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A tale of two Dougs...


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I love the "if it didn't work you would hate it" argument!


They took a calculated risk there and it paid off. Either way, you punt NE gets 7 you fail NE gets 7. Your defense has barely slowed NE down all game. They needed TDs and got them.


Most coaches "do what you are supposed to do" and punt there, lose the game, and "tip their hat" to the GOAT cause "awww shucks aint he swell!"


LOVE Philly's gutsy calls! You have to come to play against NE and they did.

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18 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

He has been coaching/playing this way for two years, it was not just "this particular oppoonent. Just heard Jaws on Dan Patrick saying last year he had his concerns about Pederson and his aggresiveness last year, but was proven wrong.


Yeah and he was 7-9 last year.


Sean Peyton is renowned as the most aggressive play caller in the league and he was 7-9 for three straight years prior to this one.


I like the aggressiveness........trust me I hate Jauron Ball......... but it's one aspect and when overplayed I think it can work against a team as well.

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2 hours ago, eball said:


John, I know you like Marrone but if you can't see the distinct differences in game awareness and situational play-calling evidenced by how both Marrone and Pederson approached playing the Pats*** I don't know what to tell you.  What happened to Marrone in the 4th quarter after the Jags controlled the first 75% of the game?  The reason Pederson could call those plays is because he has been doing it all year so the players aren't surprised by it.  It's about mentality, not who is playing QB.  We can only pray McDermott is able to become more like Pederson and less like Marrone.

I don't like or dislike Marrone. I consider him a solid meat and potatoes type coach. Nothing more and nothing less. If you look at the season that the Jags had from an overall perspective with the caliber of qb he had to work with he did a very good job. I'm not comparing Marrone to Pederson because they are two distinct coaches working with two distinct teams. If Marrone would have called his games similarly to Pederson with his team it would not have worked. Again, looking at the totality of the season I believe Marrone did an excellent coaching job this year. If you disagree with that assessment then so be it. 

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