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The new item all Libitards should have.

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FOXBlocker is an innovative new product that filters out the FOX News network. Simply screw the filter into the back of your TV and never be exposed to right wing propaganda again (at least through FOX News). Using a proprietary technology, the FOXBlocker works to filter out FOX News from your cable lineup.









The scary part is, people will buy this :lol:;):lol::lol:

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Tell that to the Conservative FCC thought police, who think that showing side-al nudity could start mass orgies in the streets.


I'm having a great time listening to the local conservatives trying to justify this bull sh--. Ever heard of the v-chip, retards?

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I'm having a great time listening to the local conservatives trying to justify this bull sh--.  Ever heard of the v-chip, retards?



OR choice. Or for kids, parenting.


I recently heard a mom say that she couldn't afford a V-chip TV (BS), and she couldn't watch their kid all the time. I said to her, "Why not throw out your TV?" She looked like she saw a dog talk.

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That question would probably be better posed to someone like Stojan...


I'm sure that while you guys have been hoarding guns in preparation for the next great catastrophe, he's been doing the same with his porn stash. So as long as the lights stay on he can stay busy 24-7.

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