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Question about trades in this years draft

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is there any team out there in the mid 1st round that wants a TH level player that we could trade with? If so, being that there are very few 1st round caliber players in the draft, what a team expect in return for a mid 1st rounder? Could we get 2 low 2nds and a 3rd or is that way to much. My point is that I feel that we need alot of players to fill holes. I do not feel that there is anyone in the draft worthy of first round status or money. So if we can find a trading partner in the 12-18 pick spot that wants something we have, we get thier 1st round pick, then turn right around to get multiple 2nd and 3rd rounders where i think the talent level actually equals the value. anyone have any good scenarios in which this could take place?

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is there any team out there in the mid 1st round that wants a TH level player that we could trade with?  If so, being that there are very few 1st round caliber players in the draft, what a team expect in return for a mid 1st rounder?  Could we get 2 low 2nds and a 3rd or is that way to much.  My point is that I feel that we need alot of players to fill holes.  I do not feel that there is anyone in the draft worthy of first round status or money.  So if we can find a trading partner in the 12-18 pick spot that wants something we have, we get thier 1st round pick, then turn right around to get multiple 2nd and 3rd rounders where i think the talent level actually equals the value.  anyone have any good scenarios in which this could take place?


They don't drug test where you work, do they?

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see what happens when i try to post an on-topic post!!!!! I get humiliated and berated. That is the whole problem with this board, no one thinks about anyones feelings. Its flame, flame, flame....Thats it, i am going to billsdaily!!!!!!!! :o

so you don't like my idea????


They don't drug test where you work, do they?


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see what happens when i try to post an on-topic post!!!!!  I get humiliated and berated.  That is the whole problem with this board, no one thinks about anyones feelings.  Its flame, flame, flame....Thats it, i am going to billsdaily!!!!!!!! :o

so you don't like my idea????


Oh, I love it. I just don't think TH fetches higher than a 3rd - if that. Running back is probably the easiest position to fill and even though TH has had a couple of statistically nice seasons, his shortcomings aren't easily ignored.


That says nothing of finding a dance partner willing to trade up in this particular draft.


As I've said before: if TD gets a #1 for TH, we need to name something after him.

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is there any team out there in the mid 1st round that wants a TH level player that we could trade with?  If so, being that there are very few 1st round caliber players in the draft, what a team expect in return for a mid 1st rounder?  Could we get 2 low 2nds and a 3rd or is that way to much.  My point is that I feel that we need alot of players to fill holes.  I do not feel that there is anyone in the draft worthy of first round status or money.  So if we can find a trading partner in the 12-18 pick spot that wants something we have, we get thier 1st round pick, then turn right around to get multiple 2nd and 3rd rounders where i think the talent level actually equals the value.  anyone have any good scenarios in which this could take place?



I suppose you could package Spikes and Clements... :o

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Oh, I love it.  I just don't think TH fetches higher than a 3rd - if that.  Running back is probably the easiest position to fill and even though TH has had a couple of statistically nice seasons, his shortcomings aren't easily ignored.


That says nothing of finding a dance partner willing to trade up in this particular draft.


As I've said before: if TD gets a #1 for TH, we need to name something after him.



I think we fans really suffer from an affliction exacerbated by fantasy leagues (which I happily participate in) where we overvalue the importance of the draft and judge players by potential and how they look on paper.


My personal though is that trading Henry for a draft pick (even a 2006 1st round pick) would really be a sad loss and a risky maneuver as postential just means you haven't done anything yet at best.


I think the Bills are far more helped by getting even a lesser player than former Pro Bowler Henry at a position of need for our team right here right now. I have no reason to doubt and it fits with my sense of real life occurences (though I would overjoyed to see real research on this point if anyone has the link or is willing to take the time) that even 1st round choices are 50/50 at best to contribute something in this league. Discount this further by trading for a pick in some future draft so you are guranteed to get no value whatsoever this year out of what you traded and under contract former Pro Bowler for and trading TH for a future pick seems like giving up something for nothing but hopes and dreams.


The 2005 Bills (the only team I care about) need a back-up RB to ease the burden on WM and need players at a number of other positions to allow this squad to make the playoffs this year. In a league where worst to first has become possible more quickly than ever before and with us sitting on a top 5 D (easily) and perhaps the #1 ST, the concept of trading for future considerations seems like a crime to me. Even getting a lat er pick this year means getting a player who must be trained before he contributes.


Trade TH if we get a good deal for him (which to me means a player who is better than the player we have at the position- for example I do not care whether anyone thinks Shelton is good or bad on some pretend scale, I simply care whether he will be a better LT than Teague, MW, or Peters or whatever option we have there). However, keep Henry and do the tough work of getting good #2 RB performance out him if we do not get a good deal for him.


It will be a good piece of employee management and coaching to get a good #2RB year out of TH. However, even if we are forced to do this, it seems quite doable. Henry's goal in all of this is to score the biggest FA contract he can get. if the Bills do not trade him, he would so clearly undercut his own self-proclaimed goals that I doubt this will happen no matter how juvenile or foolish folks claim Henry is.


Mismanaging his money and having to give the Bills a year in return for some upfront cash and his choice of loud music featured in one interview does not speak highly about his judgment. In addition, I can see that folks wished he had done the "manly" self-sacrificing thing and stayed here and fought for his job with WM (though WM is obviously a better player so he would lose this fight).


However, he also kept his mouth shut when WM took his job and left the media which desperately wanted an RB "controversy" to help them sell ads were left tryingh to interpret hisbody lanaguage to claim he was pouting. Also, Henry has done quick 180s when he initially reacted badly to the Bills drafting WM so clearly he is getting and taking better advice to shut up when it is going to cost him bucks in the long run.


I really like the realtionship that TD, TH, and Th's agents have fostered where Henry has done TDs work for him in sizing up the market of interested teams so TD could save his chits for trad negotiations rather than have to spend them even determining trade interest.


I hope TH is gone for a player that can help us right now, and though keeping him will be tough work to have it all work out, i would far rather have the negative for the Bills be working to make it work with TH as #2 rather than trading him for a draft pick which i see at risky at best and probably means giving up this resource for no value now in almost all cases and potentially no value in the future unless the draftee pulls off the difficult chore of making it in the NFL.

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