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It just came to me, NFL.com site really sucks!

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It's my work PC, can't do alot about that.





Holy crap, it's your PC at work?


Tell your IT guys that they are all fired. (I don't know if you actually HAVE the authority to fire your IT department, but someone needs to! <_< )

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My daughter was monkeying around on the home computer on Saturday night and I heard the infamous "Uh oh". I thought she had accidently loaded in some spyware so I went through the usual routines to get it out because we were being bombarded with pop ups.


I did the full scan with Norton, did the Adware scan, did the Microsoft Antispyware scan. Looked good. So, I go and plug back in to the internet and this time I get an error message from Norton saying we have a Trojan.startpage virus. Well 10 hours later I still couldn't figure out how to clean this virus out....


So, I come to work today all in a tizzy and get on symantec.com and find out that Norton can't scan some of the files in Windows because Windows blocks it out. Unfortunately this is where this virus gets in to. So now I've got to go and monkey with it again today. But, this time I have instructions!!!!


Damn kids....



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