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Prayer rug


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Anyone else ever received a "Church Prayer Rug" in the mail before? By "rug" I mean "large peice of paper with printing on it that makes it look like a rug." It also has Jesus' face in the middle with eyes closed, and the instructions for the rug say:


"Look into Jesus' Eyes you will see they are closed. But as you continue to look you will see His eyes opening and looking back into your eyes. Then go and be alone and kneel on this Rug of Faith or touch it to both knees. Then please check your needs on our letter to you. Please return this Prayer Rug. Do not keep it."




The back of the "rug" is even better!


"This Prayer Rug is soaked with the Power of Prayer for you. Use it immediately, then please return it with your Prayer Needs Checked on our letter to you. It must be mailed to a second home that needs a blessing after you use it. Prayer works. Expect God's blessing."


Umm, how do you soak a peice of paper in prayer? :blush:


It gets even better. After some mumbo-jumbo about god giving you a blessing because of the rug, it gives better instructions:


These next 24 important hours are crucial to you. Timing is important to God. After you kneel on this Church Prayer Rug, or place it over your knees, place it in a Bible, on Philippians 4:19. (If you don't have a Bible, it's okay - just slide it under your side of the bed, for tonight, if you can. If you can't do this, it is okay.) Leave it There No Longer Than Tonight Only! God sees.


:D Do this, but if you can't, do this, but if you can't, that's ok. :P


It goes on:


Then, in the morning it is a must that you get this unusual blessing Church Pryayer Rug out of this house and back to us, here at the church's chapel prayer room, in faith. And, we must also have this letter back, with whatever you need prayer for printed on page two of it. You must get this Bible Prayer Rug back to us so we can rush it onto another family that's in need of a blessing (CW: Why can't they just print out a new one? Or is it hard to soak a peice of paper in prayer???). Do this without fail. Please, do not break this flow of power between us.


At the end, there's a bunch of things you can check that you want, although some seem rather greedy... Like "A Home to Call My Own," "A Money Blessing," "Pray for God to bless me with this amount of money: $_____" But that's ok...


Then at the bottom, it says, "Enclosed is my seed gift to God's work of $______"


Ahhhh, now the real meat of the letter comes out. They want money! :D


I did a quick Google search and found this article:



I'm not the only one getting this stuff. Here's someone's blog:



Scroll to the bottom (or search the page for "Purple Paper Jesus") He even has a picture of the "rug" :)


Here's another person posting and he even bolded and underlined everything so it looks just like the real letter:



Unfortunately, I'm screwed -- I need to return this prayer soaked rug tomorrow, but it's Sunday! There's no mail pickup on Sunday! :( What am I going to do now...???


Sorry, this was just the coolest peice of junk mail I think I've ever received and I wanted to share. Anyone else get a Prayer Rug (aka: peice of paper)? Maybe I should scan all the stuff in and post it. :)


Anyone, I thought it was funny and figured I'd share. :)


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Religion is a farce.



I don't want this turning into a religion thread. This was sent from a scam artist trying to get people to send money. I almost feel compelled to send something, just for the humor value :blush:



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