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Coins are racist...

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15 minutes ago, unbillievable said:

Godwin's law is an Internet adage that asserts that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1"

I don't see it as very suprising a thread about racism, in any context, sees a Hitler comment. I guess, we are each entitled to our opinions, as wrong as they may be. 

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5 minutes ago, Paulus said:

I don't see it as very suprising a thread about racism, in any context, sees a Hitler comment. I guess, we are each entitled to our opinions, as wrong as they may be. 

Some times you post very well. Some times, you need a "handler"'.

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1 hour ago, 3rdnlng said:

Some times you post very well. Some times, you need a "handler"'.

I agree, sometimes 'no step on snek' needs some guidance and/or translation.  However, after having read this thread, he seems in line.  Nothing he said was from left-field.  I think, perhaps, what he was saying was not read as intended.  This time :P

Oh, and as a reply to the original topic:  For real?  Get out of your own way, people who see racism in everything, including a flip of a coin (not directed at people in this thread).  Does this Olympian not see how he brings race into a matter where race isn't there?  Isn't that the very definition of racism?  Good gravy!

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19 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

I agree, sometimes 'no step on snek' needs some guidance and/or translation.  However, after having read this thread, he seems in line.  Nothing he said was from left-field.  I think, perhaps, what he was saying was not read as intended.  This time :P

Oh, and as a reply to the original topic:  For real?  Get out of your own way, people who see racism in everything, including a flip of a coin (not directed at people in this thread).  Does this Olympian not see how he brings race into a matter where race isn't there?  Isn't that the very definition of racism?  Good gravy!

The purpose of doing what he did is to weaponize his race against others to his advantage.  It's not about equality, it's about a desire for inequality stacked in his favor.

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42 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

The purpose of doing what he did is to weaponize his race against others to his advantage.  It's not about equality, it's about a desire for inequality stacked in his favor.

Well duh.  I guess that's what I get for preaching to the choir :P


I just wish the people that stoop to those tactics would STOP doing that.


I want racial equality.  I'd hope that's what all sane-thinking people want.  And I think we're pretty damn close, honestly.  At least, that's what I've seen in my workplaces over the last 25 years.  Hell, if anything, there's inequality tilted in the favor of making sure everyone knows employers are trying really really hard.  But you're never going to get everyone to like everyone.  Is that the goal?  If so, as long as there are differences in people, it's not happening.

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1 minute ago, DC Tom said:




Here you go, Sue



The Boston Police Department learned Sunday that, sometimes, the best tweet is the one you don’t send. They made plenty of people angry after sending out a Black History Month tribute to legendary Boston Celtics coach Red Auerbach.


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1 minute ago, DC Tom said:


I did google it.  "Whites who sacrificed careers for the color barrier" returns everything but...


Yeah, like Googlebot will pick that one up, when everyone knows there were no whites who sacrificed careers to break down the color barrier

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the Olympics were a bit more fun to me when college kids were doing it as quasi-amateurs, and defeating the full-time USSR army sponsored athletes was a good story


watching people show up for 5 Olympiads because it's a full-time career is defeating the purpose for me





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