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Tequila, takilled'em

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Just for reference, there are aprox. 33 shots in a liter (if he was doing 1 ounce shots, which i will assume he was, this being a contest and all). That means this SOB drank a full bottle of Tequila, Then drank more than half of another bottle. I know, I know, this is simple math but just think about that. I mean, back in college, I could drink a 12 pack before going out, and then have 6 - 8 shots and a few drinks out, but that during the entire couse of a night, and that's a very rare, very drunken 'special' occasion. And him being mexican, I am doubting he is as big as me. That might be a steretype, but man, living in South Florida, I see my fair are of Mexicans, and a good 80% of them are below 5'5. Some are so short I feel weird standing next to them. They are just over midget status.

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Anyone else gotten really smashed on tequila and now you can't even smell it without getting sick. That's me.



Yes sir...New Years Eve 1999 (going into 2000). My best friend and I drank a bottle each as we talked about how great college was going to be (this was our senior year). I threw up so hard that night that I couldn't speak 2 days later because my throat was so sore.


The thought sickens me.

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Yes sir...New Years Eve 1999 (going into 2000).  My best friend and I drank a bottle each as we talked about how great college was going to be (this was our senior year).  I threw up so hard that night that I couldn't speak 2 days later because my throat was so sore.


The thought sickens me.



Only one way to get over that. Buck up and drink a shot one night. It won't kill ya :lol: You shouldn't go the rest of your life without being able to sip some Patron Anejo...

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Tequilla is the only alcohol that is categorized as a stimulant and not a depressant.


I didn't know that, but it makes sense because in college it was my alcohol of choice when I wasn't drinking beer strictly because I could drink it all day and still chase skirts at night. Try that with vodka, rum, scotch and I'm passed out for days.'


To this day, tequila is my liquor of choice, but it pretty much has to be because you don't tailgate at a Jimmy Buffet concert drinking screwdrivers.

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Well, maybe at this years tailgate we can try to beat the record !!!  I think some people came up just short last year, but with 10,000 pesos on the line, we may have some more competition.




i promise you if we had a tequila shots contest, njsue would win it going away...and i don't say that to slam her- she told me she could trade tequila shots with anyone, and i for one, believe her.


(then after she won, she would smash the bottle over one of you !@#$ers' heads!)

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i promise you if we had a tequila shots contest, njsue would win it going away...and i don't say that to slam her- she told me she could trade shots with anyone, and i for one, believe her.


(then after she won, she would smash the bottle over one of you !@#$ers' heads!)




Pay per view would sell out for that contest.

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