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So a while back, I posted asking for real estate attorney advice

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Because my former landlady was taking me to court. I have updates! I won the initial case in front of a district magistrate, and the landlady appealed. The case was sent to arbitration by the state, as often happens in small claims cases. The landlady brought her attorney to the arbitration hearing, and I chose to defend myself. I won again. Hopefully this is the end of this charade, but I'm wondering if anyone knows if this nutjob can continue to try and seek damages after failing in arbitration.


Any input is welcomed.


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Who is this nut job? How much money is involved? She had an attorney? I hope it was her cousin who had nothing better to do.  As I recall, she had zero case. Maybe she just likes seeing you? You know, like in elementary school where you pull the hair of the girl you like? 

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3 hours ago, GoBills808 said:

Congrats. Usually after arbitration is done there's no recourse. 


Not necessarily. In NY, you can appeal an arbitration decision to Supreme Court. The standard you must show, however, is irrationality on the part of the arbitrator.

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13 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Not necessarily. In NY, you can appeal an arbitration decision to Supreme Court. The standard you must show, however, is irrationality on the part of the arbitrator.


This was a panel of three arbitrators, so I'm pretty sure that would be an impossibility.


15 minutes ago, Augie said:


I still think she likes you! :P


God I hope not. Old and shriveled.


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