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Jacksonville was "Jumpin"

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I was there at ground zero and it was the most insane thing ever- and I have seen it all with Bills fans both home and away. 


People were just jumping into piles of broken tables. As my buddy (who happens to be an ER doc) and I walking by the death trap that people were jumping into, we moved so many jagged legs to do our part to avoid some of these fools from literally getting impaled. I feel like the table thing this is a stupid barstool manifestation and until they stop running videos our younger fans (and some dumb old ones) are going to continue to do the dance with Darwinism. The thing is they won’t and the cycle will continue. 


I will say, I was absolutely shocked that the lot that we were all in had literally no security or police presence at all. None. It was like Jax made a continue decision to just let us riot and kill oursleves rather than attempt to stop it from happening. 

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The lot looked like it was a landfill afterwards. Bills fans so used to simply leaving bottles and cans out for homeless to claim. Trash everywhere though because they provided no dumpsters or cans or any devices to even put trash. 


It's going to be hilarious seeing the fallout from how poorly planned they were. Bars shut down early, police called everywhere. 


I don't see how that **** hole hosts SEC games. It was gross 

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1 hour ago, DriveFor1Outta5 said:

Nope, it will continue as long as kids can be covered under parents health insurance until 26. 

I hear some ins companies are adding new exclusions to add to:


Sky Diving.

Mt. Climbing.

BASE jumping.

Zip Lining.

Auto racing.

Boat racing.

Bungee jumping.

Stunt person.


and the new additions?

Bills Mafia membership.

Table Jumping.....LOL

Edited by cba fan
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