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(OT) should this have ticked me off??


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ROFLMAO  dude, that was friggin funny.


The Fireman comment was in reference to a thread a while back.


I'm Cryin in my pepsi now from laughing so hard. Need to clean my monitor too...



Ah, so I'm not stupid. I'm usually astute to stuff like that but this time I felt like a kid that had a Kick Me sign on his back and didn't even know it.

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This is definitely an Option A thing, but in the manner KRC suggests, do it with a nicest of sarcasm.


While you're pushing the cart behind their vehicle, start yelling, "Woah, woah...excuse me, good neighbor, but you seem to have forgotten to return your cart. Sorry my car got in the way. Here's your cart."


The reason people go through this world like they created it is because too many others go through this world letting them for the sake of 'avoiding confrontation.' Make them accountable, dammit, and give the guy a story to tell later.


"So this guy was giving me crap at WalMart because I put my shopping cart cart behind his car." That allows the majority of the world to say "You dumbass, why would you put it there?"

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I'd at least have said something to him. Make him feel like a jerk. My girlfriend gets on my case about confronting people like him...but as one poster said, most people will continue their behavior until someone calls them on it. And unfortunately America has become a nation of bystanders. No need to escalate to violence...unless you enjoy that kind of thing, but remember most people are programmed to respond to reward/punishment, or in other words, "the person who coined the phrase, "violence doesn't solve anything," never got the living stojan beat out of them."

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Assuming you were the bigger person you should have:


Dragged him out of his vehicle, stuffed his a$$ in the cart, and pushed it as hard as possible into the corral. Then he really would have something to remember.

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i was comming out of a walmart walking to my car. the guy parked next to me was unloading his bags in to his car. (i could see him from a distance as i walked up) then when he finished, insted of taking the cart to the "cart holder" whatever you call those things in the parking lot that people take there carts to when they are done using them.....


this son of a B word puts the cart RIGHT BEHIND MY CAR. not next to my car, or near by, but right behind it. almost toughing my bumper..


so i walk up to my car and see the 3 people in the car about to leave (1 guy 2 girls, in a beat down car) and i have 2 options..


option A:

move the cart to right behind there car. (thus causing confuntation  :D )


option B:

move the car behind the car on the other side of me... <_<


B-)  :doh:


i pussied out. but now ill be pissed off all day.  :D




If this is the type of thing that effs up your whole day, then you need to thank God for the easy life you live

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I used to try and educate people until three separate incidents convinced me it is not worth it.


1) A guy in a tow truck chased me all over LA in a tow truck over a minor traffic thing. I tailgated to close in his opinion I guess. I didn't get out to discuss. He looked like Randall Tex Cobb's bigger and uglier brother.


2) I honked my horn at a car waiting ahead of me when the light tuurned green. He got out of his car, I got out my car with a baseball bat and stared him down. He got back in his car.


3) A friend of mine had a gun pulled out and pointed at her for honking her horn a car in front of her.


I came to the conclusion, people are crazy and it is not my job to educate them about proper edicate or driving practices.

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