Nick the Greek Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 I can’t stand Clay Matthews in those State Farm ads. Yea, I like seeing him played like a fool.
LEBills Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 (edited) Cam gets a lot of hate. He is a great player and one of the most fun to watch in the NFL. Not your traditional QB but man is he successful as part of that team. and that pre snap jawing was hilarious Edited December 18, 2017 by LEBills 5
BuffaloBill Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 It’s amazing how clearly you could hear all of that.
ProcessTheTrust Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 I can't wait till the day they realize we want to hear the on field banter all day. Show replays on a cable channel with a TV-MA and let's go! 1
K D Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 Even after they called the play the wheel route would have been wide open. Nobody in the corner of the endzone. Nobody even covered the RB at all so fake it or not he was going to be open. Nice defense Packers
boyst Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 And people wonder why Newton gets smacked around so much. What an arrogant little bastard who can't reap what he sows. 1
Teddy KGB Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 1 minute ago, Boyst62 said: And people wonder why Newton gets smacked around so much. What an arrogant little bastard who can't reap what he sows. Hes an mvp. You post on message boards Cam wins. 7 7 2
boyst Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 Just now, Air it out Fitzy said: Hes an mvp. You post on message boards Cam wins. I've won as many rings as Newton. No on wins.
Avisan Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 I LOVED the player camera/player mics in this game. Seeing the human side of players and plays adds so much to it. Greg Olsen just being a BAMF veteran the whole time was so cool, and the Byrd catch/challenge process was hilarious.
Matt_In_NH Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 1 hour ago, ProcessTheTrust said: I can't wait till the day they realize we want to hear the on field banter all day. Show replays on a cable channel with a TV-MA and let's go! Here is what will happen and maybe sooner than people realize. You put on a virtual reality helmet and are able to positions yourself in various areas in the stands and see what a guy in the font row is seeing, 20 yard line, 50 yard line, you can move around ever play, even on the sideline or on the field as the ref. This will happen because the technology is there and there is money to be made from it. 2
ProcessTheTrust Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 14 minutes ago, mattynh said: Here is what will happen and maybe sooner than people realize. You put on a virtual reality helmet and are able to positions yourself in various areas in the stands and see what a guy in the font row is seeing, 20 yard line, 50 yard line, you can move around ever play, even on the sideline or on the field as the ref. This will happen because the technology is there and there is money to be made from it. That would be incredible! Wonder even when the tech is ready if the league will fight it because it will deter people from coming to games. Not that anything can replace the electricity of being there, but something like this might make it harder to leave the house!
sodbuster Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 (edited) 23 minutes ago, mattynh said: Here is what will happen and maybe sooner than people realize. You put on a virtual reality helmet and are able to positions yourself in various areas in the stands and see what a guy in the font row is seeing, 20 yard line, 50 yard line, you can move around ever play, even on the sideline or on the field as the ref. This will happen because the technology is there and there is money to be made from it. I simply want a channel broadcasting an all 22 angle with ambient noise. Edited December 18, 2017 by sodbuster 1
DrDawkinstein Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 Awesome moment for football, right there.
Buffalo Boy Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 Typical Rising to the occasion Cam. Tell him he isn’t A Rogers and he plays out. A little like Thurman used to be....,
zonabb Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 6 hours ago, Boyst62 said: And people wonder why Newton gets smacked around so much. What an arrogant little bastard who can't reap what he sows. He gets "smacked" around because he runs around, is big, and, oh wait, it's football, not paddy cakes. Or, would you prefer the black quarterback shut his mouth when the white linebacker speaks? Think he's the only QB who talks sh!t? I bet you applauded the "guts" and "grit" and "heroism" when Hasselback elected to "take the ball and we're gonna score." But man, you proudly bring your "red state" "confederate" political views and comments here that you think no one will see as thinly veiled Fox News racism, nationalism, and conspiracy theory (see: we have no real proof so let's make it up). From your nonsense about Mueller's credibility to this, it's pretty pathetic that your fandom and sports have to also be tainted and viewed through a Sean Hannity lens. 3 3 3
boyst Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 19 minutes ago, zonabb said: He gets "smacked" around because he runs around, is big, and, oh wait, it's football, not paddy cakes. Or, would you prefer the black quarterback shut his mouth when the white linebacker speaks? Think he's the only QB who talks sh!t? I bet you applauded the "guts" and "grit" and "heroism" when Hasselback elected to "take the ball and we're gonna score." But man, you proudly bring your "red state" "confederate" political views and comments here that you think no one will see as thinly veiled Fox News racism, nationalism, and conspiracy theory (see: we have no real proof so let's make it up). From your nonsense about Mueller's credibility to this, it's pretty pathetic that your fandom and sports have to also be tainted and viewed through a Sean Hannity lens. Hahahahahahahajahajajahajajajajajahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahaohmygodhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahshshhshshshshahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahmysidesjahahahahahajahahahajajahahahahahahahahahahahahahjsjshshshshaahhaahmananamammamamamamamamamamnaannaajajhhwhwhahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahisthisreallifejahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahmurica
DC Tom Posted December 18, 2017 Posted December 18, 2017 33 minutes ago, zonabb said: He gets "smacked" around because he runs around, is big, and, oh wait, it's football, not paddy cakes. Or, would you prefer the black quarterback shut his mouth when the white linebacker speaks? Think he's the only QB who talks sh!t? I bet you applauded the "guts" and "grit" and "heroism" when Hasselback elected to "take the ball and we're gonna score." But man, you proudly bring your "red state" "confederate" political views and comments here that you think no one will see as thinly veiled Fox News racism, nationalism, and conspiracy theory (see: we have no real proof so let's make it up). From your nonsense about Mueller's credibility to this, it's pretty pathetic that your fandom and sports have to also be tainted and viewed through a Sean Hannity lens. Cam Newton's job is nothing more than performing hard physical labor for the benefit of his owner. And you're actually supporting that? 1
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