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OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?



He's right. If we cut the fat, we still have high taxes which scare away businesses. I think they should cut so much fat that they can lower taxes and encourage businesses to come here.

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Check out the site:




And message board (where i just replied to some person who said we should get rid of the Bills):






The Free Buffalo campaign sounded good.


Read his grand plan, though, and there is very little hope of this group accomplishing anything to help Buffalo in the foreseeable future.


Attempting to turn the political landscape at the national, state and local levels upside down may be noble, but is just a bit unrealistic.


but he got his name out there, so he probably accomplished one his own objectives.

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Is this the Gorski of World University Games fame? The one who left a bill on the table after the proceedings had ended?


During Gorski's adminstration, as I was told, High End furniture was bought for the juvenile detention center. Nobody knows what happened to it? Anybody??



Waste, it all adds up.

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He's right. If we cut the fat, we still have high taxes which scare away businesses. I think they should cut so much fat that they can lower taxes and encourage businesses to come here.



why would you want businesses to go to WNY? They pollute the environment and exploit the workers. They suck up all the tax money in corporate welfare.


Buffalo is much better off w/o them. The government is thriving there, so I see no need to spoil a good thing.

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The group's credo is: "Free Buffalo from big government, political machines and special interests - because 45 straight years of economic and cultural decline are enough!"


I can appreciate what they're trying to do, but can't anybody come up with a catchier slogan than that?

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