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Don't know. I'd keep the royal; w/o it, they look like the Pats or Broncos, which is part of the problem that's attempting to be corrected.


The problem is that they're trying to pussyfoot around being a Pats/Broncos copycat. As it is now, it looks ridiculous. If you're going all navy, go all navy. Or don't. But having navy and royal blue on the same jersey looks kind of silly, I think.


Plus, and I don't know if people think of it, getting rid of the royal blue would mean replacing the stadium seats and some of the FieldTurf.


Not necessairly.


The current home jersey's are nice.


The away leave alot to be desired, I agree with the comments that the royal and navy on the same jersery looks bad.


Pussyfooting around copycating should be done, but not at the cost of ugly uni's.


Unfortunately, the superbow uni's were the same extremely similar to the giants at the time and they have since lost the stripes on the sleeve. A switch back to those would be alright, but the more up to date look sells better.


I would recommend a hybrid of the current style and the old school style the giants and lions wear. how exactly it would look, i dont know.


Using a solid gray pant could look cool. Also just go solid Navy with the helmet stripe around the shoulder and then limit the outlines on the numbers to just one color. Thats where I would start.


Personally, I like them. All of them to include the red ones look pretty cool to me.

And I'm obviously in the minority but I like the away jerseys we currently have better than the home ones.


I love the white on white, royal blue on white and the red on white. Any of these would be a huge upgrade. I hate the dark blue we have right now. When will they ever put a charging Buffalo on the jersey like you have shown. Nothing worse than the blue on blue we go with. What about putting some wrap around stripes around the shoulders - the jets did a great job with that. Add on a small buffalo or the word Bills where the NFL logo is currently.

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