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Bills salary cap 2018


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47 minutes ago, horned dogs said:

Why so snarky?48 posts and you don't know me and I don't know you. I have an opinion and so does everyon else. Being rude just labels you as a tool!


my post count? really?


yes, i've barely posted since being forced to come to this board when BBMB shut down. But i've been around for a long time.


i guess i should fatten my post count debating the same stuff over and over again. 

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13 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

The link doesn't show your outcome and I don't want to try to recreate it.   I assume you're saying this works within the cap.   If so, you're on exactly the page I'm on.   


I don't know the rules about trades of players for picks, but assuming such trades are possible this time of year, I think Tyrod or Cordy could be traded, which might give a little less cap relief but add a pick or two.   


I think Cousins is the only free agent QB who has a good chance of turning out to be a long-term (5+ years) solution; if Beane and McD think he is, I wouldn't be surprised to see them follow your formula.   If they don't like Cousins, then I'd think they'll be more likely to try trade to get more picks, either to move up for a QB or just to get further down the road on restructuring the way they want.

Sorry I guess the link won't transfer or I screwed it up.


I like the idea of signing a free agent QB like Cousins and then using the plentiful draft capital we have on other needs . If we could for example draft the DT Phillips from Stanford to go with Lotulelei, and a LB candidate like Edmunds from VA Tech or Evans from Alabama. I feel that Cousins is the 6th rated passer the last 3 years and with Star and resigning Gaines, perhaps Paul Richardson we gain flexibility with our draft picks as well.

Edited by horned dogs
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3 hours ago, Ittakestime said:

Barely anything due to 30 million in dead cap.


With all the holes, it will be a struggle to even sign a guy to a Hyde type contract.


That est of 29 mill in cap room left takes into account the nearly 30 mill of dead cap.

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1 minute ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

....double edged sword...if, IF Glenn is healthy, they know what they have which may mean one less hole to fill after the Eric shocker....interesting times coming up and hope this gang comes up real BIG.....stay tuned.............

I understand, but you're doing exactly what I said you shouldn't do.   Don't look at Glenn; look at the total number cap space and draft picks with him and without him.    That's what I think Beane and McD are doing. 


I think Beane and McD start fro the assumption that there are very few irreplaceable players.   Your QB, if you have a good one.   Your MLB, if you have a HOF guy.    One or two, here or there.    Why do I think that?   Because they already showed they don't think Gilmore, Watkins or Dareus was irreplaceable, and those guys were taken tenth, third and third in the draft.    They're serious NFL talent, and they weren't afraid to let them go.  


It isn't about whether they like Glenn or whether he can be useful.   They're view is he's replaceable.   If they get cap room and/or picks by moving him, and if that combination of cap room and picks allows them to get a replacement tackle AND have something left over to use on another player, I think they'll do it.   And it doesn't have to be a replacement who's as good as Glenn, at least not right now.   Why?  Because the difference between Glenn and his replacement doesn't make that much difference in the outcome of games.   Glenn's not irreplaceable.   

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3 hours ago, freester said:

With Eric Woods retirement  the trade of Marcel Dareus  and inevitably tyrods release. Where are we with the cap?  Is signing Cousins even feasible?  Who knows what will happen with Glenn and his huge cap number. 

Glenn should stay. They only save about 3.45 mill off cap by dumping him. That will then be spent and likely more to replace him with someone not as good.


Maybe Glenn can play center or guard.

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2 minutes ago, cba fan said:

Glenn should stay. They only save about 3.45 mill off cap by dumping him. That will then be spent and likely more to replace him with someone not as good.

But maybe with someone who will be more available to play and able to be an upgrade to Mills at RT, while at the same time getting something back for Glenn who has already been replaced 

Edited by YoloinOhio
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3 minutes ago, horned dogs said:

Sorry I guess the link won't transfer or I screwed it up.


I like the idea of signing a free agent QB like Cousins and then using the plentiful draft capital we have on other needs . If we could for example draft the DT Phillips from Stanford to go with Lotulelei, and a LB candidate like Edmunds from VA Tech or Evans from Alabama. I feel that Cousins is the 6th rated passer the last 3 years and with Star and resigning Gaines, perhaps Paul Richardson we gain flexibility with our draft picks as well.

You don't have to convince me about Cousins.   It took me a long time, but I've come around to him.   I don't like the idea of taking a flyer on a rookie if you don't have to.    


I think Cousins is a guy who will continue to get better, if he's in a good system and a stable environment.  He's a student, he works hard and he's committed to learning more and more.   He's shown he has the basics that Tyrod hasn't grown into - quick decision making, willingness to throw into tight coverages, etc., and he's consistently put up good numbers doing it.   I think he'll continue to get better over the next five years.   He believes in system and process, which makes him a perfect fit for McDermott.   


And, as someone pointed out in some Cousins discussion, when Brady, Brees, Ben and Rivers retire (all probably in the next three seasons), who are the top 10 QBs going to be?   Cousins is probably in that group, because for him NOT to be in that group a lot of guys have to prove they belong their long-term:  Wentz, Carr, Stafford, Bridgewater, Newton, Garropolo, Goff.   Would I take some of those guys over Cousins?  Sure, because some seem to have better upside.   But the others aren't available, and Cousins looks like a good bet.   


So, yeah, Cousins.  And Horned Dogs says it's doable under the cap.   I'd love it.

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2 hours ago, Ittakestime said:


You barely save anything with Glenn and create another hole. Why do people continue want to make the Dareus mistake?

How exactly does moving on from Glenn create another hole when he scarcely played last season to begin with? Either way we have one OT position to upgrade because even with him on the roster you can't count on his tootsies making it through the whole season.

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18 minutes ago, horned dogs said:

Sorry I guess the link won't transfer or I screwed it up.


I like the idea of signing a free agent QB like Cousins and then using the plentiful draft capital we have on other needs . If we could for example draft the DT Phillips from Stanford to go with Lotulelei, and a LB candidate like Edmunds from VA Tech or Evans from Alabama. I feel that Cousins is the 6th rated passer the last 3 years and with Star and resigning Gaines, perhaps Paul Richardson we gain flexibility with our draft picks as well.


This is my feeling as well. The Bills have several choices as to how they want to manage their cap room and draft picks.


If they decide to bundle the farm to move up, it's still likely going to be a year before the young guy is ready to contribute. So in 2018 you're going to play the young guy and likely take a big step backward, with the hope that he becomes the guy.


If they decide to invest big in a veteran like a Cousins, that allows them to use their draft capital to fill in their holes. I don't get the Cousins hate some people have here. I guess they missed that more than half of their opening day starters were out by the end of the year. Guy is a stud pocket QB.  

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1 minute ago, Clemfield2622 said:


This is my feeling as well. The Bills have several choices as to how they want to manage their cap room and draft picks.


And this point is where the thread started.   The question is whether with Wood's retirement is there enough room to fill the hole and still build where the team needs help.    The answer is yes.  The cap is manageable, even if you want to spend a ton on Cousins.   Five picks in the first three rounds of the draft will help a lot.   And there's more room to be gained if the Bills move on from Glenn or Taylor.  

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3 hours ago, horned dogs said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there also could be an increase in the salary cap.

Well there have typically been nothing but increases but with viewership and attendance down, don't think so, in fact, if the trends continue might see decreases.

3 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

Dead cap is the cost of new regime. Beane said this week he doesn’t expect the dead cap to be where he wants it until 2019. They still appear in better shape than they’ve been in recent years when they would be like 7-9 and up against the cap. They had a winning record, made the playoffs, and have more draft capital and cap space than I can remember. I do not expect them to sign Cousins so I’m not worried about that taking up a big chunk.

I wonder if we lead the league in dead cap space, looking at a few other teams we are waaay of the bell curve on it.  Also looked at Cleveland, with all their young talent, all their draft picks and $100 million in cap space it is time for the franchise to get its act together.

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3 hours ago, Clemfield2622 said:


Gaines 3-4? You're nuts. He's going to get 8-9 mil per year...

No he won’t. He’s been hurt way too much, and his stats don’t say $9M per.... he definitely not $3-4, but he should score 4 yr $22-25M, 5.5-6 per. If he were able to play all 16 games this year he might have been in the 7-8 per range.

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2 hours ago, Magox said:

That would be a stretch but I could see them going to the playoffs.  Arguably the best WR in the game if not surely top 4 would be back.  They could draft the best RB prospect in quite some time and new coaching staff, I could see them improving quite a bit.

I'll trade you Glenn and McCoy for that pick and give you our two second rounders. You will then be in the playoffs.

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2 hours ago, FearLess Price said:



I shouldve explained better.


Glenn can be used as trade fodder with the Colts or Giants for us to trade up and get us Rosen, Darnold, or Mayfield without having to trade the farm.


Both NYG and IND need OL help SEVERLY.


I could see us using #21, a 2nd round pick, a 3rd round pick and Glenn to move up into either of those teams draft slots.


IF it works out like that we'd have a top QB prospect,  pref Mayfield or Darnold.


And still have a 1st, a 2nd, a 4th, 2 5ths, a 6th and a 7th etc...


Those 6th and 7th round picks can also be thrown in if we are in a QB draft bidding war.




What about 21 and 22 for Luck? Then Indy can rebuild and we can go to playoffs again.

2 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

I think you're ignoring a fundamental point:   Beane has been very clear that he believes (and I agree) that the best place to get talent at the lowest cost is in the draft.   I think McDermott is on board with that, too.   I think McDermott believes that he can teach guys to what they need to do, guys like Milano and Thompson and others.  So McD is happy to get a bunch of guys out of the draft, if they have talent.


That means, I think, that Wood's retirement means it's MORE likely that the Bills will trade another player or two for picks.  If you have more holes to fill, it's more important to go to the place where you can get talent cheap, and that's in the draft.   It also makes it, I think, MORE likely that the Bills will be willing to spend cap room on a QB, if there is one they really want (Cousins, Bridgewater, Bradford, Keenum), because that's the one position where cheap talent isn't the best way to go.  


So, for example, Wood retiring makes it more likely that the Bills will trade Glenn for a pick.   If I have it right, he will cost the Bills $14 million in cap space to keep him and $11 million if they trade him.   The Bills have Dawkins to play left tackle, they seem at least satisfied with Mills on the right.   If they can trade Glenn for, say, a third round pick, they save $3 million in cap space (making it easier to sign a QB).  Then they can use a first round pick to get a quality center, if there is one in the draft, and use the third round pick they get for Glenn to draft another olineman to groom.  



Only Keenum out of that group would I go for, maybe Bridgewater if cheap because of his injury. Alabama's Center will be available in draft for 2nd round I believe. Yes, I would trade McCoy and Clay to if there are takers. Steal some Cleveland draft picks, they have to spend to 85% of the cap and are way off. Groy should be right guard so we can cut money there or use him at Center. Bills needed the playoff monkey off their back. Time to rebuild this team. Maybe a bottom 10 team next year would be the thing to do getting younger. Could even trade Hughes. 

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