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Here is a nice risk for TD

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Pick him up! Why not....... Buffalo may just be the place this guy need to light a flame under his bum...


Dont give him big money but give him a contract where he could make big money if he pulls his head out of his #$%.


Could be huge if he stays healthy!



If this was posted already, I dont care. Ill return your pride in the morning.

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I always liked courtney brown, and if he came at the right price I would not mind him being here 1 bit. I think he's one of those underachieving players that just needs to be in the right enviorment well that and to be to stay healthy. Not a bad idea, as after oline I think de is our biggest need.



P. S. One thing I didn't get about that article though is this


"Last month, Brown said he'd be willing to move to linebacker in the team's 3-4 defensive scheme. "


Courtney brown is 6'4 290lbs isn't that a bit big to play lb?

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It's no use - it's not a motivation problem, really - he doesn't have a poor attitude, he just doesn't want to be a football player. He doesn't love the game. He makes no bones about this - it was obvious when he was drafted that this was the case, and it's obvious today. Stay away, TD.

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