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Wallpaper request


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I've searched through the archives, but can't find the large image of WM stiffarming a Dolphin on his way to the endzone. I know a link was posted after the game, but I can't find it now. I really want that picture to put on my Dolphin fan coworker's desktop next time he leaves his computer unlcoked. :o


In the meantime, I found this link in the archives - it's a pretty cool wallpaper:



Also, a similar one for the Sabres, including both the goat head and the classic logo:



Hope someone can help! 0:)


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i have a high quality pic of it... I'll make a wallpaper using it and put up a link when I get it done... what size do you want?



1280x1024 would be great.


If you don't want to go through the work of turning it into wallpaper, the image itself would be fine as well.




BTW - WM has his own song now... http://www.willismcgahee21.com/photos/index.php



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it figures.... that is the only picture of him this year that I don't have on my drive... I may have it at home. I thought I had it... sorry to give you false hope. I will still try and get it

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it figures.... that is the only picture of him this year that I don't have on my drive... I may have it at home.  I thought I had it... sorry to give you false hope.  I will still try and get it





I can't believe that I didn't save a copy of it myself... *sigh*



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I've searched through the archives, but can't find the large image of WM stiffarming a Dolphin on his way to the endzone. I know a link was posted after the game, but I can't find it now. I really want that picture to put on my Dolphin fan coworker's desktop next time he leaves his computer unlcoked.


Dude... I'm very disappointed. A videophile such as yourself, that records every damn game, offers them on DVD to everyone and their brothers and you can't find one frame to use for wallpaper of Willis putting the hammer down on a Phin? I mean... you must know that every second of video has 30 still photos, right? OK, now you're gonna tell me yes, but the res is 720X480... not as good as you might like for nice clean wallpaper. And I'm gonna tell you, not true... you have 2 options... 1) import the image into photshop, deinterlace, then duplicate that as a layer, add a guassian blur to it and adjust the opacity to suit yourself. Option 2) Redhawk, my friend.... pricey but simply amazing if you want to unbelieveable photos from video frames. This tip is free of charge to a bills brother (Redhawk extra)


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Dude... I'm very disappointed.  A videophile such as yourself, that records every damn game, offers them on DVD to everyone and their brothers and you can't find one frame to use for wallpaper of Willis putting the hammer down on a Phin?  I mean... you must know that every second of video has 30 still photos, right?  OK, now you're gonna tell me yes,  but the res is 720X480... not as good as you might like for nice clean wallpaper.  And I'm gonna tell you, not true... you have 2 options... 1) import the image into photshop, deinterlace, then duplicate that as a layer, add a guassian blur to it and adjust the opacity to suit yourself.  Option 2) Redhawk, my friend.... pricey but simply amazing if you want to unbelieveable photos from video frames.  This tip is free of charge to a bills brother (Redhawk extra)

0:)  0:)  :)  ;)  ;)



Yes, I *could* go through all that work... But I know that there was a hi-res digital image (1024x768, at the very least) of the perfect shot already. Why reinvent the wheel? :o


Thanks for the Redhawk tip - I've never heard of it before, but it looks like it could be kinda cool. It is a bit pricy, but I could see using that if I start doing more work-for-pay (instead of the free stuff....).


Here's a link for anyone interested:




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here you go.post-1-1110475141_thumb.jpg



I already have that one (and it's my wallpaper, actually). But there's a similar image of Willis doing that to a Dolphin DB as well... I just can't seem to find the darn thing. 0:)


Basically, there was a sports website that had a bunch of low-res images, but if you manipulated the URL, you could get at their hi-res images. Maybe I downloaded them onto my laptop (which has a dead battery and a bad power cable that I'm waiting on the replacement for...).


Thanks though - that picture rocks too :o



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I already have that one (and it's my wallpaper, actually).  But there's a similar image of Willis doing that to a Dolphin DB as well...  I just can't seem to find the darn thing. 0:)


Basically, there was a sports website that had a bunch of low-res images, but if you manipulated the URL, you could get at their hi-res images.  Maybe I downloaded them onto my laptop (which has a dead battery and a bad power cable that I'm waiting on the replacement for...).


Thanks though - that picture rocks too 0:)





you mean the Dolphins are a different team than the Steelers???? Who knew... :o

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Thanks for the Redhawk tip - I've never heard of it before, but it looks like it could be kinda cool. It is a bit pricy, but I could see using that if I start doing more work-for-pay (instead of the free stuff....).


Your Prices are so INSANE, you could be a descendant of Crazy Eddie.... I charge 10 times your prices and get no complaints about the prices. Hey, a guy has to feed himself, right? I think 2005 ought to be the year you re-think your pricing structure.... that way you can afford redhawk... amazing technology, eh?

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