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Oakland Mayor

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I’m surprised she has not been discussed here yet. I did a search and didn’t find anything.  As you’ve probably heard she sounded the alarm publicly that ICE was going to be in the Bay Area doing immigration sweeps. As most of you know I lived in Oakland for a few years so I am well aware of her whimpy leadership style. I’m not sure what she was attempting to accomplish. It’s almost as if she was thinking that ICE was just coming to round up brown people just because they were brown. But in reality they vast majority were wanted for felony crimes. You’d think that someone who is leading one of the most crime ridden cities in the country would be all for getting criminals off the streets. I guess not. 


Well I just got an email from “her” yesterday. I have not unsubscribed yet because I want to be reminded on a regular basis why I left. Her email subject line was “Will I See You Next Thursday?”  Sure the the joke is “See you next Tuesday”. But Thursday works too. :lol:

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Body language is very telling of course. After the the Ghost Ship Fire she spoke at the first press conference at the site. She walked up to the mic and let out this loud pathetic sigh.  Oakland need an extremely tough mayor. None of this emotional touchy feely crap. That city has so much potential but the leadership has historically been awful. 

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2 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

Body language is very telling of course. After the the Ghost Ship Fire she spoke at the first press conference at the site. She walked up to the mic and let out this loud pathetic sigh.  Oakland need an extremely tough mayor. None of this emotional touchy feely crap. That city has so much potential but the leadership has historically been awful. 


People don't want leadership.  They want therapy.



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2 hours ago, keepthefaith said:

Yes and what's with the law suit crap?  Seems to me that what she did is against the law. Cuff her and take into custody. 


It's pretty much in black and white what she did and she should be jail yesterday.


If you can't follow the rule of law in this country and break it, you should be in jail. I don't care what your name is.

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2020 Presidential Hopeful Kamala Harris Supports Oakland Mayor’s ICE Raids Warning


“I think Mayor Schaaf is doing exactly what’s in the best interest of her community, and I support that 100%.”




It’s clear that Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) wants to be president.  What’s not clear is in what country she wants to president.


She wants to be president of a country with no borders, with a Supreme Court that bases its decisions on “feelings” rather than law, with few (preferably no?) gun rights for citizens, with “free” college, with government-run (i.e. single payer) healthcare, with severely restrictedspeech, with unrestricted abortion funded by taxpayers.  To be fair to Harris, this is the same imaginary country in which all Democrat presidential hopefuls aspire to be president.


Harris’ ongoing, if not yet announced, 2020 presidential campaign is currently focused on floutingfoiling our nation’s immigration laws.





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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

2020 Presidential Hopeful Kamala Harris Supports Oakland Mayor’s ICE Raids Warning


“I think Mayor Schaaf is doing exactly what’s in the best interest of her community, and I support that 100%.”




It’s clear that Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) wants to be president.  What’s not clear is in what country she wants to president.


She wants to be president of a country with no borders, with a Supreme Court that bases its decisions on “feelings” rather than law, with few (preferably no?) gun rights for citizens, with “free” college, with government-run (i.e. single payer) healthcare, with severely restrictedspeech, with unrestricted abortion funded by taxpayers.  To be fair to Harris, this is the same imaginary country in which all Democrat presidential hopefuls aspire to be president.


Harris’ ongoing, if not yet announced, 2020 presidential campaign is currently focused on floutingfoiling our nation’s immigration laws.






I wouldn't be surprised if her sights are set on 2024. Gives her time to build up her liberal credentials, and it's easier to run with no incumbent.

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Cali is safe is n the Dems column for another century, they don’t need a party leader from there


then again the only two national politicians to arise from that state were Nixon and Reagan



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