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Horowitz's IG Report Survival Kit For Leftists

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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

So no special prosecutor to investigate FBI? Jeffery must be afraid of Hillary


You aren't paying attention. 


Not that that's a surprise. 


No SC yet. Why? It'd slow it down. Huber can prosecute every bit as much as a SC can - and he's been working for 6 months already. 

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13 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

So no special prosecutor to investigate FBI? Jeffery must be afraid of Hillary

I've gotta hand it to ya gator. With every post you seem to be settling into your village idiot role more. Pretty soon you won't even have to ask anyone to hold your beer while you fight off the lower level idiots that want to take your place.

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Or...is it? Horowitz keeps finding new bad things the bad Obama people did, because it turns out they did many more bad things than we thought. That means he has to do more work. He might tell on some of them now, because he can't wait anymore. But, he might have to find his patient seat, and have patient hands, and only tell when he is ready.


Good people keep adding to the list of things and people Horowitz has to tell on. Horowitz is very busy, just like Daddy and Mommy are most days. We can try to understand why they are so busy, but that's hard, isn't it? We want them to spend all their time with us, and tell us everything. But, part of growing up is understanding that Mommy, Daddy, and Horowitz want the best for us, and working is how they get it.


Horowitz is going to tell on the bad people. We know that. We might have to find out patient seat, and have patient hands for some time. But the good news is: in the end, the bad people will get punished, and the good people, will all get a cookie, and get to watch the bad people being punished...on live television. 

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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