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Thursday Morning - Buffalo News Reports...

Mark VI

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1. OT/OG Floyd Womack - Arrived yesterday. Will talk to the Bills today.

2. May shift Teague back to LT. All depends what happens in Free Agency. It's an option.

3. Justin Bannon will continue to get some work at OG, where he looked good in short yardage and goal line situations.

4. Jason Peters will resume his conversion to OT

5. Talks about the versitility of many lineman - Gandy can play OT and OG, Tucker can play C and OG, McFarland can play OT and OG.

6. No mention of moving Mike Williams to LT.

7. DeMulling is a possibility but with Detroit and Baltimore looking at him, the price may be too steep. Expected to command at least 3 Mil a year and probably more.

8. Bills will probably look at more OL after Womack.

9. TD suggested they would like to see some of these Lineman play a couple positions in spring mini-camp and then decide where to place them, going into camp.

10. Wilson mentioned the Shelton trade had stalled. TD said nothing about it.


That's all. Resume your OT posts. Just boring football talk. :D

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2.  May shift Teague back to LT. All depends what happens in Free Agency. It's an option.



now to me, this is the most important tidbit. i, along with many of you, believe that C is the position the bills need to upgrade most. not because teague is awful, but because he's just average. his "natural" position is LT. i'd be very interested to see the bills pick up a new C in FA or the draft and try teague out there.


at least that's what i think, big cats.

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now to me, this is the most important tidbit.  i, along with many of you, believe that C is the position the bills need to upgrade most.  not because teague is awful, but because he's just average.  his "natural" position is LT.  i'd be very interested to see the bills pick up a new C in FA or the draft and try teague out there.


at least that's what i think, big cats.




While Teague does have mobility and experience at the LT position, he was never really good at LT. OK at pass blocking and below average at run blocking. I thought he improved immensely last season at Center.


In McNally I trust but moving Teague back outside may be necessary due to lack of options, I understand. That doesn't make it a good move or a strength. I guess we need to see how Free Agency and the Draft play out first.

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OT/OG Floyd Womack - Arrived yesterday. Will talk to the Bills today.


may fit at LG, but i'd rather have demulling or vincent


May shift Teague back to LT. All depends what happens in Free Agency. It's an option.


why do we have to shakeup our o-line year after year? i would really like to see some consistancy from one year to the next, and yanking out the center and shuffling him around does not accomplish that.........we could be looking at 3 of the 5 being in new positions in '05.......we saw how long it took the OL to settle down last year, and i think we are headed down the same road if we switch over half of the positions around again......


Justin Bannon will continue to get some work at OG, where he looked good in short yardage and goal line situations.


sounds good to me.......he does look a whole lot better at OG and we know he isn't much of a DT..........


Jason Peters will resume his conversion to OT


hopefully he has a good off-season because he is going to need to be a legit backup to make the roster this year.......


Talks about the versitility of many lineman - Gandy can play OT and OG, Tucker can play C and OG, McFarland can play OT and OG.


sounds like a nice set of versitile backups to me.......hopefully that is all they are......


No mention of moving Mike Williams to LT.


i'm more interested in MW "moving" on his contract.......we need to get that cap number down........


DeMulling is a possibility but with Detroit and Baltimore looking at him, the price may be too steep. Expected to command at least 3 Mil a year and probably more.


we need a LG.......dumulling is a very good guard.......offer him 3M a year or stop wasting his time and get vincent in here........enough with the sorry excuses......


Bills will probably look at more OL after Womack.


they better move quick, seeing they are running out of options.......


TD suggested they would like to see some of these Lineman play a couple positions in spring mini-camp and then decide where to place them, going into camp.


spring mini-camp i.e. the place where mike pullico won his starting position........you don't learn much from watching OL dance around in the spring with no pads on.......you figure it out in training camp.......or better yet, you sign legit NFL starters and give them the job opposed to letting career backups battle it out and win the job by default.........


Wilson mentioned the Shelton trade had stalled. TD said nothing about it.


i sure hope this comes through........we need him badly....

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At least the brain trust has not called it quits on free agency, as some here has tried to convince me of as fact.


3 mil is about the limit I would pay for a OG like DeMulling, IMO. It may be too high now. I think it's about time to forget him, unless he really wants to come here.


Womack is interesting, from what I read, the kind of guy that needs some discipline and instruction to get to the next level. I think this is the place for that.


It's good to hear that Peters and Bannan are just "getting work" or "being converted", I'm sure some people here will read this thread and come to the conclusion that Peters and Bannan are now starters, so be it, I guess.


If Teague was something at LT, I believe he would still be in Denver, I know this report states the he may be looked at there, but it appears that this is not the prime option, lets hope free agency and the draft goes well.

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now to me, this is the most important tidbit.  i, along with many of you, believe that C is the position the bills need to upgrade most.  not because teague is awful, but because he's just average.  his "natural" position is LT.  i'd be very interested to see the bills pick up a new C in FA or the draft and try teague out there.


at least that's what i think, big cats.


I love the nasty edge that Ross Tucker has, and if I recall, he has experience at Center, so if Trey is moved outside, I'd like to see Tucker get a shot at Center. I think Tucker has the potential to be a very punishing lineman - he's borderline dirty, and IMO a power running team needs a couple of those down-and-dirty types on their OL. Villarial and Tucker fit that bill.

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I love the nasty edge that Ross Tucker has, and if I recall, he has experience at Center, so if Trey is moved outside, I'd like to see Tucker get a shot at Center.  I think Tucker has the potential to be a very punishing lineman - he's borderline dirty, and IMO a power running team needs a couple of those down-and-dirty types on their OL.  Villarial and Tucker fit that bill.




You gotta love guys that will gouge out your eyes to make a hole for their running back! Borderline dirty is just cool!

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I love the nasty edge that Ross Tucker has, and if I recall, he has experience at Center, so if Trey is moved outside, I'd like to see Tucker get a shot at Center.  I think Tucker has the potential to be a very punishing lineman - he's borderline dirty, and IMO a power running team needs a couple of those down-and-dirty types on their OL.  Villarial and Tucker fit that bill.


In some ways Tucker reminds me of Jerry Ostroski -- not a great lineman, but nasty (I used to love when he got into it with Bryan Cox and the other Dolfelons) and able to play any of the interior positions. Tucker would probably win a spelling bee against Jerry O, but otherwise they are similar players with similar styles. Which is fine with me because I liked Jerry O.

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You gotta love guys that will gouge out your eyes to make a hole for their running back! Borderline dirty is just cool!


To paraphrase Tony Siragusa's answer of who the toughest OL was (I met him at one of Bruce's celebrity golf tournaments):


"Getting knocked on your a$$ is no big deal, it happens to all of us, but so-and-so (I've since forgotten the guy's name) with the Steelers had the sharpest fingernails I've ever seen. My arms would be scratched up and bleeding after every game - I hated lining up over him, he wasn't great, but toward the end of a game, I just didn't want to line up over him, I wanted no part of him - and that's the difference between a good lineman and a punishing one - you just don't want to lineup against him."

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>>2. May shift Teague back to LT. All depends what happens in Free Agency. It's an option.


We're still desperately in the hunt for a LT and we strategically have to suggest Trey playing well out of postion there in a power running scheme simply to make us look less desperate to any FA prospects.


>>3. Justin Bannon will continue to get some work at OG, where he looked good in short yardage and goal line situations.


We're trying everything we can to squeeze something out of the 5th round pick we spent on Justin but the reality is he's got no chance at all of ever starting full time at a OG spot in this league. His Turk may not wait for Thanksgiving.


>>4. Jason Peters will resume his conversion to OT.


When Special Team drills end we don't want Jason to have too much down time so we're keeping him occupied with line practice. See item #9.


>>5. Talks about the versitility of many lineman - Gandy can play OT and OG, Tucker can play C and OG, McFarland can play OT and OG.


None of these guys are skilled enough to be considered "good" at any one position so we'll justify their roster space my pointing out that they can play multiple positions. Mike Pucillo was versatile too.


>>6. No mention of moving Mike Williams to LT.


Williams is looking more and more likely to end up at LT.


>>8. Bills will probably look at more OL after Womack.


Pork Chop's merely here because he heard good things about the wings.


>>9. TD suggested they would like to see some of these Lineman play a couple positions in spring mini-camp and then decide where to place them, going into camp.


TD's interested in Anderson and Edwards getting the feel for blowing up lots of different inferior players in practice.


Now let me go find a good cat thread to distract me from my regular work schedule and I'll prepare for the 2006 season, the one our management appears to be targeting to actually try and contend for something.

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It looks like TD is pretty happy with the 'talent' that we already have lined up for the OL this year.


With that in mind, it looks like the draft will be wide open and can take the best available at those picks. Like our 1st pick in the 2nd.....Nugent.


Lindell is our kryptonite.


Also, how may yrs are left on Teague's contract? If we really plan to move him to LT, maybe we should sign him to an extension now for around the same money.

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