He has the most horrendous lisp.  At first, I felt sorry for him... But after a few months, I just cringe now, drives me up the wall. Why do they have him doing the security checks, PAN-PANS, etc... It's really brutal...


Kinda like my posts I suppose. :D I do have the ability to look inward.

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9 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

Here on Southern Lake Michigan, there is a Coastie that broadcasts on VHF, Marine radio... He has the most horrendous lisp.  At first, I felt sorry for him... But after a few months, I just cringe now, drives me up the wall. Why do they have him doing the security checks, PAN-PANS, etc... It's really brutal...


Kinda like my posts I suppose. :D I do have the ability to look inward.

Mine isn't that obvious to others but it bugs me. On days when it's worse I have to concentrate more on how I speak.

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