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2 minutes ago, simool said:

So with the influx of predictions, scoops, and inside information of late, I like to reference a reliability index.  I have recently updated it and would appreciate feedback on its accuracy.


Lance Armstrong > Jim Bakker > Bernie Madoff > Richard Nixon > SaviorPeterman > Dunkirk Don > Fredonia Fred > Tipster19 > Anyone with less than 1000 posts predicting anything.






What was this sudden realization that the info was bogus?  Am I missing something?  Just saw "I got home and realized it was bogus" or something like that.

Posted (edited)

Simpleton.  A prediction has to do with the future. That statement was factual as it pertained to this site at that moment. FFS WEO I have no problems helping you out, but I ain't taking you to raise.


I did just realize that I do make predictions frequently and I have a flawless record with regards to those predictions.  Behold: In approximately 12 hours there is a 50% chance I will be inebriated and a 50% chance I will be sleeping off being inebriated.


4 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


Is that a prediction?


Edited by simool
2 hours ago, simool said:

Simpleton.  A prediction has to do with the future. That statement was factual as it pertained to this site at that moment. FFS WEO I have no problems helping you out, but I ain't taking you to raise.


I did just realize that I do make predictions frequently and I have a flawless record with regards to those predictions.  Behold: In approximately 12 hours there is a 50% chance I will be inebriated and a 50% chance I will be sleeping off being inebriated.





Stand down Patton.


Christ these rookies...

1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:

John Wayne is sick of your shit


The Duke exhibits really poor form on the child toss there. Would be surprised if he did not throw his back out.

19 hours ago, Tipster19 said:

Ok I just got home and to my horror I saw that I passed on some total bs. I owe everyone an apology and if it makes anybody feel better I won’t post for quite some time. I’m sorry this happened, I promise you that I wasn’t trying to mislead anyone. I was passed along something that I thought was very believable so I was trying to make people feel better and not keep everyone in torment. I put myself out there, knowing darn well that even if it came true I was still going to get bashed and if it was erroneously incorrect I was putting myself on the firing line. I still don’t regret making a statement that I believe in, regardless of the consequences. That’s alright though because I know that the majority of the members here aren’t mean or hateful, it’s just a few that get so vile. I stand accountable, I’m not going to not stand up to it, I rightfully deserve criticism  and I’m sincere enough to accept that. Once again I’m sorry, it wasn’t never my intention to mislead any of you, and I will rightfully stand on the sidelines for awhile and just root for our favorite team.


Go Bills!

It's cool.When I was young,my parents told me I could finally get a dog after begging for years.The dog lasted about two weeks before they gave him a new home..I was heart broken..deeply.Ever since I came back home from the service and lived on my own..i/we have had dogs...currently,we have Ellie..she is such a good girl.Things worked out well...and they will for you to.


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