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Wanna steal a car?

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Drug addicts are not criminals.  They are sick people that need help, and prosecution all of the thieves might create a disparate racial impact so it makes sense not to pursue these crimes. 


In Chicago you can have your car or contents of your car or your purse or wallet stolen and if you happen to know where those items went and you report to the police where your stuff is, the police will tell you point blank that they aren't going to pursue your property and that you the victim are not to attempt to recover your property.



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Remember NYC was way worse than this until Rudy quickly made it fit for mankind again?

1 minute ago, Cugalabanza said:


Running over the corpse seems excessive to me.  You could get a ticket for that.

You can only deliberately run over 8 people on the bike path before you might get in trouble

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32 minutes ago, /dev/null said:

Does Portland frown upon picking up a hooker, smacking her with a baseball bat, taking my money back, and running over her corpse?


As long as you can claim she's just a friend, and you didn't know she was a hooker, they'll ignore your duffel bag labelled "Prostitute Slaying Kit."

5 minutes ago, Cugalabanza said:


Running over the corpse seems excessive to me.  You could get a ticket for that.


Improper disposition of a body, of course.  Dead hookers belong in shallow graves or in the river.

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5 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


As long as you can claim she's just a friend, and you didn't know she was a hooker, they'll ignore your duffel bag labelled "Prostitute Slaying Kit."


Improper disposition of a body, of course.  Dead hookers belong in shallow graves or in the river.

I don't know anything about a "Prostitute Slaying Kit" but I do tend to travel light.  Just a silenced pistol or desert eagle coupled with an assault rifle, shotgun, or sniper rifle

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Cars go missing from every neighborhood in Portland. They are stolen when people leave them warming up in the driveway or leave the keys inside when they grab a coffee at the gas station. 


Looks like Portland also ranks highest in dumbasses per capita too. 

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10 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


Looks like Portland also ranks highest in dumbasses per capita too. 


This is the same state where people are too stupid to pump their own gas.

Don't blame these criminals, they are just using the "Hilary" defense; it's not illegal if you don't know it's a crime.  And the courts in Oregon agree.


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