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All Time Worst Bills Coach


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Assistants are also fair game -- I know that they don't get as much press, but we've had some bad position coaches & coordinators.


You might have to put down several as they were bad for differing reasons and you can't just narrow it down.


I'll weigh in my thoughts after a while if this thread generates any discussion.

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Hank "Mr. Malaprop" Bullough. "They took the sails out of our wind today."


Going from Hank to Marv must have set some kind of record as far as the greatest IQ jump between coaches in history.

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those tools between knox and levy?  stevenson and bulough (sic).


Kay Stephenson was not a bad coach. When Ground Chuck quit to go to Seattle, you could see the writing on the wall. All the old veterans Knox brought with him to Buffalo had retired, Fergy was at the end of his useful career, and Ralph (at the time) was still a cheap bastard. One wonders how Kay might have done if Ralph had signed Jim Kelly in 1983.


Now Hank, he was a bad coach.

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I know I'm making too many posts in this thread, but you know, we've had some really good coaches here -- Lou Saban, Chuck Knox, Marv Levy -- and some really bad ones -- John Rauch, Harvey Johnson, Jim Ringo, Hank Bullough, Gregg Williams. We haven't had very many "just mediocre" coaches. :D

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With that high IQ, you'd think Marv would have at least learned to manage the clock(see SB 25).


And how did Hank Bullough do in the many playoff games he coached in Buffalo? :D

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Assistants are also fair game -- I know that they don't get as much press, but we've had some bad position coaches & coordinators.


You might have to put down several as they were bad for differing reasons and you can't just narrow it down.


I'll weigh in my thoughts after a while if this thread generates any discussion.



In the spirit of the worst starting QB thread? Does that mean this will turn into a debate that has nothing to do with the thread topic but instead about someone's avatar?

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Since the "golden era" began in the late 80s when Ralph changed his payment investment strategy and laid out the big bucks for Bruce Smith and under the guidance of Bill Polian and he scouting of John Butler, my nominee for the worst coaching hire was the stupidity of Marv in hiring Chuck Dickerson as an AC.


Not only did Dickerson have a horrible record of coaching Ds in college which had been rolled over time after time by opponents which establishes it as a dumb hiring by Levy, but Dickerson went beyond being a bad Xs and Os AC to then so alienate the guy who hired him that Levy fired him, but he then went beyond the field to sale his wares at GR and proceeded to not only make give godawful bad advice (who can forget his deciding the Corey Louchiey was the answer to the Bills LT problems) but he then proceeded to impact play on the field by launching a crusade against Glenn Parker (not a great player, but not the key to the Bills problems) and in fact drove Parker out of town to create room for Louchiey who promptly showed nothing. Parker as it happened though bad was actually coachable by a real AC and played a critical role his helping his new employers get to the SB.


There are bad ACs all over the place, but Dickerson gets my vote because not only did he hurt the team on the field, but established a persona off the field on GR where he lauched jihads which made him a few bucks. but in the end hurt the team's play.

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Since the "golden era" began in the late 80s when Ralph changed his payment investment strategy and laid out the big bucks for Bruce Smith and under the guidance of Bill Polian and he scouting of John Butler, my nominee for the worst coaching hire was the stupidity of Marv in hiring Chuck Dickerson as an AC.


Not only did Dickerson have a horrible record of coaching Ds in college which had been rolled over time after time by opponents which establishes it as a dumb hiring by Levy, but Dickerson went beyond being a bad Xs and Os AC to then so alienate the guy who hired him that Levy fired him, but he then went beyond the field to sale his wares at GR and proceeded to not only make give godawful bad advice (who can forget his deciding the Corey Louchiey was the answer to the Bills LT problems) but he then proceeded to impact play on the field by launching a crusade against Glenn Parker (not a great player, but not the key to the Bills problems) and in fact drove Parker out of town to create room for Louchiey who promptly showed nothing.  Parker as it happened though bad was actually coachable by a real AC and played a critical role his helping his new employers get to the SB.


There are bad ACs all over the place, but Dickerson gets my vote because not only did he hurt the team on the field, but established a persona off the field on GR where he lauched jihads which made him a few bucks. but in the end hurt the team's play.



Didn't Dickerson insult the Redskins OL before Super Bowl XXVI? I mean, is it really that good of an idea to give bulletin board material right before the big game?

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There are bad ACs all over the place, but Dickerson gets my vote because not only did he hurt the team on the field, but established a persona off the field on GR where he lauched jihads which made him a few bucks. but in the end hurt the team's play.



Who loves ya baby! <_<

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