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Let's get a good ol' fashion lynch mob together with pitchforks and flaming sticks and run to city hall and the Erie County building and just clean house...


Like in Gangs of New York...except we won't be ripping anyone's ears off or anything like that...

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Another meeting in O.P.? Perhaps the Ralph Wilson Field House?

On a side note, now a Channel 2 reporter Scott Brown, was a insider of former county Executive Dennis Gorski regime. I have E-mailed channel 2 many times about some over spending that happen and we are still paying for during the D.G regime....I'm still waiting for a reply or seeing a story about it.

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Hope they stand a chance....they need a LOT of support...





Pretty cool! It tells you something when residents are pissed off enough to shake off complacency and boot the local government.


IMHO, Buffalo government has tried to keep things "just good enough" so that something like this doesn't happen. Too late for that. The ratio of county employees to citizens is amazing! How could they get away with something like that?

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Another meeting in O.P.? Perhaps the Ralph Wilson Field House?

On a side note, now a Channel 2 reporter Scott Brown, was a insider of former county Executive Dennis Gorski regime. I have E-mailed channel 2 many times about some over spending that happen and we are still paying for during the D.G regime....I'm still waiting for a reply or seeing a story about it.



Are you kidding me? I would give my left nut to have Gorski back over Giambra. Giambra single-handedly brought this county down to its knees. Giambra dropped his entire platform which helped him get elected. The guy is a joke ... as are most of the WNY politicians. Time to clean house is right!

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OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?

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OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?



Driver/body guard?? Are you sure??? Check your facts or change has to had.

I would say that WBEN's Tom B and Sandy B

were the ones who got the ball rolling.

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Are you kidding me? I would give my left nut to have Gorski back over Giambra. Giambra single-handedly brought this county down to its knees. Giambra dropped his entire platform which helped him get elected. The guy is a joke ... as are most of the WNY politicians. Time to clean house is right!


Oh Lizard Man, let the roads and bridges fall apart. He also let the parks fall apart.

Giambra spent the money to fix up both. Gorski kept jobs on the rolls with nobodies in them and his tax rate......

I'm not a big fan of either. But Gorski????

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OK, the guy who started this movement is pissed off because the county pulled the funding on his kids baseball league....but at the same time he wants to CUT TAXES?


I am no economist, but that logic confuses me.


I agree there is plenty of waste and political patronage and that should be dealt with, ut this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too


By the way, did you know Giabra has a full time driver/body guard?

Driver/body guard?? Are you sure??? Check your facts or change has to had.

I would say that WBEN's Tom B and Sandy B

were the ones who got the ball rolling.



Rumor has it he has a retired jail guard on the payroll for 35 grand carting him around in a county owned car. His excuse is that he needs somebody to drive him because he can't drive and talk on a cell phone

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Lazy, complacent citizens.



Almost have to agree. As far as the economy goes up there, the job market must not be the thing hurting too bad. I am not even going to be in Buffalo until April 17th (I am leaving Florida April 15th) and I already have 3 job offers within the limits of what you would consider "Western New York", one of them right in Downtown Buffalo. Two of them are making close to or equal what I make now (which converted from West Palm Beach Dollars to WNY dollars is remarkable). Another is slightly lower, but I might actually take that one as it is closer to where I will be living, and the company is great. My point is, anyone bitching about the economy can't be too hard on the employment factor. I doubt "I'm just lucky", I have a feeling some people just like to B word and moan.

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Let's get a good ol' fashion lynch mob together with pitchforks and flaming sticks and run to city hall and the Erie County building and just clean house...


Like in Gangs of New York...except we won't be ripping anyone's ears off or anything like that...




Long overdue......take down the Giambra crime family.....the Erie County Legislature.....the Commie Council......ears and noses should still be the trophies of the day.



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Are you kidding me? I would give my left nut to have Gorski back over Giambra. Giambra single-handedly brought this county down to its knees. Giambra dropped his entire platform which helped him get elected. The guy is a joke ... as are most of the WNY politicians. Time to clean house is right!


Oh Lizard Man, let the roads and bridges fall apart. He also let the parks fall apart.

Giambra spent the money to fix up both. Gorski kept jobs on the rolls with nobodies in them and his tax rate......

I'm not a big fan of either. But Gorski????




Is this the Gorski of World University Games fame? The one who left a bill on the table after the proceedings had ended?




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Down here in the south youth sports are run on their own. Only fields are provided by the county to some for use, but the league and teams are on their own, many soccer and baseball (little League) own their own property and run themselves as 501 c3 corps.....hint, hint, hint.....don't get pissed off about a county pulling teams, work for a solution....It's always about total control, all or nothing, and that won't work, if the folks up north dont figure out a way to work together all will fail. Be careful SWers many of these folks want the Bills to go away, because like the youth sports team mentioned in the article, they won't look at the big picture.


Erie County needs to clean house and also send real representation to Albany, if these organizers can do that great, cut all the fat, eliminate patronage, but if they want to play poker with Ralph Wilson they will lose, Buffalo will lose, Erie county will lose, Western NY will lose and Bills fans everywhere will lose.

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