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Active shooter at Florida high school

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Congressional hearing about Parkland shooting, guns and school safety happening now @SenFeinstein says there is nothing we can do except say "sorry". Yes there is. We must pass gun laws, get JROTC and NRA out of our schools and #DivestFromWar



While the police huddled outside, 



Three JROTC member were killed helping their fellow students, two more helped cover students with mats.


CODE PINK liberals are scum.







Edited by B-Man
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9 hours ago, LABillzFan said:


Is Code Pink even a thing anymore? I thought they all killed themselves after Hillary explained to them why she was convinced Saddam Hussein had WMD.


The Code interjects with: "Why am I called Code Pink?"


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Yep, It's the NRA's fault of the total incompetence of the Broward County authorities, the FBI and the like.


The lunatic shooter has been reported numerous times to officials, yet NOTHING was done.


Scott Pederson is the biggest coward walking the planet.


The Sheriff is the most incompetent fool occupying a position of rank.


Yet, it is all the NRA's fault that this horrific crime took place.


This is what you get when you politicize a bad event.


Blame others, but not yourself.


Blood is on the hands of the authorities, NOT THE NRA.

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8 minutes ago, njbuff said:

Yep, It's the NRA's fault of the total incompetence of the Broward County authorities, the FBI and the like.


The lunatic shooter has been reported numerous times to officials, yet NOTHING was done.


Scott Pederson is the biggest coward walking the planet.


The Sheriff is the most incompetent fool occupying a position of rank.


Yet, it is all the NRA's fault that this horrific crime took place.


This is what you get when you politicize a bad event.


Blame others, but not yourself.


Blood is on the hands of the authorities, NOT THE NRA.


that's old news, it's now all about sending 5 reporters per network to talk to Stormy Daniels



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11 hours ago, Nanker said:

The Code Pinko idiot in this still before the video starts  is Medea (Suzie) Benjamin, their leader. At a Schwartenger  campaign stop I happened to be standing by her. She wouldn't  stop yelling that the was an idiot.  I said to her "If Arnold is such an idiot, why don't you let him talk and everybody will se he is?" She looked at me bewilderedly for a few seconds and continued yelling.


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SOCIAL JUSTICE: Student Assaulted for Pro-Second Amendment Views, Then Suspended for Defending Himself.




“Social justice” is whatever the mob feels like it can get away with at the moment — and the Administration at too many schools has joined in.







David Solway writes that “‘Social Justice’ Is About Anything but Justice.”





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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

SOCIAL JUSTICE: Student Assaulted for Pro-Second Amendment Views, Then Suspended for Defending Himself.




“Social justice” is whatever the mob feels like it can get away with at the moment — and the Administration at too many schools has joined in.







David Solway writes that “‘Social Justice’ Is About Anything but Justice.”






In fairness, the Principal didn't want the school safety assembly to turn political and thinks that in hindsight they maybe shouldn't have shown the 1 sided political video that got the kid punched in the head.


Who could possibly find faultin leadership of that high a caliber? :rolleyes:

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Twitter’s SJW Q&A with Parkland students on guns gets right to the issue … of white privilege



Twitter planned to host its own online town hall on guns Monday with (selected) survivors of the Parkland mass shooting; we say “selected,” of course, because Twitter somehow forgot to invite Kyle Kashuv, who nevertheless has met with the president and first lady and several lawmakers, including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Louie Gohmert, and Orrin Hatch.


The show must go on with or without Kashuv, but it seems any diversity of thought would just have bogged down the conversation, which took some odd SJW turns into things that only someone like Shannon Watts certainly would have applauded.


Ryan Saavedra of The Daily Wire posted some video from the Q&A, and it looked like anti-NRA point man David Hogg is “disgusted” not only that Second Amendment advocates have free speech through association — he’s also disgusted that America is represented disproportionately by “rich white men” like himself.

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37 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Drone strikes and marrying Michelle manbod.


He's a decent man.


London Review of Books tears into Obama (likes he almost as bad as Trump) for a review on a book by Ta-Nehisi Coates this month, this is a major-league libleft magazine.... so Obama sucked and Bill Clinton sucked.... what more are you honestly hoping for people????



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51 minutes ago, row_33 said:


He's a decent man.


London Review of Books tears into Obama (likes he almost as bad as Trump) for a review on a book by Ta-Nehisi Coates this month, this is a major-league libleft magazine.... so Obama sucked and Bill Clinton sucked.... what more are you honestly hoping for people????




That was awfully painful to read.

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