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Nunes Memo to be Released

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34 minutes ago, jrober38 said:

This whole thing is a joke.  The Democrats are so corrupt it's out of control. 


It all started with Hilary. They rigged the primaries for her, and were so convinced she'd beat Trump they broke laws to give her advantages over her opponent thinking they'd never get caught because Hilary would win. Turns out she was a terrible candidate who no one liked and she lost. Now they're left holding the bag. 


Heads need to roll and people need to go to jail. The corruption in Washington (on both sides) is outrageous and there needs to be real accountability. 

 It all comes down to the fact that all the politicians in Washington wanted no parr of Trump being President because his Presidency would expose what dirtbags these politicians really are


Now that it's all coming down, some on the right, everybody on the left and 95% of MSM are running for cover.


Disgusting on every level.

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3 minutes ago, njbuff said:

 It all comes down to the fact that all the politicians in Washington wanted no parr of Trump being President because his Presidency would expose what dirtbags these politicians really are


Now that it's all coming down, some on the right, everybody on the left and 95% of MSM are running for cover.


Disgusting on every level.


It all starts and ends with Hilary. She was convinced she'd win, and everyone else was convinced she'd win, and because she's so ruthless and corrupt they wanted to make sure they were on her good side when she took office, and everyone involved thought there was no way any of this would ever become public info. All these people acted according to what would help them the most during a Clinton Presidency, and when it blew up in their face the cover up immediately went into full swing. 

The whole thing is disgusting. Federal Politics has become big business and the money and greed need to be destroyed for the average American's to get their country back. Limit campaign contributions, stop lobbying and make the politicians answer to their constituents instead of their big donors and things will get a hell of a lot better. 


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23 minutes ago, jrober38 said:


 campaign contributions, stop lobbying and make the politicians answer to their constituents instead of their big donors and things will get a hell of a lot better. 



I respectfully disagree on this point.  Campaign contributions did little to change the outcome of this election.  Trump won despite being a bad candidate.  Hillary was so much worse.


What needs to be done is to prevent politicians from benefiting financially from their time in office. Too many politicians are leaving office 1000 times richer than when then entered office.

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9 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

These warrants aren't hard to get.  Unfortunately, the Senate voted to renew the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (60-38) back in January that includes the controversial NSA warrantless internet surveillance program. 



And, it took these fools 4 times to get the warrant. I wonder how much of that.03% those 3 failures made up. 

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4 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

One more thing on the whole Carter Page being "it" sing point. 


Remember this? 


Watch it again with what we know now. 




Page was never on the transition team. 


This is going to go well beyond Page. It's going to expose that other Americans were spied upon without a FISA. That's going to get people thrown in prison. Not white collar jail either. But federal pound you in the ass prison:



Regardless how this all ends, you've been right that there's a behind the scenes war ongoing.  Considering all the objections thus far have been about style rather than substance and their airing has been through the media rather than channels that could effect what actually gets revealed it's not looking good for Gator's side.  Of course, the ball's still on Horowitz's 29 & a long way from the end zone.


Gonna be an intersting year.

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9 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

These warrants aren't hard to get.  Unfortunately, the Senate voted to renew the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (60-38) back in January that includes the controversial NSA warrantless internet surveillance program. 




Sure, they aren't that hard to get, but then why did they have to invent such an outrageous "dossier".

And while only .03% of them get rejected, how many involved a presidential candidate?

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1 hour ago, bdutton said:


I respectfully disagree on this point.  Campaign contributions did little to change the outcome of this election.  Trump won despite being a bad candidate.  Hillary was so much worse.


What needs to be done is to prevent politicians from benefiting financially from their time in office. Too many politicians are leaving office 1000 times richer than when then entered office.




I don't know, he looks pretty !@#$ing good to me. 

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26 minutes ago, OJABBA said:


Sure, they aren't that hard to get, but then why did they have to invent such an outrageous "dossier".

And while only .03% of them get rejected, how many involved a presidential candidate?

I'm not disputing that.  I'm wondering why so many are approved and how little information you actually need to wiretap somebody.

1 hour ago, jrober38 said:


It all starts and ends with Hilary. She was convinced she'd win, and everyone else was convinced she'd win, and because she's so ruthless and corrupt they wanted to make sure they were on her good side when she took office, and everyone involved thought there was no way any of this would ever become public info. All these people acted according to what would help them the most during a Clinton Presidency, and when it blew up in their face the cover up immediately went into full swing. 

The whole thing is disgusting. Federal Politics has become big business and the money and greed need to be destroyed for the average American's to get their country back. Limit campaign contributions, stop lobbying and make the politicians answer to their constituents instead of their big donors and things will get a hell of a lot better. 


Could luck getting the Citizens United decision overturned.

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57 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

I'm not disputing that.  I'm wondering why so many are approved and how little information you actually need to wiretap somebody.


These are valid concerns and why this is such an important issue. :beer:


The real shock is gonna come when people realize other Americans were purposefully swept up in collection and surveilled without even pretending to get a warrant. 


This is only going to keep getting bigger in scope and scandal. 

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3 hours ago, jrober38 said:


It all starts and ends with Hilary. She was convinced she'd win, and everyone else was convinced she'd win, and because she's so ruthless and corrupt they wanted to make sure they were on her good side when she took office, and everyone involved thought there was no way any of this would ever become public info. All these people acted according to what would help them the most during a Clinton Presidency, and when it blew up in their face the cover up immediately went into full swing. 

The whole thing is disgusting. Federal Politics has become big business and the money and greed need to be destroyed for the average American's to get their country back. Limit campaign contributions, stop lobbying and make the politicians answer to their constituents instead of their big donors and things will get a hell of a lot better. 



Pretty spot on.

31 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


These are valid concerns and why this is such an important issue. :beer:


The real shock is gonna come when people realize other Americans were purposefully swept up in collection and surveilled without even pretending to get a warrant. 


This is only going to keep getting bigger in scope and scandal. 


So, I am guessing that Manafort, Flynn, Trump Jr. and the rest of them were spied on too illegally. SMH


II bet they are still being spied on. Lol.

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Everyone is tapped and spied on in DC, under the agreement that you cannot use the gleaned info without solid grounds under law.


When Obama denied it exists at all and people believed him, that was amusing 




Edited by row_33
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8 hours ago, Paulus said:

And, it took these fools 4 times to get the warrant.


Yikes this shows very poor comprehension of what happened. The FISA warrant for Carter Page was approved on its first submission. It was subsequently renewed on three separate occasions. It didn't "take them 4 times" to get the warrant. It took them one time, and then they renewed it every 90 days per FISA rules.


The Intercept has the best explainer:




The central claim of the memo is that the FISA surveillance applications relied on a controversial dossier by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose raw intelligence reports claimed that Trump campaign officials had met with Russians and that Russian intelligence had information sufficient to blackmail Donald Trump. Steele was a Russia expert for MI6 and had provided credible information to the FBI in the past.


The Nunes memo does not say Steele’s dossier was the only piece of information used to establish probable cause that Page was acting as a foreign agent. Indeed, when FBI agents submit a FISA application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, they use information from multiple sources, according to current and former FBI officials. What’s more, the same information is not used over and over to extend surveillance under FISA. Instead, every 90 days, the FBI, as a matter of practice, shows evidence to the court that agents are obtaining foreign intelligence information through the surveillance that is in line with the initial FISA application.

According to the Nunes memo, the FBI received three 90-day extensions to monitor Page’s communications under FISA authority. This would have required the FBI to show Justice Department lawyers and the FISA court judge that Page’s intercepted communications included relevant foreign intelligence information. In fact, according to the memo, two Trump appointees at the Justice Department — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Dana Boente, who served as acting attorney general after Trump fired Sally Yates — reviewed this information and signed off on submissions to the FISA court.


What’s more, it’s highly doubtful that the FISA court judge would not have known about Steele by the time Page’s surveillance came up for renewal, as the Nunes memo suggests. BuzzFeed published Steele’s dossier in full in January 2017.

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It would not be at all surprising if Nunes was also compromised by the Russians




Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) released a statement Friday slamming recent efforts to discredit the integrity of U.S. intelligence agencies. "The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests — no party, no president's, only [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's," McCain wrote.

McCain's statement came as Washington was consumed by the release of a controversial memo authored by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). The memo alleges improper FBI surveillance of President Trump's campaign in 2016. Its release was opposed by the FBI and the Justice Department, but the White House approved its publication earlier Friday.

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12 hours ago, Capco said:


You're welcome, moron.  

Two posts. You're so enlightened. One would think such a tremendous asset like you would be here to set us straight.


Otherwise, you're nothing more than a skidmark in some underpants. 


Clearly, you can't keep up with general common sense, an adult conversation or the whole discussion at hand.


Please sit down before I make you regret it. I have a lot of free time at work and if I start pulling your chain you'll get sensitive and become another 26cornerbitch

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52 minutes ago, HappyDays said:


Yikes this shows very poor comprehension of what happened. The FISA warrant for Carter Page was approved on its first submission. It was subsequently renewed on three separate occasions. It didn't "take them 4 times" to get the warrant. It took them one time, and then they renewed it every 90 days per FISA rules.


The Intercept has the best explainer:






Wrong. It is you who is ill informed. A FISA warrant was requested a couple of times in the Summer of 2016 and turned down by the court. They then introduced the dossier (which McCabe stated that they wouldn't have tried again without it) to their FISA request in October of 2016. They did not inform the judge about the fact that it was an opposition dossier paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign.


You describe in your post above how FISA warrants and extensions are supposed to work but nobody has claimed that any new information, pertinent to the "case" was gleamed from the surveillance. It would appear that the extensions were "rubber stamped" and our system wasn't providing the safeguards it should.

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13 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



They want a revolution... because the House Intelligence Committee exposed abuse of the federal surveillance system which was violating the constitutional protections of American citizens in the name of political opposition research.



If they really want to take it to the streets, they'll lose.  


Bring it. The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of patriots.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

It would not be at all surprising if Nunes was also compromised by the Russians




Yes, maybe the FBI should go get a FISA warrant against Nunes.  Why don't you draft up a dossier on him and take it to the FBI.


17 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Wrong. It is you who is ill informed. A FISA warrant was requested a couple of times in the Summer of 2016 and turned down by the court. They then introduced the dossier (which McCabe stated that they wouldn't have tried again without it) to their FISA request in October of 2016. They did not inform the judge about the fact that it was an opposition dossier paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign.


You describe in your post above how FISA warrants and extensions are supposed to work but nobody has claimed that any new information, pertinent to the "case" was gleamed from the surveillance. It would appear that the extensions were "rubber stamped" and our system wasn't providing the safeguards it should.



I think maybe you're both right. If I got it straight, there were failed attempts to get the warrant against Page, and then after they got it, the warrant was renewed successively.  And it does look like the renewals were rubber stamped -- even though before the initial warrant had expired, the dossier was released by Buzzfeed, and pretty soon thereafter, it was publicly discredited.  Don't these FISA judges read the news?


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22 minutes ago, snafu said:


Yes, maybe the FBI should go get a FISA warrant against Nunes.  Why don't you draft up a dossier on him and take it to the FBI.

The way these rats all turn on each other I'm sure it will come out if he is. Manafort s associate appears to be turning states evidence now to avoid prosecution. This will probably be repeated by all those crooks. 


If the the president is not above the law then he should be able to be indicted 

33 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


Bring it. The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed with the blood of patriots.

For sure! You want it you can have it scum bag

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