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Bills open to moving Glenn - Bengels Bills trade - Bills move to 12 for Glenn & 21

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3 hours ago, Logic said:


For some reason that I still cannot fathom, the Bills seem intent on trading a top 15 starting LT on a good contract while his value is at its lowest. Then they'll likely spend a high pick to draft tackle. 

It makes NO sense to me. Never has. I've been all for Beane/McDermott's roster purging moves up until now, but this one....I just don't get. Unless Glenn has a bad attitude, I don't see why you don't just let him heal, let him and Dawkins compete, and whoever "loses" the competition plays on the right. Tackle problem solved. Instead they're going to force him out for a 6th round pick. Ludicrous.

The ONLY way moving Glenn makes sense is if it's part of a trade-up package or if you get a 2nd round pick back. If it's neither of those things, then it's a silly move.

His foot problems.  You know about those, yes?

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