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Incognito update


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4 minutes ago, Doc said:



Hardly a unique perspective.  I'm sure if someone accused you of something, you'd want evidence presented, right?


And it's been 2-1/2 weeks WEO.  If there had been something, it would have come out by now.  Outlets like PFT and TMZ live for this ****.


Of course I would would want the evidence against me produced.  But that's not the topic of this discussion, of course.


If the NFL comes out and says "case closed", then I'm with you.  But if they are still looking into it, it makes zero sense for you to claim that since WE haven't heard more--it could not have happened.  

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2 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


Of course I would would want the evidence against me produced.  But that's not the topic of this discussion, of course.


If the NFL comes out and says "case closed", then I'm with you.  But if they are still looking into it, it makes zero sense for you to claim that since WE haven't heard more--it could not have happened.  


OK.  Fair enough. 

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17 minutes ago, Doc said:


OK.  Fair enough. 


Doc - nice to see a reasonable exchange between you and Weo on this. But I think your point about 2 1/2 weeks got buried. How long does/should it take for the NFL to review the tape and ask for players involved if anything took place? 





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38 minutes ago, SinceThe70s said:

Doc - nice to see a reasonable exchange between you and Weo on this. But I think your point about 2 1/2 weeks got buried. How long does/should it take for the NFL to review the tape and ask for players involved if anything took place?


I figure they interviewed players soon afterwards, so that it was still fresh in everyone's minds.  As for the tape, probably within that first week. 

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4 hours ago, Doc said:


I've seen enough false accusations and the ugly aftermath it leaves to say that I don't believe a single person making a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.  Perhaps it was a misunderstanding, perhaps it was something more nefarious, but to me, without any evidence, there is no merit to it.


I have to believe you have fully accepted SOME story in the news the last few months that was not backed up with evidence.


its impossible to avoid doing this the way things are put out publicly these days



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14 minutes ago, row_33 said:


I have to believe you have fully accepted SOME story in the news the last few months that was not backed up with evidence.


its impossible to avoid doing this the way things are put out publicly these days




Lets be real, if it was an accusation against any patriot player, doc would be passing out pitchforks. He’s not suddenly super principled- he just likes this one disappearing 

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7 hours ago, dave mcbride said:

Yeah, I don't think anything happens, but I can certainly see Richie I. leaning into his ear and making some sort of comment about him being an African immigrant or something like that. No one is gonna hear that but the recipient. Bear in mind that the Bills were allegedly coached to instigate the Jags to commit PFs, so it would have to be on the downlow, so to speak. Regardless, it's a he-said/she-said sort of situation with no witnesses, so it'll likely blow over. 


So you tell someone to not act like a defense lawyer... Then go on and say the Bills were allegedly coached to instigate the Jags... Which came from a Jags player in post game, you sound like a prosecutor. You were essentially telling a guy not to defend his point, then making your own, that is equally unfounded. You should have just stuck to the last sentence after your prior post.

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3 hours ago, Ol Dirty B said:


So you tell someone to not act like a defense lawyer... Then go on and say the Bills were allegedly coached to instigate the Jags... Which came from a Jags player in post game, you sound like a prosecutor. You were essentially telling a guy not to defend his point, then making your own, that is equally unfounded. You should have just stuck to the last sentence after your prior post.

Very hard to believe any NFL team, coaches, or players, would be so dumb to think they could get a team with a known rep of trash talking like the Jags, to commit penalties by trash talking them. Crazy. That is just what they want.


That would be like challenging Rick Barry or John Stockton in their respective primes to a free throw shooting contest and expecting to win.

Edited by cba fan
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10 hours ago, row_33 said:

I have to believe you have fully accepted SOME story in the news the last few months that was not backed up with evidence.


its impossible to avoid doing this the way things are put out publicly these days


Nope.  Re-read what I posted above about believing one allegation against someone without any evidence. 


10 hours ago, NoSaint said:

Lets be real, if it was an accusation against any patriot player, doc would be passing out pitchforks. He’s not suddenly super principled- he just likes this one disappearing 


Just like I've done in the past, right chief?  Tell you what, the next (first) time I do that, feel free to call me out on my hypocrisy.

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13 hours ago, SinceThe70s said:


Doc - nice to see a reasonable exchange between you and Weo on this. But I think your point about 2 1/2 weeks got buried. How long does/should it take for the NFL to review the tape and ask for players involved if anything took place? 






I wasn't discounting that point.  It's just that it doesn't impact the story.  The length of the investigation doesn't lead you to logically conclude there is no evidence.


The opposite would be more intuitive.  A short investigation wrapped up quickly means there was nothing to the Jax player's charge.  That's not what is going on apparently.

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15 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:



Not that you and I are aware of.  So therefore it simply cannot exist?


That's a rather unique perspective.  

Kind of reminds me of a friend's policy about events that occurred whilst in a blackout drunk:  "If I don't remember it, it never happened."

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So the two guys talked it out and they are both fine now.


In other words, it was blown totally out of proportion which is probably why the Jags player wouldn't elaborate. Maybe he made a one-off comment when he was angry with Richie, didn't realize it would blow up like it did, realized that it didn't warrant such a firestorm, wouldn't say more about it but felt sort of trapped, and now talked it out in person and moved on.


Not everything has to be career ending. Sometimes people (Richie in this case) say stupid crap in the heat of the moment and sometimes people misunderstand or misconstrue what is going on until cooler heads prevail. The media are the ones who want to make everything into a 72 point font headline.

Edited by TheFunPolice
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8 minutes ago, eball said:


Oh hell, there goes Sully's latest crusade...


Not fair.

Jerry wrote IF an investigation found that Richie made a racial slur, as was alleged, that he should be cut.




ADD: Of note, NFL tells AP that the matter is still being reviewed.

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1 minute ago, john wawrow said:


Not fair.

Jerry wrote IF an investigation found that Richie made a racial slur, as was alleged, that he should be cut.




ADD: Of note, NFL tells AP that the matter is still being reviewed.


Yes, but Jerry wrote that much too quickly after some admittedly very wishy-washy allegations were made -- solely on the basis of Incognito's past and despite the fact he has been a model citizen in Buffalo and his teammate (Dawkins) refuted the claim.  He's paid to write his opinions, I get it, but this was premature.

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16 minutes ago, eball said:


Yes, but Jerry wrote that much too quickly after some admittedly very wishy-washy allegations were made -- solely on the basis of Incognito's past and despite the fact he has been a model citizen in Buffalo and his teammate (Dawkins) refuted the claim.  He's paid to write his opinions, I get it, but this was premature.


No.  Re-read jw's post.


And Dawkins said he didn't hear a slur, not that There was never a slur uttered by RI.

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