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It’s difficult to square the Democratic hysteria supporting the suppression of the four-page Nunes memo with the document that was released yesterday. And it amazing how the Democrats’ media adjunct amplifies the Democrats’ line of the moment. All together now, they instantly adopt the party line and shriek in unison. Following Spinal Tap’s Nigel Tufnel, they are equipped to turn the volume up to 11. The sound is deafening. It’s hard to hear yourself think.


Adam Schiff is the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. We caught a glimpse of his approach in “Motions full of Schiff” and in “Full of Schiff on Dem memo.”

Eric Swalwell is Schiff’s faithful sidekick. Swalwell plays Robin to Schiff’s Batman. Last night on Fox News Tucker Carlson invited Swalwell to defend the Democrats’ pre-release hysteria against the document we now hold in our hands.


“So Congressman,” Carlson asked, “many Democrats including leaders, including Pelosi and Schiff to name two, said the release would jeopardize American national security. That turned out to be a lie, provably, because there was nothing in this that was classified. There was no obvious reason it was classified in the first place. So, why would they tell us that when they knew it wasn’t true?”




Swalwell responds in McCarthyite style. According to Swalwell, Carlson himself is damaging national security, hurting the country, and “refusingto acknowledge that the rule of law has been run over.” We can quibble on that last point, but what we have here is another case of Democratic projection.




Insistence on releasing this memo makes perfect sense. Because when Bill Clinton's BJ and Hillary Clinton's emails were being investigated, throwing mud at the accusers was so effective that the investigations were discontinued and everything went back to normal.   All forgotten, nothing to see here, move on.


Morons.  Especially when you read the damned thing.  Yawn. I'm starting to thing all the Democrats trying to prevent the release were using reverse psychology in order to make the GOP look even more desperate and ridiculous than they do now.  I'm stymied to think that these people are really planning to fall on their swords for a narcissistic, psychopathic huckster who doesn't have a clue as to how government works and, obviously, really doesn't give a damn. But, whatever.


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8 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

This memo is only the tip of the iceberg.  I see another 2-3 major releases between now and October, and A LOT of subpoenas and arrest warrants. I simply cannot bring myself to believe this is all they have...


Agreed. This is the start, not the end. 


They are starting with page because of the timeline. He was never on the transition team - yet they renewed his warrant twice after he was gone from the campaign. 




Because they were not using it to spy on Page, but they were using it to spy on other trump officials whom they did not have a warrant for. 


When those aguing (without merit) that the memo is a nothing burger figure that part out, the conversations will start to change. 


Nunes - Grassley - Goodlatte - Horowitz. That's the batting order to come, and each one has a lot more than page. 

1 minute ago, blzrul said:

Insistence on releasing this memo makes perfect sense. Because when Bill Clinton's BJ and Hillary Clinton's emails were being investigated, throwing mud at the accusers was so effective that the investigations were discontinued and everything went back to normal.   All forgotten, nothing to see here, move on.


Morons.  Especially when you read the damned thing.  Yawn. I'm starting to thing all the Democrats trying to prevent the release were using reverse psychology in order to make the GOP look even more desperate and ridiculous than they do now.  I'm stymied to think that these people are really planning to fall on their swords for a narcissistic, psychopathic huckster who doesn't have a clue as to how government works and, obviously, really doesn't give a damn. But, whatever.



It takes a disconnect from reality to read the abuses of our most sacred constitutional rights (due process and privacy) and the subversion of the core of our justice system and come away thinking its TRUMP who doesn't "have a clue as to how government works".


This was a coup attempt. And you yawn. 

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, HappyDays said:


Yikes this shows very poor comprehension of what happened. The FISA warrant for Carter Page was approved on its first submission. It was subsequently renewed on three separate occasions. It didn't "take them 4 times" to get the warrant. It took them one time, and then they renewed it every 90 days per FISA rules.


The Intercept has the best explainer:






I could have been a victim of fake news, or perhaps you were. Regardless, your ass-burgers are showing.


Honestly, I really don't understand how anyone is trusting these guys. Your do know this type of thing could have been perpetrated by Republican President on an opposing party during an election? I just think Nixon wasn't as calculating as the Obama guy, even though Nixon was only a fraction as corrupt.

Edited by Paulus

Here's some food for thought for all those out there who dislike Trump and don't understand why the facts laid out in the memo are a big deal. Take it as you will:


I understand that for many people, Trump = Hitler - thus anything done to resist him is a-okay because the ends justify the means. But when faced with the predicament we find ourselves in today, it's important to remember that principles only matter if you stick to them when they are inconvenient.


Perhaps the most crucial principle in this country rests upon the idea that our justice system protects the accused. "Innocent until proven guilty." That underlies everything that makes this country what it is: One of mankind's greatest achievements.  


Even if you HATE Trump, which many do for reasons they can't explain other than by regurgitating talking points they heard on the "news", you cannot forgo that principle




It must be protected - especially when it's inconvenient to your politics. That's when it matters MOST. We can't throw that crucial principle out the window simply because we don't like the man in office. That's exactly what our system of justice and government is designed to PREVENT, not enable. 


Doing so is a violation of everything written in the constitution. Every. Single. Thing. 


So, take a step back and look at what we know so far...


We know, from the evidence presented and the open source material available, that people within 44's administration, USIC and DOJ, along with Clinton and members of her campaign, said that fundamental principle DID NOT MATTER AND IGNORED IT.


They ignored it not because Trump was a criminal... 


Not because he was a Russian agent...


But because he was POLITICAL OPPOSITION.


Nothing more. 44 and the USIC unleashed the most invasive tools in our surveillance state against US CITIZENS without probable cause because they were POLITICAL OPPONENTS. That's as fundamentally anti-American as it can possibly get.   


In part, this was done in order to POISON the minds of the voting public before they went to the polls, clearing the way for 44's chosen candidate. 


Then, after their attempt to rig an election did not work, these same operators turned the weaponized surveillance state against a LEGALLY ELECTED POTUS in the hopes of forcing him out of office or at least crippling his administration to the point of being ineffective. That's called a COUP. And the evidence for it is overwhelming


Even if you HATE Trump, even if you despise him, any honest person who cares about this country must admit these actions were ILLEGAL and a violation of our country's most sacred principles. It's a crime whose scope threatens to undermine our entire form of government. 


That's a violation of the WORST KIND by the very people elected to PROTECT our rights as citizens from exactly this kind of over reach. 


Before the memo came out, those with blood on their hands screamed to the media (and from anchor chairs) that releasing the memo was dangerous to national security, that it threatened democracy at its core. This was ALWAYS laughable. EXPOSING corruption is not a destabilizing act - it's the first step on the road to justice and assuring this never happens again. SUBVERTING OUR DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES TO RIG AN ELECTION IS THE DESTABILIZING ACT


You can't argue none of these violations matter because Trump is the target and he deserves it. That's not only disingenuous, it cuts against everything that makes this country worth living in....


Worth fighting for...


Worth DYING for.


If you're STILL not seeing why this is a slippery slope, why these actions are so egregious, imagine this scenario:


Imagine if we learn that during the 2018 midterms Trump used the powers of the state to spy (without a warrant) on every single democratic candidate, reading their emails, texts, calls - looking for anything disqualifying and leaking it to the media. And if he didn't find anything, then imagine he brought in Steve Bannon and Brietbart to INVENT salacious material and feed it to the media to create a circular loop of reporting and confirmation. Now, imagine if the media found out that all of this was done - not because the people being spied on were criminals, but because they were politically opposed to Trump. What would the reaction be? 


Would you agree THAT would be a problem? Would THAT be something to get upset about? Would THAT be something that threatens the very fabric of our republic? 


If you answer that honestly, the only answer is YES.


And if THAT scenario is wrong, then what actually happened to Trump and his team is absolutely wrong as well. 


You can't have it both ways. 



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13 hours ago, bdutton said:


I respectfully disagree on this point.  Campaign contributions did little to change the outcome of this election.  Trump won despite being a bad candidate.  Hillary was so much worse.


What needs to be done is to prevent politicians from benefiting financially from their time in office. Too many politicians are leaving office 1000 times richer than when then entered office.


I think we're talking about the same thing. Whether it's campaign contributions or fundraising of the copious amounts of money politicians make from lobbyists the massive amounts of money involved in politics inevitably leads to corruption. Federal politicians act to protect the interests of the people who give them millions in lobbying and not the people who vote for them in the elections. If you take away the huge money that comes from lobbying and fundraising, politicians would wind up having to serve the people instead of corporations and the super wealthy.  


Schiff falls right into the trap: 



Ah, but Mr. Schiff, the memo DID NOT SAY THAT AT ALL. In fact, open source evidence shows that it just ain't true:

17 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Some of the early spin is going to end up backfiring badly. First example:



This is a demonstrable lie. 


The memo says known compromised agent Strzok began investigating Papadopoulos in July of 2016. People are jumping on this as proof the memo is a nothingburger. 


But it's a trap - and untrue. 




We KNOW 44 tried to get FISA warrants on 4 Trump officials in JUNE. 


June comes before July, doesn't it, Chris? 


What the memo shows is that after trying (and failing) in June to get a FISA warrant (after losing access in April), the DOJ tried to use Papadopoulos as cause for a FISA and that failed too. It wasn't until the dossier was created and bolstered through circular reporting in the MSM that they got the warrant. 


The trap of it all is the MSM is going to latch onto this as a talking point assuming it's all the evidence Nunes has... because no one is looking down the line and seeing the train coming down the !@#$ing tracks:




This is going to be fun to watch.



1 hour ago, blzrul said:

Insistence on releasing this memo makes perfect sense. Because when Bill Clinton's BJ and Hillary Clinton's emails were being investigated, throwing mud at the accusers was so effective that the investigations were discontinued and everything went back to normal.   All forgotten, nothing to see here, move on.


Morons.  Especially when you read the damned thing.  Yawn. I'm starting to thing all the Democrats trying to prevent the release were using reverse psychology in order to make the GOP look even more desperate and ridiculous than they do now.  I'm stymied to think that these people are really planning to fall on their swords for a narcissistic, psychopathic huckster who doesn't have a clue as to how government works and, obviously, really doesn't give a damn. But, whatever.


Harvey Weinstein lite was a repugnant man, so was his treasonous wife. I can't wait until his daughter, who looks exactly like a Jewish caricature in Nazi propaganda (pics related), makes her run. I mean, she already has a great start stealing money from charity for her own personal use. Of course, the corrupt establishment folks are afraid of Trump. 





31 minutes ago, Paulus said:

Harvey Weinstein lite was a repugnant man, so was his treasonous wife. I can't wait until his daughter, who looks exactly like a Jewish caricature in Nazi propaganda (pics related), makes her run. I mean, she already has a great start stealing money from charity for her own personal use. Of course, the corrupt establishment folks are afraid of Trump. 






Wow. Just wow.

Posted (edited)
On 1/31/2018 at 3:16 PM, Tiberius said:



So it looks like there will be a long investigative hike on the FBI/DOJ/FISA surveillance of Trump and company trail and there could be a lot of arrests made before it all ends.  I think Trump and the DOJ and the house and senate committees will wait until Mueller is done before they get too nasty.  I also think Mueller who is mostly playing for the other team knows this and that he will drag out his investigation for endless months as a way to protect many of his former associates for as long as he can. 


Mueller who supposedly has the latitude to take his investigation in whatever direction the evidence leads him seems to be ignoring the apparent and improper bias and surveillance.



Edited by keepthefaith
2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It takes a disconnect from reality to read the abuses of our most sacred constitutional rights (due process and privacy) and the subversion of the core of our justice system and come away thinking its TRUMP who doesn't "have a clue as to how government works".


This was a coup attempt. And you yawn. 


This is Debbie we’re talking about here. She’s a code pinker.

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Dude - You are either in the wrong business and/or are wasting your talents here. You are talented - I say that sincerely - you should be writing spy novels for cripesake...you seem to be able to extrapolate so much out of this memo that even people at a national level can't. 


Seriously... you should write a spy novel.

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1 minute ago, baskin said:



Dude - You are either in the wrong business and/or are wasting your talents here. You are talented - I say that sincerely - you should be writing spy novels for cripesake...you seem to be able to extrapolate so much out of this memo that even people at a national level can't. 


Seriously... you should write a spy novel.


Truth is stranger than fiction.

6 minutes ago, baskin said:



Dude - You are either in the wrong business and/or are wasting your talents here. You are talented - I say that sincerely - you should be writing spy novels for cripesake...you seem to be able to extrapolate so much out of this memo that even people at a national level can't. 


Seriously... you should write a spy novel.

Deranged is a Hollywood screen writer and I suspect all this research he has done is for either a production or a book.

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8 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Deranged is a Hollywood screen writer and I suspect all this research he has done is for either a production or a book.


Seriously? I am not being sarcastic, is he really?

8 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Deranged is a Hollywood screen writer and I suspect all this research he has done is for either a production or a book.

Yes. And I for one can't wait till he publishes his tome. It sounds as it should be required reading in every High School civics class... if they even have those anymore. 


A hat-tip to DR, who's been on this for many, many months and has connected the dots on the voluminous research he and others have done. 

Kudos, sir! :beer:


2 minutes ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:


Seriously? I am not being sarcastic, is he really?

Indeed he is.

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